Lambinatore - Player Report: Samuel Graf, Rule 4 Griefing, Rule 2 Roleplay, Rule 11 ML

Lambinatore - Player Report: Samuel Graf, Rule 4 Griefing, Rule 2 Roleplay, Rule 11 ML

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Marcus Johnson

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Samuel Graf

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 4 Griefing, Rule 2 Roleplay, Rule 11 ML

Description of the incident:

This report is divided in 3 istances of the player being LRP, not knowing ML and being a dick the entire time

  1. During the first interactions with the newly born Greenons, the player did stated multiple times in MP comms that he wanted to kill the greenos, while i understand the personal opininon of character, just typing “KILL KILL KILL” on radio seems a bit LRP

  2. Later in the round when the greenos were “accidentaly” released by the CL, me and my colleague asked for riotshields to keep them contained.
    Warden was supposed to deliver them, but was stopped due to this player shenanigans with another MP, which led to us hearing over comms that he was trying to arrest another MP without approval from the CMP or Commander.

  3. At the end of the round, when the PMC arrived in CIC, the CO was talking/trying to talk with the PMC leader. The player, rushed out of the door with a riotshield and pepperspray, and immediately sprayed the PMC with no effect, saying something down the line of “Get Sprayed”. While the situation was tense, NO sign of Hostility was present. During this same instance after i tried to stop him, he threw a flashbang, that lead the the PMC starting shooting us.

If it was a single separated incident i would have just shrugh it off as a newbie, but the intent of LRP and grief was present during the entire round.



Was the XO that round. I took note of his behaviour on the MP comms acting as if he was going to shoot the Green Xenos. Ordered the MPs to nip that shit in the bud immediately and detain anyone who goes against the Majors orders to not harm the Greenos.

Later his flashbang was indeed the catalyst behind the shooting whilst the Major and MPs were talking to the PMCs.

Only other problem was a PVT Chef and it says a lot when an MP acts the same as a PVT and does not act his role properly and fall in line.

Hey there! @Sir_Lambini!

I checked the logs and I can confirm your claims. I see the player being quite aggressive throughout the round and showed poor roleplay. Considering player’s note history, I will be issuing a Warning per Rule 2.

We don’t want to see from our MPs to use their MP gadgets to grief the players, especially if the group they are trying to grief is an armed group (PMCs in this case). MPs shouldn’t use their gadgets if they’re not performing an arrest, so it’s pretty clear that Rule 11 and Rule 4 was broken. I see that this is not player’s first incident as an MP, therefore I will be issuing MP jobban. Report approved.

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Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict