Kakaju_angolano - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - Kakaju_angolano

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

Morgana A.W Napalm

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?

Kakaju_angolano - Synthetic Application - #17 (Removed on request)

Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

USCM: Having already worked on war fields as a photographer and assistant, she has a Veteran behavior similar to that which an LT would need to have in the military hierarchy.

Weya (Survivor): His personality is more suited to office work, but the situation is that of a “survivor” using all necessary methods to survive next to a Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil game series.

Both: very affectionate and careful with A.Ws due to her past as their caregiver in the incubation wards having to see them grow and die, and extremely respectful towards her main figure (CO or Liaison)

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

WY: She will only obey a USCM figure if the corresponding Liaison of the station or a fax from WY orders her to obey USCM units / USCM: will always obey orders from the command first above other orders, if the order given is below an SO, it may not obey unless the orders are to help a wounded marine, however if it is an inconvenient order such as picking up a weapon or tool on the battlefield or even “taking a pizza” it can just ignore it.

[ Dialogue - Survivor ]:
Marine: Hey plastic head! repair the fob
Kayle: Ignoring

Corporative agent: Come kayle help me to repair the Cades
Kayle: Heading! cover me i will repair

        • X - - - -
          [ Dialogue - USCM ]
          Marine PFC: Hey, Synth, bring me a pizza!
          Kayle: go get it (back to work).

Marine SL: hey synth i have fractures help me here
Kayle: coming, rest here i will heal you.

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

I have a few reasons, but the main one is that I want a role that gives me the freedom to play the way I prefer, like ASO but without the limitation of not being able to leave Almayer. I hate serving just one role and Synthetic was a golden key for me. Another reason is that I like non-human things like robots, jack all trades and my favorite role, and I’m looking to get 100 hours with my favorite role and Synthetic, which is one of the 3 I’m in this race for, one of them being ASO, SL and Synthetic.

Not to mention that I like to learn and using a function that I can learn several things in the same game will make me get bored of the game less quickly.

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

with working joes, it was funny interactions where they were clumsy or cleaning up in the middle of a shootout

Synthetic Character Story:



7/10 → I know how to perform combat engineering functions (Cades / Comms), but things like TVs, cameras and atmospheric systems are a mystery to me.


5/10 → This part depends a lot on the meaning, if it is the intelligence, rotation and knowledge of strategies part I would say 8, if it is the part of commanding, preparing and supporting verbally or departmentally I would say 4


8/10 → Dude, I inherited my medical talent from playing vanilla SS13 and such, but the thing I miss the most when playing with medical functions is carrying items and knowing what is worth carrying or what is “useless/situational”. There have been games where I lost 6 slots carrying trash (inaprovaline and Peroxide), but I’m learning which are the priority medicines that can never be missing.


11/10 → I know the abbreviations, when and when to save budgets and good spots to call in supplies (I know this is JTAC)

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

Combat is not the first response, running away is a priority, but if you can’t, go fight.

Don’t chase anyone who runs away.

Don’t use combat equipment like “CAS and Mortar”

In case of a mutiny or a traitorous Marine, always try to use the least lethal to immobilize without hurting them.

If it’s someone outside the IFF and threatens the command, then killing may be a choice.

Prioritize my life, but in case of a hijack, help the Marines as much as possible to escape.

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?


Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.

No bans

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

-for my job I slow down the rate at which I play but at least I play 1 round a day after I get back from work

  • The second lore can be considered uncanone but it is made to show more of the nature and personality of USCM Kayle, the first highlights Survivor more and the third Lore highlights both.
  • English is not my primary language
  • One thing I can guarantee is that I have at least 20 to 40 hours in the department (not in a separate role)
  • I’m starting to get annoyed because I can’t find a role that I enjoy playing, so synthetic is my last trick to try to keep my head

As a synth you should be interacting with people, being a synth RPing a WJ with extra dialogue options is going to get boring for you and everyone else. Maybe if you went completely through with the idea and your interactions were “Marine johnson, I am incapable of repairing of your forwards operating base because I am required to hit the griddy for Big Red in admin at the moment” I could get onboard, but just straight ignoring people as your examples im not a big fan.

which synth are you applying for here btw


personality changes according to a role at the moment if it is a survivor it will be more one way than the USCM

I play almost every 10pm (Brazilian time)
in case any admin comes to see me spectre


You walked up during Briefing roughly a week or so ago and did a /me of ‘making lethal company dance’ infront of the CO, and were battlefield executed for it.

If you had not been executed you likely would have been noted or warned for LRP, instead.

While your story is also long, it possesses very little in the way of actual usable dialogue and towards the end it trails off into being almost unintelligible as dialogue or in the way of presenting a character. Every post I can find from you indicates you wanting to rush towards getting the whitelist, even though to my knowledge you’ve only become involved in the community (on discord and such) within the past two months.


This, for instance, which is later on in your story is not exactly what I would call dialogue, and while the initial parts of it show promise, there’s not really much substance to it.

i am sorry, but i would suggest you withdraw this application with how it is, and if you reapply in future then you are going to have to consult with the council on your application, your going to have to consult with them on more than just questions about mechanical ability but also how to write your story.


To touch on things that Lago didn’t-

Multiple characters are allowed after the first has been approved and the player is solidified in the role, you should focus on a single character and personality.

The combat section isn’t great and shows a lot of flawed understanding regarding chasing, fire support, maximum force against humans, and the reason for self preservation.



and do you think I would send a /me dancing playing with a bigger role? As I said here to an admin, I only did it because I was a miserable PFC (a soldier of the lowest level) playing with functions like ASO, SO and others in the command network I proved to be very capable, don’t expect me to act like a professional being a soldier of the lowest level (especially one who doesn’t even know he’s going to die as soon as he gets down)

About the writing I used the Translator to summarize what I didn’t know in English so he fitted 1 sentence with another context doing something like “whatfuck?” and I received some support from people to fix it, the third story that has these shorter dialogues I did quickly because I started working at the time and I was afraid the story would be short.

about unsubscribing it doesn’t seem very good to me, because I need the final vote listing perfectly everything I can improve, if I just delete it I’ll only have 2 messages talking about certain errors and so it’s difficult to fix it if I don’t have it a complete summary

And about the community, I only use it to talk about WL and Gameplay to get some tips on mechanics that I didn’t know and some things that I don’t know


I gave a summary of the summary, it wasn’t very long, so I listed what cannot be done, examples being, so it was a bit vague.

And yes, you’re right, I’m rushing because, as I said, I want to spend 100 hours with all my favorite roles and find a new hobby for my life, not get stuck in it… the problem is that the more I try, the longer I try It takes time and it’s starting to affect my head, I know there are 75hor left for FTL, 85hours for SL and 80hours for ASO but I need to get myself on a straight line to do this as quickly as possible


Forgive me for speaking in Lago’s place, but the reason your behavior as a PFC that round was problematic is because during the time your application is up, your behavior in this game is the only way we can possibly tell what kind of player you are, regardless of the role. As such, during this application, there really is no other option than to use your behavior as a PFC to determine how you will act once given the role of synthetic. (I will say, though, that the application rules should be updated to more clearly reflect this).

As for why Lago said you might be better off withdrawing your application, it’s because you will get a summary of what you could improve on for future applications regardless, and so withdrawing your application means you will have to wait less time until you can submit a new application for the synthetic role. I will not argue whether or not you should go for a withdrawl, since I do not know you very well, but I will say this; if you think you can still win approval for the whitelist, go for it. Just be aware that you will need to put yourself up to an even higher standard than before, even when playing as the lowest of the low.


Acting like an idiotic PFC is allowed, referencing games made in 2020 and memes isn’t.
I don’t see why you think being LRP as PFC is fine but not command.


I didn’t know the name of the dance


honestly with all due respect, I understand your point but I think it’s strange that you asked me to improve my performance as a Corporal or below, I understand that I could play command roles to prove that I’m capable of that, I was kind of stupid to just play with PFC forgetting that I could have gotten something bigger like this, improving the visibility of my behavior, I asked for tips on how to improve how they would see me playing and they told me “play CT and Corpsman” the sad thing is that you only saw the PFC part and not They didn’t say anything about my medical skills, after that event I started playing a lot of Corpsman and CT, setting up mega fobs and saving countless marines

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Withdrawn per applicant request. Re-application may be done in 30 days.


Added synth:denied and removed synth:waiting