ingwe - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - steelpoint

ingwe - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - steelpoint

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Ingwe “Chaplain” Styles

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

During the late stage of the round, a random mortar round landed near my me which made me deafen, near crit and the cades melted away. So I retaliated mortar operator with a single M39 burst which I got noted for.
Note | Rule 10 Lethal Force | Player fired three SMG rounds at a Squad Leader who was manning the mortar. Player stated it was in retaliation for the SL firing a mortar that hit friendlies. Noted to player they have to follow escalation. by steelpoint (SeniorMod) on 2024-03-26 14:21:26 (ID: 21476)


Logs since I don’t record.
During the conversation with steelpoint, they failed to enlighten to me why getting shot at by mortar round either:
A. Not constitute enough of IC reasons for me to retaliate mortar operator with 1 burst from smg.
B. Mortar round doesn’t count as lethal weapon therefore I broke the escalation rules.


I received an ahelp regarding a Marine having been shot by another Marine before having insults thrown at them. I investigated and ascertained that what had happened is that this Marine had fired a mortar round that had struck some friendly Marines, then one of these Marines, the OP, went to the FOB, found the Mortar Marine, and fired off a burst from their SMG while insulting them.

I contacted the OP and explained to them that they must follow escalation when confronting another human character, and that being struck by a mortar does not post-facto justify attacking the mortar operator without having to follow escalation, especially since in this scenario it did not appear the operator was griefing.

I indicated to the OP my reasoning, after which they ceased communicating ergo I resolved the ticket after giving them some time to send any response.

The OP contacted me via discord wherein I reiterated my reasoning, I stated that their best course of action would be to lodge a staff report if they believed my conduct was subpar or interpretation of the rules and procedures was not applied correctly.

I was having irl stuffs at that moment so I have to go as soon as the note was applied, that part was my bad.

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Added report:needverdict and removed report:pendinglogs

Having check the combat logs on this:

The gap between you getting hit and shooting the guy on the mortar was long enough for escalation to reset. Getting hit doesn’t give you a free pass to shoot them next time you see them.

Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict