The only removals that i remember that happened for marines, is the IOs for a little bit, the tank, and the APC. But they all essentially came back, or are comming back.
I sorely miss shaman tbh. It was so fun having an actual support caste that wasn’t drone healing.
Yeah there’s strains and some ablities got removed but never an entire xeno (Except corroder) , vs marines where vehicles were removed and tank came back nerfed, apc isn’t back still, Fatty got removed, IO is a support role more then anything, M2c nearly got removed, Spec kits got removed and there’s probably more i’ve forgot,
Shaman actually got removed pending a rework, and then no one ever finished it, so hopefully one day someone finishes that rework so it can be re-added.
Tank came back the exact same as it was before. The only nerf it got was not being maintained. But lets go over the others. Fatty is now back in the form of an OT missile which is objectivly better. APC got turned into ARC. IO removal was devestating for the 10 IO players we have. Being nearly removed dosn’t mean anything. Specs are better then ever, with an extra one.
But tank can’t have armor on, is now 200 pop only, has lower health, and lost one of it’s guns iirc, Normandy can’t be hit by acid like SADAR can, APC and ARC are completely different as one is an attack vehicle the other is support, and 8 specs are bigger then the current max of five, and also i thought this was about marines not getting anything removed, not they have something LIKE it.
Referring to this one, maybe if someone reworks it it might get added, any way’s i’m going to stop posting in this thread because i don’t want this to turn into 500 pages of back and fourth.
Yeah hopefully one day someone finally makes a shaman rework like what the removal was meant to be for while it was reworked because removing stuff instead of just reworking it to be funny for both sides is bad.
Yet it clearly happens, and is encurraged by both sides. Like how people scream “NERF VAMP/REMOVE VAMP” and how they did the same with shaman, boxer, tank, OT, Lurker, Beheading, anything really. But it only feels like the marine side gets SOMETHING back once something is removed, while xenoes are just stuck with their thing being removed, and get told “Deal with it”. Because again, a lot of the shit that was/is removed on the marine side is actually comming back, with ARC/APC being a discussion on wether its a change or if its a removal and adding. And no, “Removal” of 4 specs isn’t an actual removal. Thats just a numbers change. Might as well call the queen armor nerf a removal.
Okay last post but just to clarify this, it wasn’t 4 spec’s, it was four spec kits, which turned a standard marine into a spec, which is diffrent then there being two specs in a squad which is what it sounds like you’re saying, so it wasn’t like decreasing armor, i just wanted to clarify because it sounds like you think it’s like Foxtrot spec.
So what was it then? Was it something you could buy, find, and/or spawn with? Because it really just sounds like they wanted to decrease the amount of specs from 8 to 4. Also sounds like something that got addapted into foxtrot, where you can just keep on buying specs.
Also i’m pretty sure buying multiple foxtrot specs was removed, it’s similar but not the same as buying foxtrot spec, because foxtrot spec is someone from d chat becoming a spec but Kits were anyone alive could.
It got changed in the same PR that split the spec and normal foxtrot. So in a sense, the kits got converted into the foxtrot, but then nerfed again, since we had a lot of rounds where there were like 4-5 SADARs a match, since foxtrot just kept on being called with a free spec.
Don’t know whether removal is the right answer but something has to change when SADAR’s are consistently having access to maxcap OT rockets from 1st drop. If there was some way to communicate that an OT rocket is loaded to xenos (maybe a seperate rocket launcher with a different coloured sprite idk) that might be better. Similiar issue with OT shells there’s no way of knowing that you actually needed to be running over a screen away.
What a shame. Seems like Drulikar wants to be the anti-orangeman, where said individual was famous for removing stuff from their respective server codebase.
Sometimes you gotta remove something (or suspend it) if shit is beyond repair, or simply nobody is willing to put work to fix it. I agree OT has big issues and CM would be better without it.
The best hotfix I can think off is preventing OT from making rockets, mortars and UGL nades (not sure about flamer, probably too for the sake of consistency).
If you see OT C4/Claymore/Nade you can assume it is full screen fire maxcap explosion and then only get suprised that it is not that powerfull, which fixes the problem of not having valuable information of what marine got untill he unleashes death on you in a blink of an eye.
OT but for armor though? That is some banger idea.