joooks - Player Report: Omar 'Tunnel Rat' Whiteman, Rule 2: Roleplay

joooks - Player Report: Omar ‘Tunnel Rat’ Whiteman, Rule 2: Roleplay

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Johanna J. Jaakari

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Omar ‘Tunnel Rat’ Whiteman

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 2: Roleplay

Description of the incident:

A delta smartgunner has evacuated to get surgery after getting a ton of fractures and organ damage. From what I know, it went something like this; The SG declines surgery, calls the CMO a fucker or tells them to fuck off. The CMO requests a DASO charge on him, the warden complies as it’s a officer ordered arrest.

The Delta SL, Omar Whiteman, decides to borderline mutiny me for something I had nothing to do with and refuses to go back fighting unless the SG is relased during a major push that could have won us the round and starts arguing with me on comms. He spent over 10 minutes standing AFK in ETA while the push into the hive failed, resulting in marines losing the round in the end.

EDIT: Not only that, but he has also said several LRP things IC like “MP’s are xeno agents”, which I ahelped and that was handled IIRC. The responding staff didn’t reply to me , just closed the ticket.


Logs will be provided.


Hey there, @joooks!

First of all, when staff marked your ticket, the player you reported went offline so staff couldn’t reach to that player.

I checked the logs and I saw that Omar, with his wordings, refused to follow orders as a Squad Leader with the excuse his Smartgunner was charged and brigged. He also stated that MPs are Xeno agents, which is pretty LRP for a Squad Leader.

This is definitely not a behaviour we would like to see from our Squad Leaders, therefore I will be issuing a Warning for Rule 2. Report is approved.


Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict