Who am i? well i am Keith ‘Chimp’ Juarez lover of the blessed m2c and just a lowly silver medic. but don’t let this dissuade you as i have good deal of hours in Doctor and Researcher. so i am no slouch when it come to Surgery.
Internal bleeding is a status effect you can get on any part of your body that will cause continuous loss of blood until you die or have it fixed.
What can cause it?
- Being hit when you have extreme amounts of brute damage.
- walking with unsplinted fractures or shrapnel still in your body.
- Armor piercing attacks (but thats from the wiki so take with a grain of salt)
When you have internal bleeding and die seeing how your heart has stopped the blood loss will stop until you are defibbed.
Its simple really, start by making sure you are on green help intent! than using your trusty Health Analyzer to find the limb and than target the limb with the internal bleeding. Take off the their armor if its on chest, groin arms or legs. it its on the head take off their helmet. if its on there hands or feet there is no need to strip. Give your patient Tramadol or Oxycodone strap them to roller bed or have them lay down, than use your surgical kit in this order.
See its simple!
Now that you know the basics lets go over how to do it even faster!
First of all toss out that Hemostat its nothing but waste of space really!
The use of the Hemostat only lessens the amount of blood loss that happens in Surgery. Which in the grand schemes it not worth the loss of time. so you can just skip over that step!
The next think you want to do is get your hands on a Fix-O-Vein
This much faster at mending the vein than the use of the Surgical Line
you can get your self Fix-O-vein from your corpsman supply vender for low low price of 7 points. it well worth it i assure you!
Next you want to try and get your hands on some Cautery
To get your Cautery you can ask for the lab that just up the ladder of medbay to print one out for you!
Now on to the order Surgery!
This is the fastest way, But its more risky, as it may cause a frac if the limb has to much damage. The key matter is to on the second step to use the scalpel again on Blue push intent, than return to green help for the rest of the steps.
This is many times faster than doing it the traditional way! if you want to speed it up even more ask the medbay if you may take a SurgicalBed from the operating room!
Making use of a SurgicalBed instead of rollerbed cuts off good bit of time from the operation. but it may not be worth the space taken out of your kit!
Still if you plan things right and toss out the Cautery and op for the more risky method. you can fit every thing you need in the Surgery kit, that being Fix-O-vein, Surgery line, Scalpel this should leave you with space to tuck away a SurgicalBed easily.
Many of times your patient will have lost a good deal of blood, Here is few ways to fix that!
- Feeding them Iron pills the OD of iron is 30 units. you can get this from the chem line in the medbay just ask for iron or FE. Most pill bottles will be made in 15u pills.
- Using the O- blood bags that comes in your essential medical supplies! just hold it in your hand and click on your patient!
- Feeding them FOOD yup. just feed your patient a MRE or any food you can find. you also can just tell them to go find food them self too. This is generally the best way to refill small amounts of blood loss.
One thing to note Iron or any kind of natural form of blood replacement will take up nutrition. which means that your patient will likely get hungry, So for any kind of blood loss best have them fed.
Courtesy to JayJohnson.
First of all you can not do any kind of Surgery on the dropships! so if you must do Surgery always walk off the Alamo or Normandy before you start work on your patient! you can not believe just how many docs and medics who don’t know about this.
Next of all is not respliting the limb after fixing the internal bleeding. unless you take off the split it can and will be cut off when you are doing your Surgery. so if the limb that you fixed the internal bleeding on has frac always make sure its got split on it.
third thing is always check that you did in fact fix the internal bleeding. The last step of closing the incision can take long time. so some times you think its done only for you to move and interrupt the last seconds of the work.
Last of all if you some how lost a tool check the striped armor for it, or if you were on harm intent and you shanked the patient and you lost your Scalpel. try right clicking on your patient and select yank out object with a empty hand.
you also can’t do Surgery in water. courtesy to Gentlefood for pointing that out i forgot all about that.
One more pit fall that many medics fall for is defibbing a body with IB than fixing it. many of time its better to fix the IB first than defibbing. This is because as long as the body is dead and the heart is stopped they won’t loss any blood. but do note this should only be done on green line bodies with less then 250 damage. better yet get the damage down to 200 than start to fix the IB.
Courtesy to tallerfission for pointing this out.
Now lets say you are strapped on space well than you can fix IB with nothing but a boot knife and surgical line.
its simple as.
you can also do the speedy but risky method too.
now is this method good? not really, but as IB is relatively rare it may be worth it in end for some.
There is one more method that is both good on space and speed.
This method works well as you can fit Surgical line, Synth Graft and Fix-O-Vein in the Surgery kit.
Now i do hope this little guide has been of use, happy hutting lads! also many thanks to the many medics in the replies! (edit: it would have been much worst guide other wise so do give it peruse.)