Internal Damage report for synthetics.

This is a simple visual and audio addition. So basically the idea is that every time a synthetic gets damaged to the point of having parts malfunction they will get audio that says something along the lines of “Warning. Limb has received critical damage. Limb will now malfunction”. If is is severed something like “Warning. Limb has been severed. System efficiency decreased.” and then pop a red window saying something similar at the edge of the screen. Similarly when the synth is in crit, “Warning. Critical damage. System shutdown imminent” with a similar message and when it dies “Warning. System shutdown.” display the message on the synths screen and then make the synth in game say something like “Critical Damage. System Shutdo-w-n-n-n-n-n—”. Think iron mans interface through the suit.
Maybe even add the little body they have in fallout to indicate limb damage at the edge of the screen

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cool idea, only issue; Good luck coding that.

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Yeah but how though

I like the idea. On the other hand your limb can malfunction off six damage or higher. So, it might more annoying then cool.