from my knowledge only admins or mods can activate the thunderdome and be “the gamemaster” with all the powers. Ive seen some admins or what i assume contributors working on PRs testing stuff in thunderdome. So I it possible to ask for permission to use it for merely collecting data for my WIP guide ? or is it too much to ask without being admin, mod, contributor or else ?
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cant you just run a repo and give urself admin powers
Id recommend running a new instance of CM on your computer and do what you gotta do there.
Probably need a specific reason of why you want to test it in a live environment rather than just using your local. But as long as you pester a Maintainer, and they OK it *shrug
Less of a pain in the ass to just set up a private server, unless you want to keep asking permission every time (and likely get denied)
turns our setting private server to test things around was way easier i thought it would me, thanks a lot for suggestion guys and special thanks to unknown920 for linking me a guide for setting one up. cheers!