Laser9 - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - NessiePendragon

Laser9 - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - NessiePendragon

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:


Your character name:

Jake Richards

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

I used a visitor console on the colony at round-start to print guest passes with colony access and prank names on them, including one with “Arnold Schwarzenegger”, which I wore later on in the round. I then had the guest pass deleted from my inventory and was banned.

Regarding rule 9, it’s intended to apply to what name you give your character in the character setup. There’s nothing wrong with me using the name “Jake Richards” and especially since it’s a randomly-generated name. I didn’t have my name set to anything other than that for the entire round.

Regarding the possible counterargument that “Arnold Schwarzenegger” is an OOC reference, it has been confirmed in the official discord lore channel that Arnold is indeed in the universe and beat Bill Clinton to be President of the United States. There are even posters on the Almayer talking about Arnold’s mysterious disappearance after becoming president.

But the biggest problem here is that I have already discussed all of these things in the past with SmellyHippie. They told me that I’m allowed to wear the Arnold guest pass, and that if another person ahelps about it, then they’d make an announcement to tell people to stop ahelping and instead to make a PR that removes that feature from the map (which would be several maps). They said that they “couldn’t be convinced to care” (their exact words). Also on a separate occasion, I was told by Biolock that they didn’t mind me wearing a “Prime Lurker (XX-121)” guest pass, which I had in this recent round as one of my other prank guest passes, although I didn’t use it as much.

I got banned for something I was told was okay to do. I would like that the ban along with any related notes be removed.


I didn’t keep any logs from previous rounds but you should be able to reach out to SmellyHippie and they’ll back me up.


I see my name has been invoked! I will present my own records below.

Laser9 had named himself 'Prime Lurker (XX-242)' using the New Varadero guest pass terminal, this is our exchange in its entirety.

[2023-11-11 09:08:26.761] ADMIN: PM: Biolock->Laser9: What’s that name?
[2023-11-11 09:08:36.518] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: One moment
[2023-11-11 09:08:55.739] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: It’s a joke ID
[2023-11-11 09:09:05.961] ADMIN: PM: Biolock->Laser9: Who gave it to you?
[2023-11-11 09:09:16.310] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: I did, is there a problem?
[2023-11-11 09:09:42.646] ADMIN: PM: Biolock->Laser9: rubs forhead let me get a second opinion before I commit to a line.
[2023-11-11 09:10:24.990] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: I thought it would be funny to make a visitor pass with a made-up xeno name on it
[2023-11-11 09:10:58.110] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: Kind of like a dark humor joke, as the colony got taken over by xenos, so the xenos are kind of like the new “visitors”
[2023-11-11 09:14:00.957] ADMIN: PM: Biolock->Laser9: In the future, please do not do that. It kinda treads into metagamey territory as, “[Marines] do not know any individual Xeno’s prefix or postfix - they can, at most, identify the caste.” You can wear it for this round though, I just don’t want marines running around doing that regularly because it’s silly and kinda on the nose immersion breaking.
[2023-11-11 09:14:59.037] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: I remember reading that. As an IC reason, the common name people use from the lore is XX-121, so I thought I’d just double it to XX-242. Does that explanation make it any better?
[2023-11-11 09:15:33.246] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: At first I thought I’d make it the same as an actual xeno as a prank, but decided against it because it would toe the line with that rule you mentioned
[2023-11-11 09:16:10.711] ADMIN: PM: Biolock->Laser9: The real issue is players seeing you do it, thinking it’s funny, and then joining in. It’s not an issue if it’s just you doing it.
[2023-11-11 09:17:47.628] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: I’ve also never seen any other person even use guest passes or know where they are. Also, Could I continue using joke names in the future? Like if I really can’t use xeno names, then I could use made-up human names?
[2023-11-11 09:19:37.642] ADMIN: PM: Biolock->Laser9: You will probably EVENTUALLY get in trouble for doing it, and I really don’t have the authority to license you doing it. That said, you’ll /probably/ be okay doing it so long as you’re a rifleman.
[2023-11-11 09:20:16.754] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: So to clarify, it’s definitely NOT okay in the future to use a made-up xeno name that a human could hypothetically just make up?
[2023-11-11 09:22:09.630] ADMIN: PM: Biolock->Laser9: Yeah I’m going to say no. Marines don’t really have knowledge of xeno naming. They might nebulously refer to xenos as XX-121, but they certainly don’t know that the hive refers to one another with numerics and prefexes (they probably wouldn’t either, but it’s the only system we’ve got for identification short of having a real hivemind). It’s just very gamey and 4th wall breaking.
[2023-11-11 09:22:50.440] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: So not even XX-121? And also yeah, I would only do this as rifleman, which I only really play on marines anyway
[2023-11-11 09:23:20.332] ADMIN: PM: Biolock->Laser9: If you make it XX-121 as a rifleman, I wouldn’t say anything. I can’t promise no one else would bwoink you though.
[2023-11-11 09:25:42.040] ADMIN: PM: Laser9->Biolock: Got it, just trying to have a little fun and maybe make someone laugh at it

Of note, this exchange happened back in November of 2023; I was a freshly-promoted admin at the time. Best of luck in your judgement, Beagle!

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Thank you, Biolock. I do remember you were unable to give me a total/general guarantee. I only mentioned your name in passing in case there were more questions brought up about my xeno guest pass I had in the recent round, even though it technically wasn’t the one that caused the recent issue. The discussion I had with SmellyHippie was much more definitive and relevant to this report.

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You should not be using mechanics in an attempt to bypass the naming rules.

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