Lazlo Kerli - Player Report: Paul Ordo Starr , Rdm
What’s your BYOND key?
Lazlo Kerli
Round ID:
Your character name:
Konstantin Vonnegut
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Paul Ordo Starr
What rule(s) were broken?:
Description of the incident:
The Alamo crash lands into the USS Almayer, we planned to use the Normandy to get planetside so we can avoid the hive instead of using lifeboats. There was a rumor of mutiny beforehand with the captain being arrested for NoD before the Xenos got on board. I ask people to get on the shuttle, I have my shotgun out because XENOMORPHS is running about on the ship and I wanted to make sure I was prepared for defense. The CO is over by a corner and is talking about not launching, I know not to launch because I need to wait for everyone to get on board. Coincidentally at the same time when I raise my shotgun, I don’t wanna one hand a pump shotgun, and with most of the people on the shuttle, I assumed xenomorphs could charge knowing the doors were undefended mostly. The CO decides to pull out his shotgun and shoot me to death, and not even just normal death HE PERMAS ME with his shotgun. I ask about it to him in ghost chat (being a little angry) he said in a summary that he has permission to perma death me because “whispers” of mutiny were about and said he assumed I would shoot him for not boarding (I wouldn’t care about him not boarding because if he gets left behind he’s just going to die to the Xenos).
Personally, I am furious because I would’ve just let it slide at first if he didn’t go trigger happy on me or if he didn’t perma death me with a shotgun. An incompetent CO like that shouldn’t be allowed in a high command role such as that if he’s paranoid and trigger-happy about simple “rumors of mutiny” because the captain was arrested.
Right. I woke up after the evacuation. Marines were talking about mutinying the XO for the lack of leadership, I order the MPs to take the XO to the brig for protective custody. I stand them down and investigate the situation. Before I can continue. Dropship launches for Hijack. I order everyone to the Normandy to hold in the hangar. I did not state we would be using it to deploy down to the planet.
Evacuation gets called by the CMP without my authority. So I cancel it. This obviously causes Marines to go WTF over the comms. So I announced to them that Evac will happen later while I was running to the Hangar. I had to double back to grab a tactical shotgun.
Now, the incident. You start calling for people to go into the dropship. I did not want this as we needed people to defend the Hangar. I shouted DO NOT LAUNCH two or three times. At that moment you ran up to me in PB range, pullout your shotgun and wield it while looking at me.
I am fully expecting you to PB me and evacuate. I pulled out my Mateba and shot you two times before BEing you.
The south and west doors on the Normandy were locked. East was open and barricaded. There were no gunshots nor any xeno sighting at the Dropship as it was still pretty early in the hijack and they did crash in upper engineering. But obviously, we had no IC knowledge of that part. That is more of an overall factor.
I wasn’t being trigger-happy or some paranoid guy. I was acting purely from my IC viewpoint. Those screenshots from Dchat are also followed by you slinging insults at me.
I can vouch for Ordo here i was a ghost watching hijack and watched the entire thing transpire, he gave the orders, PO didn’t listen and then pulled out his shotgun like he was going to shoot the CO, the BE was justified for both the major Insub and threat to CO’s life
Random death match is not a rule FYI, this is a battlefield execution which the CO can do, logs will be posted, and the CO council will make a decision if it was valid or not.
GAME:Ordosian/(Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr) has canceled the emergency evacuation.
Lazlo saying to get to the normandy to go groundside
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [General]: ATTENTION (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [General]: ANYONE WISHING PLANETSIDE TO AVOID THE HIVE (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [General]: GET TO THE NORMANDY (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
The alamo has hit the almayer at this point
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [General]: GET TO NORMANDY (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: Hop in fellas (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: We go planet side (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: GET ON LADS! (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: THE HIVE IS ALL ON THE ALAMO (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: Po (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: Dont launch it (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: It is my ship (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: GET ON (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer)
Ordosian states not to launch the normandy 2 times
[COLOR=“#FFBF31”]SAY: Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr [1]: Do not. (CKEY: Ordosian) (JOB: Commanding Officer)
SAY: Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr [1]: Launch. (CKEY: Ordosian) (JOB: Co
This text will be hidden
mmanding Officer)[/COLOR] SAY: Konstantin Vonnegut [1]: GET THEM ON (CKEY: Lazlo kerli) (JOB: Pilot Officer) SAY: Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr [1]: Do not. (CKEY: Ordosian) (JOB: Commanding Officer)
SAY: Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr [1]: Launch. (CKEY: Ordosian) (JOB: Commanding Officer)
Ordosian shoots Lazlo 2 times, presumably at the point where the player ran at him with a firearm unholstered in which he is battlefield executed
ATTACK: Ordosian/(Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr) shot Lazlo kerli/(Konstantin Vonnegut) with .454 heavy high-impact revolver bullet in the Hangar
ATTACK: Ordosian/(Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr) shot Lazlo kerli/(Konstantin Vonnegut) with .454 heavy high-impact revolver bullet in the Hangar
Comment following the execution
SAY: Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr [1]: Do not. (CKEY: Ordosian) (JOB: Commanding Officer)
SAY: Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr [1]: Draw your fuckin gun. (CKEY: Ordosian) (JOB: Commanding Officer)
SAY: Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr [1]: At me. (CKEY: Ordosian) (JOB: Commanding Officer)
Following ahelp because of the situation
ADMIN: Ticket #15: Lazlo kerli/(Unknown (as Konstantin Vonnegut)): Paul ordo star just rmded me for no fucking reaso nat all because i ahd my gun out incase of xenomorphs
Announcement confirming the execution
ANNOUNCEMENT: Ordosian/(Paul ‘Ordo’ Starr) has announced the following: PO KONSTANTIN VONNEGUT HAS BEEN BATTLEFIELD EXECUTED.