Jungle shrapnel vest

So i have been thinking about no armor game play, and having looked into the code i see we have defines for superlight slowdown for armor.

really we got the hazard vest but that just looks flat out terrible on marines. so what if we get some kind of jungle shrapnel vest super lightly armored with only a bit of Bullet armor and a weak lamp. we are always going to have the few no armor marines running around so we may as well give them some stylish drip with a dash of functionality.

flak 1

flak 2

flak 3

Edit: Seem the POs get flak jackets, so guess all we will really have to is give it to the grunts.

Edit:2 seem the POs flak jackets are really just more or less light armor and not really what i am thinking off.


I will still run around shirtless. but good idea an alt version to the external webbing


That’s what’s known as a flak jacket, PO’s have them.


OH ya POs do get flak jackets don’t they… i forgot all about that i don’t play DCC or PO much you see. still i think it will be cool if we can get flak jackets for the grunts as well.

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Gameplay issue. Service jackets were restricted and they only gave you suit slot without slowdown.
Now adding something that gives you pretty much little to no slowdown, protection from sentinel, some damage and fracture protection, light and stuff, well… I don’t think it will fly with devmemes.

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i am not thinking any protection from sents or really even acid for that fact. nor any protection from melee too. what i was thinking was really just a little bit of Bullet armor and thats it, less protection from xenos and more just a bit of protection from FF. Also for the light i am not thinking of a lamp as good as the real armors more along the lines of the headlamps.

i ended checking out the POs flak vests and really thats not what i was thinking of at all when i made this ideaguy thread.

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Service jacket, but better, got it.

As I said, service jacket access was restricted because it was a problem.

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you have external webbing in req now, it’s the best you’re going to get as of this moment

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