Let xenos use environment to perma marines & Let xenos camp corpses for five minutes

I fought to have the “no camping corpses” rule removed because of how unenforceable it is. Just don’t get super gamey with it and talk in-character/LOOC about how five minutes has passed so the corpse is perma, and you’ll not ever get in trouble for it.


So saying in the hivemind, “SADAR is dead here, let’s make sure he goes perma.” would be ok as long as there is no discussion on timing or real organisation further than that?

people already spam “SADAR GIB SADAR GIB SADAR GIB” or launch organised pushes to cap (basically round-remove) the SADAR, so I’m pretty sure ‘holding locations to perma people’ is fine (xenos do that literally every round already) as long as you dont start setting timers for precisely 5 minutes or whatever. e.g. “5 minutes passed, he’s perma, let’s go” is bad

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yes, I love getting screeched as spec and getting capped by queen who specifically drags me away and gibs me before the marines can launch a counter assault to rescue me

That’s fine, and you’re welcome to organize more than that, just try and keep the verbiage you use in-character.


Ok let’s readd entombing marines next


I love these “rule clarifications” where no one is informed about it except the people who happen to be in that round.


I made an announcement on the main discord since there was so much confusion.


ltnts was copy pasting what clairion said on the forums in the last identical forum post to this one, they didn’t come up with it on the spot

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I think that if it requires a discord announcement it should be on the rules page. I’m not for ‘add 100 million exceptions to the rules’ below the actual rule but I think in cases like this, it is just better to dodge the situation as a whole for grey areas that are a thing in every round

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Rules should be in the Rules page, not a discord announcement or in the Staff-Help page.


It’s not a rule, it’s the absence of a rule. Walling off corpses is already expressly in the rules.

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I think feeding ASRS should be celebrated (since that happens during hijack, which is 100% the end of the round). And punching or flinging a marine into an imminent hazard like a giant pit or underneath a currently landing dropship feels totally fair game.

However, before we write this off as punctuating a round that was already over, I do think it’s worth noting that getting dropship gibbed can happen from the beginning of the round. Gibbing survivors feels like it’d be extremely meta since the “metal bird” hasn’t made landfall yet, but I’m not sure how common that is.

Definitely think there needs to be exceptions made for certain events, though I imagine that’s easy to enforce. Humans dragging a bunch of corpses under the landing pads feels overly metagamey – as Steelpoint pointed out, landing gear exists, so dropships aren’t some magical portal to the permadeath dimension.


I actually disagree. First of all, xenos are aware about the fact marines are coming. This is mentioned somewhere I am pretty sure. Secondly, holding LZ as surv is a lot more meta, although you can argue they sent the distress. Some survs even just kill themselves prior to landing so they can be revived later, which is definitely more meta. Don’t think they need an exception here.

We should get rid of defibs, solving like all these issues :slight_smile:


you will begin to cough in 6 days

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So now people are expected to read through forum posts for rule clarifications?

I dunno, I’d rather we have the rule clarifications page back for stuff like that


@harryob Why was the rule clarification page retired, even? It would be pretty useful for stuff like that and even if nothing new gets added, it shouldn’t hurt to emphasise that you aren’t allowed to RP urinating someone/call the incendiary OB “coom OB”/blow up the brig to break out your buddies/be a recon larva/hide bombs in your backpack and blow up the hive/use cheats third party macros even though these situations are covered by the regular rules, right? I’m pretty sure the outdated entries could be removed easily too.


I agree

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Rule clarifications was removed because we didn’t want players to have to read secondary documentation in order to grasp our rules. If a scenario isn’t clear enough to enough players, the language of the rule page should be adjusted.

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