Discord Ban Appeal - lampshade420
What is your Discord ID?
What is your BYOND key?
Joe Lampost
Total Ban Duration
Reason for Ban
Coordinated harassment and acting in a manner promoting atrocities and conflict.
Salutations, The ban reason was a little vague but addressing the “coordinated harassment” is presumably addressing our intercommunications with discord user @MobiusWon. I would like to apologise if this user felt harassed but that truly was not our intention, we were posting the stupid ww2 and death of stalin movie gifs before he even joined the conversation. From his first message he was hostile to everyone and escalated some poor taste shitposting into a serious issue, he started spewing a lot of anti-russian hate and linking serious wiki posts about actual atrocities, whilst many in the discord understood it was just a shit joke and tried to encourage him to calm down. I would like to apologise for responding to his messages with extra gifs, as at the time we found it funny that he could not understand that it was a joke despite everyone telling him. I do now understand that it was the wrong action and again would like to extend an apology to the player for any offence caused. However it is a little disappointing to see that he could spout open hatred against all Russians, despite a large contingent of Russian players in the CM community. Thanks.