Last Light

Recording start


long exhausted sigh

Fucking hell guess its starting to move.



I don’t really know what to say.

I know i really was not the best son.

I know tha… Coughing

That you can never forgive me.

But B… sniffing

slow and deep breathing

But it wasn’t for nothing.

I it did for you.

For John.


Ever thing I learned.

All the sleepless nights.

The yelling.


I saved so many today.


The Colony got attacked.

By some kind of things.

They killed so many.

We… prolonged coughing

Held them off from the group we were guarding.


The things got to me put some thing in me.

Dragged me off to the caves.

Strained breathing

Its getting dark


I get it.

Why you loved the sunset.

its really beautiful.


Recording End

A Recording Found on the body of a CLF Guerrilla. The body was found next to the mines shutters controls their chest was bursted open.


Last Light part:2

Weyland-Yutani Scientist: Karl Miller

I clutch my chest…I can feel my heart pounding… the MST compound has yet to wear off. we may of miss calculated the metabolic rate. That or its having a odd interaction with the type A compounds. we never did get the time to clear up the full effect of the type A’s.

door sliding open

A shift change it seems, the fine fellows in gray entered… and the useless colony Security went out. this damn hell scape will have never happen if they knew how to do there fucking jobs.

The gray fellows for being terrorists they at lest have the good sense of dealing with the pressing matters at hand.

The CLF Guerrillas headed over to the Chef Leo to get some slop… shame really Leo’s cooking was always dog shit… but for some reason the gray fellows seem to like it.

I lock eyes with one of the terrorists… he just gives me a big shit eating smile and a thumbs up.

“bit shocked you can smile now of all times”

His grin just got wider

“don’t you know frowns are bad for moral” His words were in strained chipper tone.

I turn to look at the rest of the Survivors all had on force smiles as well. Seem he is not crazy… I was just the odd man out not trying to force my self to seem fine.

I approach him he seem worn out… he face twisted in that fake smile but his eyes dead.

“you seem tuckered out, all of you do in fact.”

His and fellows smiles weaken… Their eyes harden.

“Ya we are not like we can sleep as it is… not yet.”

I though as much… I pull out my remaining MST compound and type A’s… truly thank god I grab this from the lab.

“This is a compound we were working on here, it over rides your body’s self limits.”

The men’s faces seem to contort into a frown intill they then catch their mask sliping… back to the sicking smiles.

" so uhh what does that even mean?"

of course they have no clue what i am talking about…

“it more or less makes you faster and stronger, not only that but can numb pain as well.”

Their eyes for once brighten up… shame the compound is mixed with the type A… i did like these fellows.

I start to hand out the vials one each for the three men… damn shame I only was able to grab 4 vials.

" Only drink if you really need to also take a Dexalin pill with as well."

I start to hand out the few dexalin pills I have left… they all dump the pill in the vials and stow them away.

“last of all here this will stave off sleep, its my own cocktail of meth, caffeine, and Oxycodone.”

Ever one in the room gives me a odd look… I can’t help but laugh… i am handing out experimental drugs and they find that i have meth odd… really it more odd they are not on meth living on this shit hole rim world.

“Fuck it may as well at this point.” The gray fellows put their hands out.

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