let them hide in backpacks, so when it gets picked up they can punish people for leaving their bags unattended.
I remember a time when this was an unintentional thing open a bag and bam hugged, same way how mousetraps in backpacks worked
you can hide under it.
I do remember hearing about that, purple cloud. they used to go in there… unsure if people did that to fuck with huggers, or if it actually did something.
Interesting idea, but yeah, there probably won’t be too much of a drive to code this when you can hide under it.
I’m certainly a fan of hug/cap tools for xenos rather than killing tools in any case. I feel like it’s much more interesting of a mechanic for both sides.
my only issue with this idea is the thought of people exploiting this and getting a bag full of huggers into FOB and getting several people hugged who would’ve never even be near the frontline. OR even worse, getting the bag shipside and getting every doctor/Command member hugged effectively cutting off the head of the whole operation for 20 minutes as they all get larva removal surgery.
Side note: could be a good nightmare situation for an event but in normal gameplay outside of an event it should never happen.
I feel like someone walking around stealing huggers to put in a bag would get noticed by xenos or staff before they could do anything with them…
Better idea let huggers hide under helmets and also allow them to use helmets as shells like a turtle
does this mean I can fill my bag with C4 and when a xeno goes to melt it I can activate it?
it will happen eventually if this is made a thing, granted it can only be a thing if the bags are pick up-able/movable with the huggers still inside.
If it acts like a weirder resin hole and is not movable outside of activating the trap then it should be fine.
Honestly, for that i say better give the hugger grenades we have a sprite. Then you could give cultist those “hugger bio containers” to sneak onbord of the almyer.
I think the best case for this would be that the player hugger becomes an NPC hugger or similar. And the only way the hugger hugs someone is if they look into the bag.
Would be pretty funny to see a hugger sneak into fob and hide in some random construction backpack and hug an engie looking for mats.
this runs into the issue I talked about earlier;
If you can move the backpack/satchel with the hugger still inside, someone will absolutely grief with another player (Likely on the xenomorph side) to get the bag shipside and into command/medbay, effectively cutting off the head of command while everyone gets surgery. Hell might even get someone to burst and that creates a whole another issue that would have NEVER should have happened.
TL/DR, while it is realistic we all know someone will attempt to grief using the backpack filled with face huggers. And fuck someone over who would normally not been fucked with in this manner (Like CT, CMO, CIC, or the ASO/IO in intel processing intel)
Well thats just griefing. It’d be like if someone got a backpack of grenades and threw them at people in CIC. Thats no real reason against adding something.
And if you are talking about people metagaming to put huggers in a backpack. Then thats just an instant perma ban. Like, why add grenades, when someone can just get 6 of them and frag their nearest command and medbay? Why add the M2C when someone can just go to the REQ line and mow it down?
It can be fixed, like with M2C fix which prevented it being fired before the round starts, with simply better design which prevents the bag from being moved without it triggering. Opening, moving, pushing, picking up or exploding the bag should immediately activate the hugger therefore preventing the outcome I stated earlier. All in all, the idea is not bad it just needs minor change to how the hugger activation would need to be handled.