italianmilkman - Discord Ban Appeal

Discord Ban Appeal - italianmilkman

What is your Discord ID?


What is your BYOND key?


Total Ban Duration

Permanent ban on the CM discord and server

Reason for Ban

“Toxicity”-Made some hateful comments towards the coders if memory serves.


I want to sincerely apologize for my previous toxic behavior on this Discord server. I acted, to be frank, like a prick, I got angry over minor things which, at the end of the day were just pixels on a screen. I recognize that my actions were harmful and not in line with the positive and respectful environment we all deserve, I was not constructive with my criticism in any respect and my behaviour was childish. Since then, I have taken the time to reflect and mature, and I am committed to ensuring that my future interactions are constructive and respectful. I deeply regret my past actions and promise to not repeat them.

Kind Regards


Hi italianmilkman, thanks for your appeal.

Sorry for the longer wait, we agreed to unban you and I genuinely forgot to do it.

You should be able to rejoin the discord.

Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting