LCMS1 - Fax Responder Application

Fax Responder Application - LCMS1

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?


Player Name You Use Most?

Mason “Stay Calm” Spike

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

LCMS1 - Moderator Application - #8 (Accepted, my training just delayed too much and I got kicked)

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?


Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?


Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?

I do believe its an awesome opportunity of RP and contribution to the rounds as a whole, and assiting players on having less monotonous rounds or simply helping them solve situations they might have is certainly cool. I have been playing this game for a good while now, and I remember very well all the times admins (rarely) answered my faxes and actually made me feel good for being heard, and not completely ignored after writing a pile of text for fifteen minutes. All these times were very good times, and I would like to contribute by giving the opportunity I rarely had to other players.

What do you consider the purpose of this role?

I’ve heard from a good friend that they consider the role too sparse of a purpose to be of any difference to the game., and I don’t believe I can agree: The role of a fax responder, or at least that’s what I consider, is much bigger than giving menial tasks to the players, but to actually influence the round through the responder’s abilities of overwatching and listening to what is currently happening, and that way give new RP opportunities to those who play. One concrete way I believe this could be done is through puzzles and indirect clues to things that would be of interest to the players, but that they momentarily don’t know about, for example: If a survivor comes onboard the Almayer and the Corporate Liaison simply doesn’t know about them, would be a good time to send a fax and say: “Liaison, remember to look for surviving members of the colony, any type of info about the incident shouldn’t spread out” after, of course, already confirming that Im present by sending a routine-fax on the beginning of the round, and receiving their fax that affirms they heard a Distress Beacon and ya-da ya-da ya-da. Giving puzzles to command staff and military police to assist them on situations they might be having or that could require external assistance, while also informing them on things that they don’t know about. In summary, be a puzzling entity that helps, gives clues to problems they have, immerses them and, conclusively, influences the round in a good way, not necessarily giving them physical things or things that would be absurd (Please W-Y I need a squad of PMCs I’m afraid the MT wants to break into my office). All that said, I don’t mean that I would always be indirect, responding an appeal, for example, requires objectiveness, so I personally would calibrate that “puzzling entity” to be used when what the players ask is abstract, and would keep it more straight-forwarded when their request is more objective.

When would you consider it appropriate to use your phone?

Keeping distance between the sender of the fax and I (The receiver) is essential at any costs, and using the telephone would be extremely immersion-breaking and certainly problematic if not used in appropriate times and with absurd care. I can see that the use of the telephone could be interesting, for example, in cases of planned admin events where the boarding of a certain group of personnel need to be immediately communicated to the Command staff for example, and that I could easily pass out as some type of representative of that group if I did a good coordination with the admin staff proposing the event, but apart from those and other very emergencial situations, the phone shouldn’t be touched.

If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?

As somewhat explained before, I would try to be as dynamic as possible within each round, giving them objectives that would make sense within the context that the round is developing (If all survivors are dead, I wouldn’t tell them to go interview survivors, if the Bridge only have the XO, I wouldn’t propose them to force a Non-Disclosure-Agreement on the poor guy), and I wouldn’t be giving standard, boring objectives to them, but objectives that make sense according to what they have faxed before-hand, what they are on about the whole round, and accordingly to the experience of the Liaison, I wouldn’t be asking the CL to go ask command to sign a NDA if that CL was Stephen Lewis, I would give him much more freedom and be much more passive than active on the objectives, acting much more like the puzzling entity that gives indirect clues to the objectives the player is hoping to achieve.

If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?

Combat Correspondents that print and publish newspapers are quite rare really, and the ability of giving dynamic objectives would be quite limited given how straight-forward the journalist’s work can usually be. Still, I would “personalize” my objectives depending on what type of player the correspondent is, and would give them clues to “scoops” they could have onboard ship. (I don’t think giving players “standard” objectives is cool or interesting at any level, and that’s why Im not categorizing them that way here. I could of course give them the task of “Take as many photos of the XX-121 on the colony as you can to preserve what happened on the site”, but that would already be expected by the player, and consequently boring if the player played the role more than three times.

What is your playtime in Command Roles?

Executive Officer: 42.3hr / Auxiliary Support Officer: 3.9hr / Staff Officer: 76.4hr

What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?

Chief MP: 85.4hr / MP: 368.7hr / Warden: 34.2hr

What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?

CL: 31.7hr

What is your playtime in Civil Roles?

CC: 43.8hr

What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?

Provost Inspector: 2.0 hr
W-Y Director: 0.7 hr
UPP Politsiya: 1.9 hr


These are my extra playtimes, of which aren’t exactly related to the application but maybe its good to have them here.


+1. Mason is an all around good guy that can RP with the best of them.


Is here to roleplay and can be trusted with the whitelist +1


I have some concerns in regards to your recent conduct as an MP. For this reason I will be denying the application for the time being.

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