OT aka, Ordnance Technician main job is to make bombs, but they also have their side job which is either helping PO arm their ship and the OB, they are still as of now at May 22, 2020, still the MTs.
I assume that you’ve read the OT wiki, they’re all there but I’ve decided to make this since there’s people that still doesn’t understand the wiki itself and are being confused, this guide will be focused on what you need to know in figuring out OT and is basically a more in depth version of the OT page in the wiki. I will include my personal recipe’s at the end.
Keep in mind to have the OT wiki open for the Casing Table, the Chem values Table, and some other shit.
Your tools:
- Chemical tanks - storage for your chemicals to make bombs(Important ones include Polytrinic acid, Ammonia, and Methane)
- Phoron bars - You start with 25 bars at the start(REMEMBER THAT 25 BAR IS 500u OR 1 BAR IS 20 PHORON AND TO SPLIT THEM UP WHEN GRINDING)
- Silver Beaker - To make Formaldehyde
- Janitorial Buckets - 500u container for storage/big batch mixing(More can be found in janitorial carts(4 extra available, one by the Maint room left of CL’s office, the Maint room in RnR, maint room north of CIC SMES, and maint room northeast of CMP office)
- Demo Scanner - to check whats the contents in the each container
- Industrial Grinder - to grind up some of the other materials for your use, different materials have different units when grinded. Can also be used to remove unwanted chems in a container(cant only remove everything, BE CAUTIOUS WITH THIS)
What do you need to know:
- A little bit of CM chemistry
- Math (Optional)
There are three aspects we’ll need to know:
- Explosive Chems
- Casing and how to make the bombs
- How to do the math and plan for your mixtures.(optional)
Explosive Chems:
When we talk about OT chems, there are 3 important chemicals we need to know, for explosion, these are:
ANFO - ANFO is a mix of Ammonium Nitrate(Ammonia and Polytrinic Acid) and Welder Fuel
Be cautious when making this as if you mix more than 60 units of this it will cause an explosion but that doesnt mean you cant hold more than 60 ANFO, you only need to avoid mixing more than 60u but you can stockpile more than 60u of ANFO.
If you want to make ANFO, you’d do a 2:1 Ammonium Nitrate:WelderFuel. So if you want to make 300 ANFO, you should get a janitorial bucket and mix 150 polytrinic acid, 150 ammonia, and then keep adding 30u of welder fuel ONLY. So you’ll have 300u of Ammonium Nitrate and then you’ll keep adding 30u of welder fuel until you reach 300 ANFO.
Cyclonite - Cyclonite is a mix of Hexamine and Polytrinic acid
- This is a middle ground between Octogen, its easy to make and has decent amount of explosive power.
Octogen - Octogen is a mix of Ammonium Nitrate, Polytrinic Acid, Paraformaldehyde, and Hexamine
- This has the strongest explosive power and also increases the fire intensity, but at the cost of having the smallest falloff modifier.
Now, the question is, how do you make Cyclonite and Octogen. Since I already stated how to do ANFO, which is really basic to make, I’ll explain how to do Cyclonite and Octogen in batches:
make 480u formaldehyde
cost: 2 silver beaker with 80 phoron 80 methane AND THEN 80 oxygen each
NOTE: Don’t mix phoron and oxygen, it makes Dexalin, so combine phoron and methane, THEN OXYGEN
make 240u paraformaldehyde
cost: 2 mop bucket with 120u Formaldehyde and Water each into freezer
make 240u Hexamine
cost:240u Formaldehyde and 160u of Ammonia
Prepare Polytrinic Acid and Ammonium Nitrate
- 240u Polytrinic Acid
- in a seperate mop bucket mix 120 Poly and 120 Ammonium for 240u Ammonium Nitrate
Make Octogen
-Combine 120u of Poly and Ammonium Nitrate into mop bucket
-Combine 120 of Hexamine and Paraformaldehyde into mop bucket
-Change Transfer amount of mop bucket into 120u and pour them 120u each on janitorial bucket to make 240u Octogen, do it twice to make 480 Octogen
NOTE: mix hexamine last as you could accidentally make Cyclonite instead
Make 240u formaldehyde
-combine 80 phoron, 80 methane, THEN 80 OXYGEN in a silver beaker
NOTE: Don’t mix phoron and oxygen, it makes Dexalin, so combine phoron and methane, THEN OXYGEN
make 240u Hexamine
-Put the formaldehyde in the janitorial bucket then combine these two
cost:240u Formaldehyde and 160u of Ammonia
NOTE: make transfer amount to 40 for Ammonia and Poly tank to avoid Float error and having impure cyclonite bucket
make 240u cyclonite
-Still in janitorial bucket, combine 240u of Polynitric Acid and 240u of Hexamine
cost:240u Hexamine and 160u of Ammonia
NOTE: make transfer amount to 40 for Ammonia and Poly tank to avoid Float error and having impure cyclonite bucket
For incendiary, there isn’t any complicated chemical to produce, I’ll leave the incendiary part in the third aspect
Before talking about Casings, lets first talk about assemblies:
Assemblies are a 2 part combination of detonators for the casings so they actually work as intended, there are 4 components, which are igniter, sensor, signaler, and timer. You require a screwdriver to actual configure these components so they can be attached to each other. You can configure the settings of the sensor, signaler, and timer by activating it when its set as ready.
There are different assemblies can be made, these are:
- Igniter-Igniter - used for rockets and mortar shells, supposedly provides instant detonation for claymores as well, unsure how it exactly works.
- Igniter-Timer - used for c4, m15, and m40, it activates the igniter after the configured timer.
- Igniter-Sensor - used for claymore and c4, it makes a beep when it detects movement and after the configured delay(default is 1), it will activate the igniter.
- Igniter-Signaler - used for c4, paired with another signaler, when activated it triggers the igniter after a 3 second delay, so its not instant.
- Sensor-Signaler - used for triggering a Igniter-Signaler with a sensor.
Keep in mind that Igniter-Signalers can be made to be paired with other Igniter Signalers.
The actual casings:
Claymore - There are two ways of using claymores, you use them as a claymore by deploying them into the ground OR you make them into a grenade
M40 - They’re weaker than m15, but they can work with UGL, its really subpar though since it is weaker by a lot compared to m15
M15 - Hand thrown or used for GL spec
C4 - These are by far the best one, they require engi skill to use but they can either be used with sensor or signalers.
Rocket - Can only be used by RPG spec.
Mortar Shells - Can only be used by mortar.
Containers -these are where you put your chemicals, there are only 4 usable containers you can use
- 60u containers - small beaker, bottles(from medbay)
- 120u containers - bucket, large beaker
- 240u containers - mop bucket
Each casing has a different capacity of chemicals it can hold
- 120u casings - M40 and Claymore
- 180u casings - M15, Rocket, and C4
- 240u casings - Mortar Shell
Now, how do you make the bombs exactly?
You fill up the containers with your desired chems then make sure the total volume of all those containers are equal to or less than the casings max volume. So for example, you have:
- A bucket full of octogen
- A bucket full of ANFO
Then you have a 240u of chems, they will not be allowed to be placed into a m15, rocket, or c4 because those three can only hold 180u. So, you’ll need a 120u container and a 60u container to use a m15, rocket or c4.
For claymore, m40, m15, and c4, you place the containers into the casing then place the assembly then screw it. If its yellow then it still needs to be screwed, you can screw it again to disassemble it and then activate the casing to remove the components, keep in mind that the casing has to be YELLOW for it to be disassembled when it has the assembly. After removing the assembly, you activate it again to remove the containers.
For the rocket and mortar shells case, its different, you have 2 parts, a warhead and the shell. You place the containers into the warhead and then the only assembly it can hold is igniter-igniter. After that you screw the warhead. Now the shell requires fuel, you’ll need 60u of methane for the rocket or 60u of hydrogen for the mortar shell, it has to be 60u and above, if not the bomb will be red and explode in their faces. After placing the fuel, you connect the screwed warhead into the shell and screw it again.
Now you have a bomb, now you can test it in the demo simulation to see how it works visually.
Math and mixtures:
Now you know how to make the 3 complicated chems for OT, know what the different assemblies are, and how to make the bomb, question is, how do you make the perfect bomb?
It’s not easy in the life of OT, you gotta do some math and some thinking, this is the hard part, you can skip this part if you just want to use the mixes I’ve already made, feel free to experiment, some grenades can just be fancy and just for show, or they can actually be useful.
Keep in mind some research mixes can still work like metal foam nades and such or using smoke, but this requires help from medbay, but I’ll rather stick with the OT stuff like explosive and incendiary, but sadly, incendiary still relies on medbay.
So, how does one get the Explosive power of the grenade, the falloff of the explosion, or the intensity, the radius, and the duration of the fire?
First of all, keep in mind that each casing has their own different maximum capacity for maximum explosive power, the base falloff, the number of shards, the intensity, the radius, and the duration.
Now, check OT wiki for the table for the different values for each chem, it should also have the values for the maximum capacity for each casing in a table
How do we determine whats explosive capacity, the falloff, the shards, the intensity, the radius, and the duration of a grenade, well, we’ll do the math
Lets have an example with my chem recipe for a rocket
Rocket Explosion with Fire
130 Octo and 50 Hydrogen
-267.5 Explosive Power and 94 Falloff with 27.5 Intensity and Max Radius
In this recipe, we have 130 Octogen, and 50 Hydrogen, we have 180 chems in it so it can no longer have more than what it is.
To actually get the values for it we do some simple math
Octogen has an explosive power of 2, a falloff of -0.2, intensity of 0.5, and a duration of -0.2
Hydrogen has an explosive power of 0.15, an intensity of -0.75, a radius of 0.14, and a duration of -0.5
Explosive Power | Falloff | Intensity | Radius | Duration | |
130u Octogen | 260 | -26 | 65 | 0 | -26 |
50u Hydrogen | 7.5 | 0 | -37.5 | 7 tiles | -25 |
Final Values | 267.5 | -26 | 27.5 | 7 tiles | -51 |
Now, the math to get the values is pretty simple except the falloff, you just multiply the amount of chem to their modifier so in math terms its
Chem units x Modifier = Explosive Power/Intensity/Radius/Duration/Combined Chem Falloff
Now if we talk about falloff, we apply the casing’s Base Falloff, in this case, the rocket has a base falloff of 120, we simply add the base falloff from the the added falloff from all the chems combined, in math terms the formula is like this
Base Falloff + Combined Chem Falloff = Falloff
In this example, the solution is this
120 + (-26) = 94
120 - 26 = 94
94 = 94
This is basically how you figure out the actual values of the grenades you make. Keep in mind that there is also a minimum when it comes to the incendiary values.
In the case of this, we have a -51 duration, but the duration cant be negative since the duration for a rocket is 5-36, by default it will be 5 if the value is lower than of that, can be applied to Intensity and radius. For falloff, the lowest falloff it can go is 25, it can never go lower than that, it applies to all casings. Explosion and shards have no minimum but it has a maximum, its either there isn’t any explosion or the explosive power is at its maximum. The details for maximum and minimum power for each value is in the casing table in OT wiki page.
Shards are also quite different, they’re calculated in a way that for each Iron is equal to 1 shard, but when added with only 10 phoron, divides them by 4 and turns everything into incendiary. Phoron isn’t a shrapnel, they’re merely there to turn the Iron into phoron. In math term, the formula would be
Iron / 4 = Incendiary shrapnel
Now, thats basically how to find out the math, you can do some experimenting with it to find your own chem that you want.
Keep in mind that theres also a whole other section for research chems because they also have explosive/incendiary properties. I won’t delve into that cause I’m too lazy for that
Kryth’s Cookbook:
For the dumb dumb that doesn’t want to make their own chem mixtures, heres my recipe so you dont have to do the math. These are mostly Max Capacity or the strongest formulas and the cheapest ones. I don’t have any for claymores cause they suck ass with the 1 second delay.
Keep in mind you’ll need to get help from medbay to get ethanol.
Rocket Max Cap
120 Octo and 60 ANFO
- 300 Explosive Power, 60 Falloff
60 Octo and 120 Cyclo - 300 Explosive Power and 60 Falloff
Rocket Easy To Make
180 Cyclo
- 270 Explosive Power and 48 Falloff
Rocket Explosion with Fire
130 Octo and 50 Hydrogen
-260 Explosive Power and 94 Falloff with 27.5 Intensity and Max Radius
110 Octo and 70 Ethanol
-220 Explosive Power and 98 Falloff with 30 Intensity and Max Radius
Rocket Fire
Max Cap Fire only
Beaker - 30 phoron, 70 Ethanol, and 5u Potassium-chloride
Small Beaker - 30/30 Sulphuric Acid and Aluminum
M15 Max Cap
60 Cyclo and 120 ANFO
- 210 Explosive Power, 25 Falloff
M15 Max Cap with Flames
60 Octo, 90 ANFO, and 30 Ethanol
- 210 Explosive Power, 25 Falloff, 20 Intensity, 3 tile radius, and 3 second duration
C4 Max Cap
80 Octogen and 100 ANFO
-260 Explosive Power and 25 Falloff
160 Cyclo and 20 ANFO
-260 Explosive Power and 25 Falloff
Mortar shell Max Cap
240 Cyclonite
-360 Explosive Power and 25 Falloff
Mortar shell Max Explosive Power with Fire
180 Octogen and 60 Ethanol
-360 Explosive Power, 54 Falloff, Max Intensity, 6 Radius, 15 second Duration
Also, yes, im a big nerd for doing all this for you dumb dumbs, now make me some bombs so I don’t have to hope for a good OT.
Oh yeah, keep in mind that theres also rules when it comes to OT deploying so, yeah.
Q:How can I make smoke, napalm, or any chems that blow up when mixed?
A:You use two separate containers, so if you’re making Napalm, you put Aluminum, and Sulfuric Acid in Container 1, and Phoron in Container 2.
Q:How can you make more than 60 ANFO?
A:Already answered that, but I’ll answer it anyway, basically you only need need to mix it at 60u or less, it only triggers the explosion WHEN ITS MIXED.
Q:Why am I getting 1.21312123124125019501251 chemical X
A:It’s a floating error, unsure how it affects the product but its just annoying, best to just dispense these, unless you have 300.2131241 and in that case, you just move them into a container that only 300u is moved or something similar, theres ways around it but the list would be too long to explain.
Q:Why am I making Dexalin when making formaldehyde?
A:Either you’re not using silver beaker or that you ARE NOT ADDING OXYGEN LAST
Q:How to distribute?
A:Send to Req or send to dropship. Make sure to get RPG/GL Spec’s squad comms and Req comms
Q:How to get more supplies?
A:Req can order a phoron crate and explosive surplus crate, the latter of which gives 2 canisters(800u) for each tank you have in storage. Alternatively, you can ask Medbay for chems, chem recipe is in the chemistry wiki or in baymed wiki.
Q:Can you blow up multiple c4’s at once?
A:Yes, you use signalers, you can click on a signaler with another signaler to copy the codes. Pair all c4’s with the same code and you’ll have a network of c4 connected to one signaler, you can use the sensor-signaler assembly to make the c4’s blow up when it detects movement.
Q:How to remove c4?
Q:Do I need explosion to make shrapnel nades, and do I also need to have napalm to ignite fire?
A:Yes to shrapnel, No to fire.