k4rl - Job/Role Ban Appeal

k4rl - Job/Role Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Karl Sustan

Type of Ban?

Job/Role Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?

theebiggest (TrialModerator)

Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

Big Iron
foundation 19

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Currently banned from yogstation
and shiptest (Quality control because of the bans stated above)

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Banned from Squad Hospital Corpsman - Suicided in prep room with no reason, taking away a medic role AND joining as an Xenomorph afterwards by theebiggest (TrialModerator) on 2022-08-01 20:12:35

Links to previous appeals:

No previous appeals

Your appeal:

it was 2 years ago around the time i first started playing ss13 (and CM)
i felt like not playing the round because of a ic argument as far as i remember and suicided in the prep room
2 days later i logged back on to see i was banned from corpsman, permenetly

nowadays i just play doctor all the time, so i tought it would be good to finally get this ban removed

i have broken rule 8 by the current ruleset, at the time i was just starting ss13 and i am REALLY sorry for doing that

note: this ban was added before jobbans were 180 days, rather permenent until appealed

A pair of years later is enough to get the point across I believe. Lifting this and I hope to see you out helping your fellow marines as a Corpsman!

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Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting