Jackie Estegado - Player Report: Dip Zitowsky, #3 Dont be a dick

Jackie Estegado - Player Report: Dip Zitowsky, #3 Dont be a dick

What’s your BYOND key?

Jackie Estegado

Round ID:


Your character name:

Arnie Perkins

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Dip Zitowsky

What rule(s) were broken?:

#3 Dont be a dick

Description of the incident:

Made on popular demand, bunch of people on discord were very angry at his behavior anyways.
Dip has been quite profane towards me and apparently to others with no good reason, more of him power tripping on being the “boss” on his dropship as Pilot.

On my incident, he said: “Cycle my dick motherfucker … I do what I want” after I politely asked him to cycle more often.
On another incident involving the SEA @CoreyTori, needlessly called him dipshit for wanting to disarm the claymores that were littering the cockpit.

If any others had interactions with him this round (or I guess from other rounds too) then please post hither.



Hello. I was the CO for this operation and I do want to drop something that wasn’t mentioned here.

The DP decided to act like the “alarm was broken”, and had it constantly turned on blaring for the entirety of the nuclear-segment of the operation. I was getting ready to start giving the last few announcements to tell marines to get on, but the constant blaring was making it VERY confusing for the marines.

I was forced to walk in there, and turn it off myself. Which I did, much to the relief of the forces. They insisted that it was “broken” anyways, and soon as I came back to the nuke, they started it AGAIN. Eventually, they were dragged out forcefully.

I am all for roleplay, and acting as if something is broken if the goal is to make a story. This… This wasn’t the case.

That was clearly disrupting behavior, and just general griefing to get a laugh out for their own good. I do not understand why, ESPECIALLY in a critical moment like a nuke being armed they would decide its “broken” now. It’s just confusing people and getting people upset in an attempt to get a muitny going.

I also want to mention… They had around 7 claymores pointed south of the cockpit. Like they were “hoping” that someone would trip them without an IFF, somehow. This isn’t just “defending” against intruders, it’s just blatantly there to cause chaos.


Hi, I can speak to the second incident while the nuke was planted as I was a ghost who died earlier in the round. First, I’ll say I can confirm everything @NekoSam has said.

It was clear he was purposefully abusing is position as an officer to try to get people to disrespect him by being extremely rude and vulgar to a number of people and basically acting like a caricature of a medieval nobleman towards enlisted characters, including the round’s SEA. This also resulted in him cycling the Alamo right before the nuke was armed, delaying the marine activation of the nuke because of his actions. Normally, I’d just chalked that up to the DP making a mistake but that in combo with how he was using the alarm makes me believe it could be rule 2 and rule 4 violations as well and I believe the investigation should be expanded to look into it.


I do NOT want to turn this into a discussion overall, though I’ll just point out I told the DP to cycle once.

We had more marines slowly moving to the FoB, woundeds and such. Cycling once was appropriate since I wasn’t gonna get the nuke going any time soon while we had people making their way back.

Cycling once was my order, since we had ample time to give so nobody gets nuked limping towards the FOB

This is all from me!


Hey, I was the second DP this round and I’d like to say, he also mused to me in JTAC comms about abandoning the CO to the nuke. He also threatened to shoot me because I only left him 1900 points after I got all my gear and he wanted full sentries.


Hello, I was the SEA that round.

While everything was basically already said here, I do want to note that he did make the enlisted want to murder him. I have never seen a officer before say “I’ll get you for DASO!” so much in the span of five minutes, jesus christ. Every enlisted member that complained to him? DASO. I brought up how stupid it is to have SEVEN LANDMINES in his cockpit? DASO.

His DCC did not help also, basically encouraging and mimicing his behaviour, but this isn’t about him.


was ghosted during this entire incident observing the entire thing happening, i can corroborate pretty much everything said here against the accused. marines were attempting to go in the cockpit themselves and turn the alarm off, the DP drew a gun on them- and like Corey said, threatened to get them for ‘DASO.’ the behavior here as someone playing pilot is pretty egregious


I’m not sure if it was the same round, but I’ve seen this character being quite LRP on comms, especially for an officer role.


Hello, I was the MP that ended up arresting him for Disorderly Conduct.

I can confirm that he was incredibly rude to @CoreyTori calling him names and trying to get him arrested for DASO. He was also inciting a lynch squad on him by insulting everyone present during the arming of the Nuke by insulting them too. Something along the lines of “Enlisted are swine”.

It was the constant turning on of the DS alarm to annoy us that ended up in him being arrested. The first time @NekoSam told him to turn it off to which be kept replying “its broken”. The Major herself went into the cockpit and turned it off, only for it to be turned back on a minute later with the same excuse. He was then kicked out of the cockpit and arrested by myself.


I do believe his Ckey is “Crowleymaxxing”. Dip has a frequent thing of making a scene over not getting GP when he gets put as a riflemen. Crowley did something akin to that in OOC before round starting.

h’okay, i’m not sure if separate rounds count, but pretty much the behavior continues whenever they play DP. feel free to delete this if it’s found irrelevant, but i think compounding the evidence that they need to be jbanned is better. i would prefer not making a separate player report, though.

threatening to get arrested because they can’t fly as gunship pilot and then continuing to curse and swear in all caps in almayer general + at least ~a dozen all caps malding messages in almayer general because they didn’t get GP
according to @CoreyTori hounded and berated a GP yesterday (after the report was already lodged) because they didn’t know everything about the job

spamming ‘hahahaha’ over comms after hitting the alarm again to annoy marines
this shit again
eventually got arrested before first drop even happened
at this rate, this is serial behavior of LRP, griefing and toxicity and completely unfitting of someone who wants to play any sort of dropship role, whether DCC or DP
round ID for this one is 21804


a.) No, it wasn’t, and the marines did not think so either, in fact, they were pretty annoyed.
b.) I was told to “please do” add this to the player report by SmellyHippie, an admin.
c.) Fullest extent would imply you didn’t get arrested and continued to do your job. Instead, it was half-assed because you were malding you didn’t get GP, got arrested, and then- rightfully, were executed by the CO. So yes, it’s relevant to add this to the player report because you shouldn’t be playing Pilot in any capacity.
Flat out lying on your response isn’t a very good look, dude, you spammed the shit out of the alarm and then screamed “it’s broken,” all-caps raged on the ship radio channel, and in general the LRP behavior is egregious. Blaming the SEA is an even worse look, too. Lmao.








Forgot to add these to here.

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wait for someone to resolve the report, please and thank you

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Report Denied. This user has already been banned.


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