Katosx - Player Report: Sampson 'Ironfist' Ponds, Aldryk Winters, Not following Marine Law, and Unlawful BE

Katosx - Player Report: Sampson ‘Ironfist’ Ponds, Aldryk Winters, Not following Marine Law, and Unlawful BE

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Katria ‘Punished’ Fourcade

Accused character name:

What rule(s) were broken?:

Sampson ‘Ironfist’ Ponds, Aldryk Winters

Description of the incident:

Not following Marine Law, and Unlawful BE


During the Hijack crash, i was the OT planting the OT C4, after the CO ordered my arrest, the CMP kept neglecting the CLF prisoner, and harmbattoning me while i was trying to give the CO the remote control, while trying to give the remote to the CO i kept being Harmbattoned, stripped naked by the CMP, this happened after the ARES announcement that there was no CLF life signal on board, that they seem they ignored, they kept going after me and BE’d me under the assumption that i was a “spy” when there was none left.
As for the CMP they did not follow ML on handling a prisoner of war during hijack, that the MP Maria A.W Rapier did try to follow but was left aside.


hey i was the NSPA Constable Reene.We had the OT spy(who was a clf) shuttled out of station and the CO might of got them confused with you.Altho ares said they were captured

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Maria A.W. Rapier here, actually looked at ML later with CO in dchat and…

If a prisoner is denied release or is clearly too dangerous or detrimental to the survival of the USS Almayer’s crew should they be released; they are to be either escorted to an escape pod while in the custody of a commissioned officer or an MP charged with maintaining their safety.

So you could argue they followed ML in that, although I disagree that keeping a prisoner in a locker is…Keeping in the spirit of the law.

Especially since the CMPs inaction later led to the prisoners death.

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Hi, I was XO for this round

I should mention - you were planting several bricks of C4 around CIC during the Hijack phase. All marines were gathered in CIC. If those C4 went off, you would be killing every single marine and griefing.
From what I saw, you were ordered several times not to.
I feel as if this should be 2 separate reports, but if the CO tells you not to plant C4 in the hold zone, a very reasonable request, and you IGNORE it, that’s grounds for a BE. Ontop of that, it is hijack - delta alert, tensions are high, the CO’s command cannot be questioned during a crisis such as this.

You absolutely earned this Battlefield Execution by planting explosives in an area medics were treating people and against the CO’s direct order during a delta alert situation.

I can’t speak on the MP or prisoner situation as I’m not sure what happened there, but given that this was an event and Colonial Marshals were onboard, things are complicated significantly.


Hello. I am Aldrik Wynters. I will be brutally honest. I just got done resolving aHelp about my actions this round, and I am here to offer my opinion.
You were OT. There was C4 all around the CiC. You were ordered to stop. You were detained once, the MAJOR helped detain you. You end detainment, and walk up to the wall to start placing ANOTHER C4.
The C4 detonator was a unknown factor I could not find, and in the end there were 7 OT C4 around the CiC. If someone pressed the detonate button, it would have ended the ENTIRE hold, and killed EVERYONE.
A Major and a CMP ordered you to stop several times, and you refused, and then were BE’ed in a CiC hold when you were planting high explosives.
In my opinion, completely justified. You refused direct orders and threatened two dozen marines and civlians?
As for the Prisoner… CLF Prisoner that I did not HAVE for the entire time, the Major took them to the CiC, as soon as I had the CLF, they tried to escape, threatened me, I even had to shoot them at one point but Irwin picked them up. The CC was then in my face, blocking me, and had been baiting me since the CLF crash, and in the end, I was not able to get the prisoner to safety. I wanted to, but I was unable to due to a number of ongoing circumstances.

Any questions I will gladly answer, and I will say that an aHELP was done and has been resolved because of my actions this round

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Hey hey, I am the Commanding Officer you are reporting for this round.

To provide some context before and after the situation. Before the hijack, we had a CLF boarding party attempt and failed to break out two CLF operatives. Before the shuttle crashed into the Almayer, I had whichever CLF that the MPs and Synth Irwin were able to transport to CIC and be guarded in the Northern gun locker while the CLF that the CMB carried were evacuated on a shuttle (to which I didn’t account for).

The CLF were being guarded in the Northern CIC gun locker by an MP and Synth Irwin when I noticed Custom C4 explosives being planted on the walls. The C4 blocks were very concerning for me because they were initially placed on the walls next to the CLF and then around the rest of CIC. I didn’t want the CLF prisoners let alone the rest of the marines holding in CIC to die in an explosion caused by OT. When I saw you placing a C4 block above the crew monitor by the Southern CIC door, I ordered for you to be detained to halt more blocks from being planted and to not have the rest of the C4 detonated with us inside CIC.

After the CMP, a few marines, and I stopped you from placing the block of C4 I turned my attention to ensure the rest of the blocks were disarmed so that we wouldn’t all die from the explosion. After a short while, I witnessed Katria Fource (the OT) run from the CMP and attempt to place another C4 block on the wall that we had stopped you from placing.

Given the high tensions of the situation leading up to the hijack: prior CLF boarding, having a spy amongst our crew, the hijack, and then an OT placing C4 in our holding position. I decided to BE Katria as they were a threat to the rest of the crew.

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Hey there, people!

Considering this incident has been handled by in-game staff, I am going to deny this report.

CO Council will post an addendum about Major Ponds’ Battlefield Execution later.

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CO Council Addendum

We’ve examined the Battlefield Execution and have come to the conclusion that it is a Proper Battlefield Execution