Karrel01 - Player Report: Caroline A.W. Ljungman, Rule 4
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Persius ‘Pain’ Bane
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Caroline A.W. Ljungman
What rule(s) were broken?:
Rule 4
Description of the incident:
At the beginning of the round, I ordered five Echo keys in a pouch from Requisition without any issues. Later on, when I and a few other marines (Pals in this case) began using them, suddenly the ASO who granted it at first, says they were “ordered” not to requisition anymore abruptly when asked for more keys. My response was to look at the crew manifest and low and behold! The same CO that reported a few of us yesterday is currently in the round. I have no proof besides what the ASO told me and the fact that I spotted a “Staff Officer” within the requisition at the time. So I’m just going to lay it down on the table. I have reason to believe the CO is holding an OOC grudge against me and my pals. This was SUPPOSED to be resolved with their report but whatever I guess. Now here I am, making a report because now; I have to get involved in this whole mess.
So putting everything I know down to bullet points for easier reading and to summarize.
They had an altercation with a few Echo marines. It was handled fairly via report and was closed.
Echo decides to play this round, and knowing the CO probably still harbored negative feelings, proceeds to get Echo keys from Req instead.
Five Echo keys were given to me and I handed them out and we all tested them.
We ran out of Echo keys and went to order more.
ASO states he was ordered not to give us Echo keys under orders.
We were forced to deploy with only most of us having the Echo channel.
ASO said they were ordered not to give out any more Echo keys. Check the logs for that round.
Echo is a choice simple as is. The same choice as a CO deploying. Some do some don’t, same as some command players approving or denying echo. Echo players think “they’re undeniable” and think it should be forced approved and recently have become toxic over it. Echo mains have done all sorts of threats to me and other players over echo being denied. Ranging from various levels of grief such as by munity to target the command players who denied them, having meta buddies load in other spots and stopping functions of shipside, acting like dicks in other roles cause you denied echo previously, or the entire round of people not even involved (as seen below).
A few bad apples ruin the tree but you need to chill as a whole before you get echo removed. It’s a silly title and color that changes nothing and should not provoke this level of response
No one denies echo to be a dick, sometimes echo isn’t needed and acting toxic over it does not help future cases.
There’s not a single rule saying echo needs to be approved
Having meta buddies load in other spots and stopping ship-side functions? Echo mains making threats against you and other players? Seriously, who did that before this incident? Give some names and maybe some proof. If you have the names of anyone involved in actively griefing shipside please provide them, and whether you can provide or can’t why haven’t you reported such activity to staff.
Also this was the only time I trash-talked a commander for denying Echo.
You do a lot of accusing without any proof to back it up.
And as for ‘No one denies Echo to be a dick, sometimes Echo isn’t needed,’ are we just going to ignore the fact that Caroline woke up one round, denied Echo, and then went straight back to cryo?
You mean the round I rolled for CO, played for an hour, then got called into work and had to leave, where you sat over CIC and took a snipe at me when I ghosted and left?
I would just like to put in a suggestion. Maybe for this one at least put in the logs. Not only does it put concerns at ease but also if the logs show bad action on their part then their statements are clearly false rather than someone just saying the logs showed it.
I can’t really put this any more succinctly than Chen did earlier. Echo is a privilage. After checking the logs, echo was indeed allowed this round, seemingly right before Ljungman woke up. The extent of their doing was denying more comms keys being ordered, which does not break any of our rules. Multiple bans have been handed out in relation to all of this fracas. I would recommend not continuing it. Report denied. Rule 4 was not broken.