Kakaju_angolano - Synthetic Application

Synthetic Application - Kakaju_angolano

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?

Monge kakaju

Do you usually play a specific character? If so, who?

Kay A.W. Rapier

What whitelist applications have you previously completed?

no, first application

Synthetic Info:

Name of the Synth Character you wish to play:


What is your Synthetic’s Personality?

Due to her mental block, Kayle’s basic emotions never reach a peak. She can be happy, but it’s the same happiness of seeing someone she likes and the anger of someone stepping on her toes, never highlighting her professionalism.

Mental block: she is unable to use feelings as a basis no matter what the choice is she must follow a line in her decisions
EX: cat or dog
Kayle: dogs are obedient and always obey their superior

She sees the Marines as children being protective and doing their bidding when it’s not something that will spoil them.

and she sees the Commandos as the people she cared for before being forced into military service, being very careful with them, respectful and very clingy when she thinks something is wrong

When it comes to other AIs and Joes she does not see herself as superior but equal, she treats a Joe as she treats a person because she believes that artificial forms can correspond to human interactions

How will they react to the different ranks of the USCM, what would they talk about in a one on one conversation? What are their interests? What is an advertisement logline that could be written for them?

Kayle will always start with military obedience, respecting superior positions and listening to their orders without losing focus, when she is in rest mode she will act as an assistant serving coffees and helping with paperwork until she receives physical duties or is sent to the fob. , she has a lot of knowledge with organic forms so she will be the most delicate when interacting to avoid them feeling uncomfortable or affecting their health
Ex: giving a lot of coffee to the CO or in a game of arm wrestling not tearing off the commando’s limb.

As Kayle is very good at medicine and engineering, she will be annoying (in a good way) with her superiors if she sees them sabotaging themselves with too many units of sugar because she cares a lot about their physical states

Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?

I have always loved playing support roles, however I do not have the English required to serve as an SO - XO - CO, I love acting like a non-human, I love the concept of AI, I’m looking to improve my Roleplay and learn to speak decent English, I would be very motivated playing Synth because I saw others playing and found the interactions fun.

I love Jack of All Hands’ work and being synthetic I will have the freedom to help my Marine allies in every way possible, If I get a chance to test it I will be forever grateful.

What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?

I don’t remember interacting with them much, but I believe most of them were very focused on doing individual RP with their friends and I couldn’t socialize with them, but I have interacted with JOE’s and found them fun even though they were forced to follow a “no emotion” protocol, they were funny and did funny things

Joe’s make the best RP I’ve ever seen in my life and I always laugh when I see interactions with them

Synthetic Character Story:



I see myself as an intermediary in the engineering part, I have a lot of knowledge in field engineering, I tried to study OT and MT for a while, I learned a lot, the Chief Engineer part is a mystery to me but from what I could see in my rounds he has a strong bond with the almayer’s AI and always needs to protect it, in most cases the synthetics and joe’s protect the main AI no matter what the cost


Command is the role that I love playing most even though I can’t communicate clearly, I love being the leader of something and trying to keep it in line, my favorite role is ASO but every now and then I take SO and give basic orders, I I don’t know if DCC considers itself Commando but it’s a role that I really like and I’ve always wanted to specialize in Gunship


I love this role a lot, there was a time when I played all the medical variants, including Corpsman, Doc, Nurse, I never managed to get CMO because it’s a challenging role and there’s always someone playing it so I stick to the more basic ones but I kept learning playing with time and I loved it, I think doing surgeries and administering medicine


not ironically, it’s the third role that I have the most hours losing to fireteam leader, when I liked to be at peace I played REQ and did everything so the FOB was full of resources until the end of the round, I was sad when 200 thousand in money was lost because we needed to evacuate but I never left the battlefield without resources

What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.

in cases of self-preservation when running away is out of the question, always using non-lethal forms on messy Marines, and trying to fend off Xenos who want a piece of Silicon.

Basic rules: I am not a shooter, I am not a fighter, I am not a hunter, I am not a security officer, I am a helper and I must fulfill my role above all for the good of the human race

CASE A: if I’m fixing the fob and a sloppy marine gets out of the cades and is grabbed by a lurker, I can go up and scare the creature, prioritizing getting the marine out of that line and not hunting the lurker

CASE B: Hijack in Delta Code, I must do everything to eliminate anything hostile to the crew and try my best to keep everyone alive and make EVERYONE escape regardless of RANK. prioritizing autopreservation of course.

Violence is the last choice for everything, whenever possible I should support the marines and only use violence when the marines cannot protect themselves

Final Info:

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?


Are you currently banned from our Discord?


Let us know why you were discord banned.

I never got banned.

Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?

I was inspired by the belleCL APP, and I had help from an admin and support for this application, I hope if it is approved I will be able to exceed people’s expectations and learn more than I normally learn in a human round, improve my English and play with a style of game that I love “jack of all hands”

Thank you for the opportunity to make this APP and glory to USCMC!!! OOORAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

my hours:


The USCM would never purchase a synth with this defect. I strongly suggest you withdraw and consult counselors or the WL Help Channel on our Discord.


I can remove this I just said it for RP, I put this because in some cases I stand still without reacting this is caused by the lag with the server so they don’t think I’m ignoring the person and that my game is freezing due to the lag


thanks for the feedback


No problem at all. I take @c4xmaniac words to heart, I want the Synth WL to be the best it can. Even if I am not a holder of it. I give you credit for applying. You are a braver man then me. Medical skills escape me. Any one that can figure that out is half a wizard in my book.


I came from SS14 where medicine is simple, when I had my first surgery with the SS13 style I fell in love and when I saw that on this server it’s the same style but more complex and intuitive it was love at first sight, I feel very bad because I see myself as having a high potential for knowledge of the game, but due to my lack of communication, I cannot enjoy 100% of the game but I am looking to take a professional English course, and my lack of knowledge and the creation of sentences (I can understand what they say to me)


Sorry for using too much yellow! and that my screen has the dark mode extension so I had to highlight it to write without using black


The color of the font used in your story irritates my eyes (i am using the white mode docs version) I don’t know, but use darker tones next time… I know this is your first app so I won’t be too unhinged.
But a synthetic is mass produced and shipped to military vessels for assistance, the quirk or “personality” needs to match that. A caretaker/granny synth personality would be fucking awesome, i would like to see a synth just calling me “Sonny, here’s a cookie for being such a good grandchild” or something like that.
But here you make emphasis on intimate emotions like happiness and empathy which can make people believe you don’t understand the spirit of the WL. You still have 30 minutes left so you can edit further the app, good luck


tidied up, I left it gray and removed the unprofessional part of it


I haven’t quite seen you around, what roles do you mostly play & what timezone do you frequent?

Edit: Looking at your playtimes and they seem low in some cases, I have 500+ hours in marine roles and even I’m not the best at certain things. You also have very little hours in support roles - which is basically being apart of a synthetic. You’re support.

I suggest this, but don’t take my advice with the best confidence because I’m not an expert on this stuff:

  • Get more hours in support roles, ASO, Groundside/shipside engi, and medical roles
  • Always think about “How can I make this faster” and “Can I be better at this” when looking at things.
  • Look at denied applications, see what you should almost never do, then look at accepted applications, look at what you should do. (never copy applications though)
  • Go onto the discord and ask questions for whitelists on whitelist-app-help (Discord)

Remember that you’ll have your weaknesses and strengths, I have 25+ hours in doctor and researcher and I’ve simply forgotten my chemical mixes for not playing in a long time, but I’ve been really fast at surgeries.

I suggest to withdrawal and explore the game in roles a little bit more, but for now, I suggest taking advice from others before deciding what you want to do with this application. :slight_smile:

Start talking on the discord (SS13: Colonial Marines - Official) more, start playing officer roles or find a way to stand out, make a unique personality as a marine, don’t get a negative rep though. Maybe even playing CL a bit would help you advance RP, synthetic isn’t just a support role, (even though I said it kind of was a few sentences back) it’s also an RP role.

I don’t think it matters if you have bad English, maybe RP as a UPP or non-native to english in-game, there’s many opportunities that you just won’t feel the taste for if you don’t try them.

RP can be in many different ways, just don’t pretend you’re a part of the UPP (military wise) or anything. Nobodies going to be mad or pissed that a CL was bad at typing a language.

If you think that your native English would be non-helpful or anything like that ingame, many people have said that it really shouldn’t be a problem here: Discord


I’m still trying to find my total main role that I’m going to live playing, but until then fireteam leader 12.2h (99.9hours), I naturally play at night but I’m going to reduce my playtime because I’m going to work from tomorrow but at least 3 times a I’m going to participate this week, I’m not very visible to people because I don’t stand out in anything and it’s very difficult for me to form bonds


Playing CL or CC has always been my goal in a way, but I see that in CL you need to be very good at English, basically having a native English I wouldn’t think it would be right for me to play such a charismatic role for someone as incapable as me


Hi, thanks for applying - but I think you should withdraw, for now, and if you wish possibly reapply at a later date with council assistance from myself and others. The story is difficult to read due to formatting, but there’s little to no personality displayed for your synthetic, alongside barely any dialogue.

Synthetics already do not truly feel emotions, but they are able to emulate and understand, to an extent - while it is fine to play one that is stunted in terms of grappling the concept with it, I don’t really understand the point of this nor does it truly create an actual personality. There’s very little here and it’s difficult to understand what ‘never highlighting her professionalism’ means.

The last part here is something that could be adapted into a personality - a synthetic who is invested in the medical or engineering field and likes to talk about it a lot, or uses it as a basis of what to talk to people about, is able to work. That does not really provide any insight in to how your character will talk to people, what they’ll say or what you will use as a way to initiate conversation.

It is perhaps somewhat of a misnomer to say they ‘act like a non-human’ because the point is more to blend in than to overtly stick out - of course, some mannerisms usually betray them, but playing them as a prototypical AI or cyborg akin to other SS13 servers doesn’t really work.

Overall, there’s not really much of substance here that’s able to be built off - the mental block concept is not really intuitive when they could just act cold and logical if you wish, and there’s no actual personality that I can see demonstrated in the story or in your application. They are just a logical robot that follows orders and protects marines, yet they are also clingy with command staff (?) despite that logic. I also feel like I should say that command staff are not forced into service - they are usually commissioned officers which implies they voluntarily went into it in most cases.

You have no obligation to protect ARES as a synthetic and will be removed from the core by working joes during hijack. You are also not expected to lay down your life over it, nor should you for anything, really.

The only answer here that truly provides input regarding your ability to play the role is Requisitions, although even then it isn’t particularly helpful. Looping around to your playtime, and as much as I think anybody can get synthetic in spite of that, you have barely over five hours in most support roles - at that point you’re barely grasping how to even play a role, especially with only 105~ odd total hours.


You should withdraw your application. The synthetic you’ve developed does not have a personality, the story does not show any dialogue or how they would act, and your answers regarding competence are unsatisfactory combined with your hours. I suggest that you contact other members of the synthetic council alongside myself if you decide to reapply so you can get help with developing a story and a personality that you will be happy with and that you will be able to roleplay easily. Your combat answers are fine, although provides little in the way of examples.

As much as other people have already criticized your application, it is also good to see that you are interested in the whitelist - but I would suggest you get more playtime on the server and reach out to the council and other whitelist holders for help.


OK, should I delete this list of APP?

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nah, just declare your intent to withdraw the application and they should close it for you

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Closing upon request.

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