Let me create a ERT/UPP surv/CLF surv specific character.

You can already assign characters to specific rolls, survs included.
Allow me to do the same but for specific surv/ERT types.


Seems like a WYCI issue. And it might be a bit on the heftier side.

But I can recomend @Segrain , as he was the one who made job slots for different characters. Albeit its his decision if he even wants to do it.

For it to be a WYCI issue, it has to be first be approved by maintainers

For it to even be approved by maintainers, it needs to be coded first. A true chicken or egg conundrum.

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Whilst this was during the tenure of Morrow (Who?), however it was stated that if anyone were to code a system to allow players to set their own name for a non-USCM character, that it’d be accepted.

I’d be surprised if the maintainers rejected a change to allow you to set a name for a non-USCM character. Heck, I think everyone would appreciate if you could make an entire custom character for specific non-USCM factions.

EDIT: If someone were to do this, I’d also strongly support/suggest a way to allow staff to spawn in non-USCM characters that respect the custom name (and even appearance if that is coded) of a person if they have set one assuming they are using a custom human spawn instead of a generic ERT.

That was indeed part of the original plan. Oneday^tm, if I will ever get to it after all the other things I am planning to do first.