Lmwevil - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - Lmwevil

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Tess Greed | TE-SS (xeno) | Karen (synth)

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?


If minor: Give your clan lore.


Yautja Character Story:

[unchanged from last application]

Story from previous application that was accepted with minor tweaks: Maika’ati - Google Docs
TL;DR - Zealous follower of Chiyte, utterly single-minded in her duties and equivalent to a priestess as much as a fighter. The true gift of her Goddess is to suffer in the hunt, and relish in the thrills of victory. A defeat is merely another trial of Chiyte’s will.

Back in the day, she was treated extremely poorly by other predators because of being both clanless and a devotee to a demigod.

A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

The marines have decided to engage me, and to be honest I probably did provoke them through whatever my shenanigans were in the round. It’d be lame to just HPC them or cloak away, instead I’d bait them into a long chase until only the most persistent were left behind, isolate and take out one of them after their ritalin deprived brains lose interest in a hunt.

In short: Act like a horror movie villain, relish in fucking with the marines. Taking a limb and then throwing their corpse back.

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?
An absolute, abhorrent outrage. I challenge them to an honor duel to the death for the disgusting action of stealing my divine offering to my deity. Only in my death or their surrender will this be ever solved. That trophy was mine to take.


Reapplied after the honor code updates, lil later than 10 days because the end of the year is hella busy for me.

Application is pretty much the same given that it was already approved as an app, just delayed because of a note :slight_smile:

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+1 in accordance to what was stated last app.


Massive +1. Can RP. Great person. If you do not WL Tess, the MT cord will riot.

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“A true hunter always surveys his hunting ground before engaging” - AVP 2010

The council has reviewed the application and decided to accept it.

A great application all around. A reputation, a good story, and community feedback. I’m glad you reapplied.
Welcome to the hunting grounds, enjoy your stay.