loatheasone - Sticky Ban Appeal

loatheasone - Sticky Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

John Tyrrel

Type of Ban?

Sticky Ban

What is your Bancode?

I don’t believe there to be one on the message from the byond launcher from when I attempt to boot the game it says to head here to see more information here though I cant find and it and the link to here.

Admin who banned you?

biolock bioshock something like that I don’t remember PS: it should be made that the admins name is displayed on the ban message to make it easier for people in my situation.

Total Ban Duration

This was not stated to me anywhere or at anytime from admins.

Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?

Blackstone and here. I have older accounts that played on a lot of other servers though I have forgotten the passwords. this is also a leading cause of the ban.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

I was banned or goonstation permanently for being very rude and narcissistic though this was 4 years ago. I would also add that I have changed a lot since then and was only 12 at the time I’m sure it doesn’t matter now but yes I have been an asshole here… as we all have.

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

I was banned for multikeying.

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

I made a joke which didn’t have much thought behind it. said joke was that I couldn’t wait to fight the blacks… I mean xenos. shortly after I was put into admin sleep and asked what my main account was I stated opiass the admins response was cool you can use that to make an appeal after your banned. I believe I told him that I didn’t have the password and couldn’t log in to it I don’t remember what happened next the closest thing I remember is that he said said “you forgot the details to your accounts is that really the line your going with?” my response was is that its the truth would you rather I lie? before this I stated I had another account but I also don’t remember the details (writing this I realise I could recover my main opiass via email but didn’t think this through at the time nor is it necessary especially when you hate the name) he then said he had to check some things and left me unable to play stuck in admin sleep for 20 minutes after saying I can wait all day if I need to he responded stating his internet went out I responded asking him if that’s really the line he’s going with he then disappeared for around another 20 minutes then showed up again I said are offended by my joke is that why your banning me he said no then we started trying to work this out again he said my main account had no records of playing here but I know it has I am unsure if this was a due to a bug or otherwise. I remembered something whilst writing this he had asked why I made the second alt account I told him that it was because I was using a “friends” laptop and stated that I didn’t trust the laptop so I made the alt to protect my main but after this I revealed that this friend was in fact my mother and told him that she always tries to pirate things but fails and gets her laptop hacked he responded with I’m sorry you have such a relationship with your mother I was unsure whether this was meant to offend me or not so I told him a private piece of incriminating evidence to prove that I didn’t care what he thought of our relationship. last thing I remember was I had enough of him taking so long to respond and having my time wasted for including this appeal about 2 to 3 hours and left telling him that he can add me on byond if he needs to ask me anything to help resolve this then left I attempted to rejoin later to ask why he didn’t add me then saw that I was banned. My concluding thoughts are that this didn’t need to be drawn out to this extent over one joke and that there was not enough evidence for me to be banned for anything I also suggest you check the logs of our chat to see what I missed and to clarify things.

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Howdy Loatheasone,

Everything I said to you was sincere, I wasn’t saying things to get a rise or upset you. I administered the stickyban because you had several red flags as a multikeyer, and once you disconnected I wanted to ensure you couldn’t come back before we cleared you. If you are a legitimate player who was just trying to play the game, I apologize for all the roadblocks I am putting in your way, but please understand we deal with countless multikeyers and ban evaders every day.

Typically, permabans are considered unappealable within 6 months of their issuance. However, I’ve already communicated to our team that your appeal, if submitted, will be given special attention due to the presence of significant plausible doubt. Your appeal will be thoroughly investigated and handled by different staff members, and you can expect a response from someone else on the team as soon as possible.

They will look at our discussion as part of their investigation, but can you please provide as much information as you can regarding these things:

  • Any other accounts you may have used on CM-SS13
  • The last time you connected to CM-SS13
  • Character names you have used to connect to CM-SS13
  • Old forum accounts you may have used: Old Forums

You may not have any new information to add, but anything you can add will be helpful to the investigation.

Group project

Appeal Under Review

Hello @loatheasone, your ban appeal has been assigned to @smellyhippie for review.

In the mean time make sure to read our Server Rules to avoid getting banned in the case your appeal is approved.

Please get back to us on the information asked for by Biolock.

  • Any other accounts you may have used on CM-SS13
  • The last time you connected to CM-SS13
  • Character names you have used to connect to CM-SS13
  • Old forum accounts you may have used: Old Forums

Try looking to see if there’s any accounts with imnotaspy or opiasdark/opiass/opias on the original forums. The other accounts that would have been used to connect would be opiass or dachimpanzeewithdapc. I have not connected or played ss13 in general in years. I don’t remember any character names PS: sorry for thinking that you are trying to get a rise out of me you seem like a good dude but I have to tell you and I don’t mean to be rude but when you put me into admin sleep less then ten minutes into the round and then tell me Im going to be banned after asking me only one question is sure to piss people off but i get that your already pissed yourself considering the current state of the internet and how some people think its ok to go around and make life hard for people but please remember that anger just gets in the way.

I would also like to add that I appreciate the leniency that you have given me.

You guys dont need to worry about this anymore i deleted byond since it keeps destroying all my hard drives

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Appeal Denied

Hello @loatheasone, per your request this appeal is denied. You may re-appeal in 30 days.

Added appeal:denied and removed appeal:waiting