In your opinion, which faction is the balance most biased towards?

Ideal balance would mean the game feels fair and fun to play - not necessarily both sides have the equivalent win ratio, but win or lose you enjoyed it, and neither side feels like a punching bag nor like being coddled; the game is unbiased.

If a faction is unfairly biased, then it feels like matchups are often not fun to play out at all, with one player or team needing to do everything right, while the other can fumble and stumble and win anyway.

In your opinion, which faction is the balance most biased towards?
  • Unsure / Need more experience to decide
  • Xenos have a significant unfair bias
  • Xenos have a slight bias
  • The game is well-balanced, unbiased, and fun for both Xenos and Marines
  • Marines have a slight bias
  • Marines have a significant unfair bias
0 voters

Edit: Not sure if I set this up right, but the poll shouldn’t reveal votes until about a week and a half from now (July 29th), at which point it will be closed and I’m pretty sure you won’t be able to vote in it anymore but we’ll get the results.

Ideal balance is the game is xeno-sided slightly with a emphasis that Marine victories should be well earned; the game should ideally be at its best when there is continual pressure on Marines.

The last time the win-rates were released it showed a 60/40 xeno-sided victory rate.

Didn’t that rely on a lot of Xeno minors (who most players count as marine victories)? @SubjectD9341 didn’t you have some sort of chart on this?

Last I recall it was something like 40% marine major, 40% to 45% xeno major and 10% xeno minor.

I don’t know the numbers specifically, and they might be outdated now. So I won’t throw my hat in the ring until some actual numbers arrive.

For predators.


Numbers were released on June 4th by Drathek on discord.

370 Marine Major, 366 Xenomorph Major, 0 Marine Minor, 92 Xenomorph Minor, 21 Draw.

Self destruct is a draw meaning that xenomorphs won groundside, so overall I would say that xenos had a 56.4% win rate at the time. :nerd_face:

Edit: The numbers were for the previous 60 days.

I kinda doubt that marines didn’t get nuke once in 60 days, escpecially when I’ve had it 5 days In a row early June.

Nuke groundside is a marine major which they got plenty of times, nuke shipside is a draw which they got 21 times.

Since when did nuke count as a marine major? Always thought it was a minor.

The nuke itself going off doesn’t trigger the end of the round in my experience, it goes through the regular ARES all clear and ends normally in 3 minutes with a marine major.

Huh, that’s cringe.

I’m doubting myself now though, maybe it does end right away with a marine major :man_shrugging:

Nuke is instant win after decryption and on maps where there is fixed comm locations (LV 42) If marines get engineering and north lz2, they easily win.

King is not instant and xenos still have to hijack.

Marines get stims, revives and xenos cant camp dead marines.
If a xeno dies? Its gone. Dead. Banished to a potential 20+ player queue


Marines also have a lot of bullshit mechanics such as HPR bipod (insane DPS), UBS/UBF meta (bypasses firedelay), pistols (insane DPS), AMR (iff off screen stun and slow lol), IFF stacking in general, m46c and many more.

Meanwhile poor xenos only have vamp. Well, and bullshit remote building.

Overall xenos are way better balanced than marines, while marines have a lot of powercreep, oversightes imbas, etc. It’s also a lot easier to pass through a buff for marines than for xenos, just trust me, a contributor who made dozens of PRs for both sides. So the bias is real, even if unintentional.


Theres also the fact that in terms on players, marine mains outnumber xenoes 4 to 1. So when something badly affects xenoes, but favours marines, then you get one person complaining, while 4 people go “Lol mad” or something similar.

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It is a minor and should be

It’s admitting marines can’t win

(Also to not cause 4 hour slop rounds)

Yeah, thats what i thought. So when did maints start recognizing nuke as as major?

Since we started stealing the Xeno copium supply duh.

Yeah as of the groundside nuke on 23147 this is definitely how it worked. I don’t believe the game differentiates, it just detects all xenos dead and ends it as a major after the all clear delay, like usual.

Also as for the vote, I didn’t vote, it’s hard to say when PRs are constantly shifting the balance slightly. But I don’t think either side has a significant imbalance - significant meaning one side has a, uhh, 70%+ winrate.