Kola506070 - Player Report: Bob Cross, Rule 2, Rule 3
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Steve ‘‘Chompa’’ Mann
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Bob Cross
What rule(s) were broken?:
Rule 2, Rule 3
Description of the incident:
The Executive Officer Bob Cross while the CO was briefing most marines gathered up a some marines to form echo, their task being to ‘LIQUIDATE’’ the protest leaders while pretending to deliver humanitarian aid. Later on, it was also said that they were CLF (i cannot confirm it was him, that said it however). The CAPTAIN, an OFFICER going behind the back of his Commanding Officer to order a squad to EXECUTE Civilians, is in my opinion against rules 2 and 3, an officer should not be doing these things and it basically ruined the event.
I am not sure of the round ID as the server crashed several times.
I was the union representative, second in command of the protest
I can’t get the screenshot now that the round has ended and the current one already flooded my chat, but the XO announced something along the lines of “Kill all civilians” Before the leadership was gunned down in CIC.
Edit: logs will need to show the exact announcement, as I’m unsure of the exact wording of it.
Can confirm this was happening as I saw it in dchat before being spawned in as a protestor.
Apparently he had a list of names ready to use and gave them to echo squad to “Liquidate” the protest leaders behind the CO’s back. As far as I am aware, the CO, Michael Calhoun, had no part or say in any of this
There is also proof of echosquad scout, executing a civillian.
I was the CL that round, so I pretty much got the same amount of information that other shipside people did. When the Zombies got involved and there was announcements of Protestors going violent, I believe that is when the announcement was made. Most of that round was a clusterfuck in honesty.
To clarify, yes I created an echo squad to silently eliminate key protest leaders, but their goal was to first gain protesters’ trust with humanitarian aid and echo was ordered to eliminate them only when given orders. The idea was for echo to act as a back-up plan in case negotiations go wrong. The assassination started only after I received reports about zombies planetside attacking marines and hostile protesters shooting at marines due to INC OB fired at medbay.
After that, all marines were ordered to pull back to FOB and all colonists around FOB were marked as KOS for releasing a bioweapon.
Later, due to CO evacuating from the colony, I ordered all remaining leaders to be detained and transported to CIC for questioning related to releasing that zombie virus, and UPP’s involvement (we found UPP radiokey groundsisde ). Those arrest orders were given by both me and LT. Colonel. During their arrest colonists decided to murder Commander with a lunge mine and shoot at MPs. Furthermore, some of them were already infected, so I assume they were trying to infect CIC crew.
You can’t blame me for ruining the entire event, while marines and colonists were already killing each other due to an OB accident. If there was any protest related RP it ended with an OB and zombies. Echo acted only after those two things happened and to my knowledge, they assassinated only 1-2 union leaders at the far west side of the colony.
To sum it up it was a zombie event with 300 players online (most of them played as marines and only few were protesters), violence would escalate with or without me being an XO. Echo squad was my way to make more marines involved in an event. They were ordered to basically RP with protesters and wait for my orders to begin union leaders assassination, if the main negotiation fails.
It was also mentioned in the announcement that the protesters would be civilians, not UPP, not CLF, just civilians, the keys were just there to ease with groundside-comms
I was playing a civilian police officer who was gunned down by marines with no communication near the casino. From a groundside perspective I don’t agree with your assessment that they only assassinated 1-2union leaders, they were actively roaming looking to shoot civilians and pursuing anyone they saw despite the zombie threat. Even when zombies occurred we were still trying to rp, trying to work with marines against a common enemy, having spent much of the round escorting the COs entourage we were still rping with marines in the early phases of the zombie attack and trying to encourage marines and civvies to work together. Your orders actively prevented that happening and ruined the round for more than just 1-2 union leaders in my opinion based on what i witnessed planetside
ECHO may have just killed 1-2 civvies, but you gave orders to EVERY marine groundside to KOS civvies, you cannot say that all those marines didnt shoot atleast a few other civvies.
Heya, everyone! Thank you for your inputs. I read the logs and I was briefed by the Admin running the event. I quote, The United Americas are looking for a peaceful solution to the protest, and have sent the Falling Falcons to handle the situation.
I can easily say that Rule 2 was breached because Bob Cross had no reason to assign a Squad just to assassinate the civilians and C4 their corpses even without trying to talk to them first. Considering that many players were killed unjustly because of the XO’s orders, Rule 4 was breached. We do not want to see this kind of roleplay from our command players.
Considering player’s note history and Rule 2, 4 breaches, command job ban has been issued to Bob Cross’ player. Report approved.