lockers re-organization

working on cleaning up some of the lockers.

starting with corpsman.
Thinking I might do most if not all.

Feedback I’m curious about:
mixing the point stuff with non point stuff like armor.
Should I include ALL armor options or just ones I think are most recommended?
IE 4 slot armor for medic, 3 slot armor for rifleman, but not both.


You can take one of each type of belt. IE medic belt so you can always carry them.
Then you can take the secondary belt as like your armor slot belt.
SMG, pistol, …flare gun… or more supplies.

I am also concerned about the “pouches” being overburdening.

the list is MASSIVE right now. So I broke it up to allow player choice even though meta would be like 2 things from pouches medical.

Also separated penlight and stethoscope. Might put surgical tools in here too.
These aren’t really needed and I never take them so… might as well just… allow people to not take them IMO.
(PS I cannot spell… shut up.)

unsure if it bothers others, but the rifleman having the webbing and stuff listed at the way bottom is not as intuitive for loading up with scrolling up and down to get items sorted out.

If you have any requests for the organization of prep vendors, please let me know.

I also know the staff officer vendor and the cic weapons locker vendor are different so if you don’t put webbing on in the bedrooms, you won’t have it available in the cic weapons lockers.
small oversights like this etc.


I’m not at all associated with the development team, but as someone who has played a fair share of corpsman, I’m all for this change.


such a good idea. include all armour options, mix the points and non points

keep the pouches together

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instead of breaking them up into categories of pouches?

Instead of (CHOOSE 2)
I changed it to (CHOOSE 2 TOTAL) for all the pouches on medic.


too many categories makes it more visually disruptive imo and it’s already acceptably easy to tell the pouch categories and choose pouches

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What’s the difference between the welder chestrig and the welder satchel?

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already left my opions on the PR.
But some other stuff.

Dont remove shit just because you dont use it. Your removing so much that seems very subjective.

Also, the reagent pouches are all medical pouches. There is no reason to split them into two groups at all.

In general, a lot of the organising your doing seems to be based on META picks for specific builds. Thats gonna be dated really quick and would need constant reoganizing.

Just looks. One is a chestrig and placed on your chest, the satchel on your butt.

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Good god. Your mainly disorganizing stuff. Moving magharn out of rail atachments to primary choice is a no go. You dont sort by META/usefullness. EVER. 'cause that stuff changes with every pr making the sorting very quickly invalid. Sort by names, slots or ANYTHING else. Espcially dont mix stuff from the point vendor in the normal vendor. If you want to let new players know what best to pick, you can highligth options. Dont sort by META though.

Also dont make categorys for each type of belt, thats just clutter and makes it harder to navigate. Two belts dont need their own category. Otherwise we would have 20 diffrent categorys of stuff. We have belts and pouches for basicly everything, so making categorys for specific belts and pouches makes it only harder to find.

Rough orginisation is important. Go too fine, and you basicly just made one big list. Wich you’re aproaching.

Also this needs the balance Tag. Your adding new stuff and removing things. This is not purley QoL.

Looks like you have 6 main critiques:

  1. XO having Magharness moved from rail attachments to weapon category.
  2. Point costing items in the “free” vendor.
  3. Having two sections for belts.
  4. Lists being too long
  5. Bad removal choices
  6. Meta Sorting

For #1, this is a flip flop for me.
Every Staff officer takes the magnetic harness, so I assume the XO to likely want to buy it too in hijack.
I am okay with having magharn in both locations or just in rail attachment. For now, I’m keeping it there awaiting feedback from Maintainers.

For #2 there is the question of “Point items” in the “free” vendor.
For quality of life, not having to go back and fourth looking for storage items is IMO a better change.
I put the RTO backpack in the backpack section for most units that have access to it, so they can just get their backpack before getting their items.
I also added webbing here & there. Same reason. Just have the storage equipped before getting the items to reduce fumbling through vendors.

For #3 the 2 belt sections. Medics need a medbelt, so I put them in their own category. Picking a different belt is an objectively wrong decision. It’d be like allowing marines to accidentally lock themselves out of getting the radio headset and uniform.
Yeah, you can go to medbay and just get a new one, but this is less intrusive.
The second belt section allows medics to just get a “weapon” kit that can be put into the armor slot instead of having to go to the armory to get their rigs.
As far as I’m aware, these lockers are for if you lose yours or you want to change your mind after making a selection. Otherwise you wouldn’t get it in the prep room.
I also imagine you’re concerned about the 3 sections for pouches for the medic.
I do think there’s too many pouch options for medics specifically.

You did indicate bicard, kelo, tricord to be medical pouches as well.

Finally for #4 the list being too long.
If you have a recommendation to make it more approachable, let me know. There’s 18 choices.
So many… Having 18 items in a row is just too much and in my monkey brain makes me just resort to never changing my loadout to try new things. I assume other players may feel the same.
There’s a lot of items. I could make it all just one big list.
I’m trying to make the massive amount of items more approachable by breaking them up into subsections.

The lists are pretty big right now.
I’d assume using sections as I am attempting to do to make it easier to navigate the lockers
I figure people select things as they scroll down through the list so long lists can be fairly manageable.

Point #5 the removal of items.
And I also did start removing some options.
I’ll start with the medic vendor.
I removed the magazine belt and the shotgun shell belt. I removed these two choices because they cannot be mounted to the armor slot & the medic needs one of the medic belts. Either of these choices may not be meta, but they’re also just really bad choices.
I can put them back if anyone can confidently say they work through medkits in their satchel or pockets. A medic could realistically acquire all the pills they need from the weymed next to the surgery rooms, and stuff items into satchels, webbing, etc.
I removed the grenade rig because… cmon…
I also removed the vial things because medics aren’t researchers, and the vials are empty. Though injecting medicine with a syringe is less common for medics, this may have been a bad removal.

I removed the fuel pouch since the Staff Officer vendor doesn’t have the flamer in his locker, so if he wants a flame thrower, he has to go to REQ, so to cut down on stuff in the lockers, and get the pouch from REQ.

Finally #6 for some meta-sorting notes:
Mostly trying to group things by “essential” items first.
Not everyone will take ammo and meds as their pouches, but it’s likely he’ll want at least one of the two, so making those just easily findable makes sense to me.
The items I expect people to take less often are towards the bottom. Such as the staff officer armory locker; if a staff officer is deploying, he might need electronics or a construction pouch, but has the time for it and is unlikely to take it unless he knows he’s going to be doing these operations, otherwise it’d be pointless to take apc boards and batteries 1 hour into the operation.
Most of the time when staff officers equip, it’s because of hijack, so why not just let them get their stuff and leave? One reason I added the “deployment” item section for Staff Officers. Magharness to hold onto the gun, crowbar to get through unpowered doors, and RTO backpack since Staff Officers often deploy needing phones. I can see about sorting this another way.

For com tech, I put the engineering belts at the top because they’re engineers. I assume they want an engineering belt. Also since players spawn with either a backpack or satchel, I put the welding packs at the top since com techs can’t spawn with that backpack, so why not put the backpack they don’t have at the top?
FTL don’t even have a backpack section in their locker.

If you have specific suggestions, please let me know. Trying to find the best way to keep it RP safe, but allow more player-friendly item navigation.

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Great idea. Thank you for making this thread.

Ok, some stuff i agree with you on. Thats why i removed said stuff from my git comment to make said comment less cringe. First impression and all that.

But a lot of your reasoning for your decicion is very subjective, because META, or just some lack of knowledge.

Its the prep room you get most shit from thats not role specific. Also allowing you to change your mind in your build, because you can swap large ammounts of it, and to get new stuff after you lost it. Tons of reasons it exsists.

hyposprays use vials

Underbarrel flamer is refilled using flamer tanks. They do need attachies in general in their vendor though. (i know they dont have it either, but thats not the point. Just someone else tryd to remove a lot of those pouches before because they didnt know that as well)

So many of your reasons are based on how you asume people will play.
But the vendors are not there to tell people how to play.
People have tons of diffrent playstyles you likly dont even know about.
Based on mechanics you dont know about.
And if you start sorting for a playstyle you see as the best, your giving people a disatvantage that enjoy a diffrent playstyle or see another as the best.

Sorting by playstyle is always subjective, because you can only sort by playstyles you know and you can only sort for 1-2 playstyles. Wich means you have to always neglet some playstyles.
You dont do that for good reasons.

You dont know every playstyle, you never can. The best way to make a sorting that helps everyone regardless of playstyle, is by sorting neutral. Ignoring playstyles.

Its very cool of you to go and sort stuff. But dont discourage people from using tools like they want.
Lots of SOs deploy and dont need stuff thats specificly for Hijack.
Lots of medics dont even carry the surgery kit. Because you can tecnicly do it by just knife.
Lots of battle medics around that rather have a mag belt on their hips.
Lots of people that specialize into grenades, yes, even SOs.

Dont sort vendors by your judgment on how to best play a role. Let people mess up, let people have freedom in how to play the role. Let people have fun and express themself with their builds.

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don’t sweat it. Shit happens.
You’re not just saying “this sucks.” You’re giving actual feedback. Talk in the way you feel most comfortable.

I am making adjustments with regard to what you have mentioned.

As for the most recent reply, I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying, and maybe it’s because I haven’t explained myself well enough.

Its the prep room you get most shit from thats not role specific. Also allowing you to change your mind in your build, because you can swap large ammounts of it, and to get new stuff after you lost it. Tons of reasons it exists.

I’m talking about the lockers on the west side of the gun room. There’s like a bunch of helmets, boots, regular armor. So specifically for the medic, being able to just get the pistol holster belt, or smg belt will just make it easier to get ready.
I’m not sure I see a point to forcing medics to go to the prep room to get their gun belt.
The vendors are still there.
I guess I can put the ammo belts back though.

hyposprays use vials

Sounds good. I’ll re-add it.

Underbarrel flamer is refilled using flamer tanks. They do need attachies in general in their vendor though. (i know they dont have it either, but thats not the point. Just someone else tryd to remove a lot of those pouches before because they didnt know that as well)

In addition to the underbarrel flamer, they’d also need tanks added. The vibe I get from CIC, is that you’re not supposed to have diverse fighting choices-instead some really powerful ones, and then have options for leadership, and support. I added portable shovels, and modified some of the contents in the past for support/basic fighting configuration.
The weapon lockers being setup the way they are with but 2 spare mags, or 2 spare shotgun shell boxes depending on which locker you go to.

Maybe I should be avoiding the streamlining, but I am aiming to make it easier to get what you need.
A personal gripe of mine is scrolling up and down trying to just find what I’m looking for, and fumbling around with what stuff is in what locker.

So many of your reasons are based on how you asume people will play.
People have tons of diffrent playstyles you likly dont even know about.

I agree. That’s why I’m glad you’re giving me this feedback.

Lots of SOs deploy and dont need stuff thats specificly for Hijack.

I altered the section to be called “Unknown Lifeform.” This doesn’t stop people that are deploying from getting what they need, but to rapidly find what they need for shipside bursts, and hijack.
Not enough time to get setup perfectly, but to get a quick magharn, crowbar, and MD. MD for trasspassing xenos. I imagine in hijack, you may not be able to equip properly.
I made this choice because often times, CIC has to RP things, and there’s but a couple of seconds to get equipped. Figured this would just reduce friction so Staff Officers aren’t just standing around uselessly because they didn’t find the 2 useful items in a hijack in a sea of shovels, construction pouches, and 3 types of binoculars.

Lots of medics dont even carry the surgery kit. Because you can tecnicly do it by just knife.
Lots of battle medics around that rather have a mag belt on their hips.
Lots of people that specialize into grenades, yes, even SOs.

I don’t carry the surgery kit. So I made it possible to not have it vended. I assume you’ve had a chance to read through some of the code.


this has the items I think many medics leave on the ground. You won’t be locked out of it by taking the main essential kit. This just moves some items to be taken if wanted.
I’ll re-add the ammo belts for mags and shotguns.
Do medics spec into grenades?
You’re right about SO though. I must’ve gotten it mixed up when I was changing what was available. I’ll re-add that. For medics specifically, and with how many items are available, I think removing the grenade belt is okay. They are still available in squad prep and REQ.

Dont sort vendors by your judgment on how to best play a role. Let people mess up, let people have freedom in how to play the role. Let people have fun and express themself with their builds.

I do want to help categorize things. That’s the main purpose of what I’m doing.
I am putting the “right” choices towards the top and colouring them.
But I’m leaving the “bad” choices there.
For most people, I think having the “wrong” choices hide the “right” choices is annoying.
For example with the com tech, there’s two construction belts, and the “mandatory” one is at the bottom. Then there’s a third “right” belt that’s a toolbelt with a pistol holster, and it’s buried deep within the vendor where you spend points.

I do run some wacky com tech loadouts, but I think I am only able to do that because I was able to find the “essential” items and figure out how to re-configure them.
From my perspective, being able to understand the “basic correct loadout” helps someone come up with how to make a unique loadout.
I’m curious how you view the player psychology to get to unique loadouts. This may help me understand how to support “non-standard” loadouts.

I hope my phrasings is not condescending. I wish to express my thought process and see how yours is operating.
Your feedback is useful. Otherwise with Github PRs it’s usually just thumbsup/thumbsdown and this despite being a “minor” set of changes, it affects nearly everyone on the server so I want to try and get it as right as possible.
I updated the PR with some tweaks. The changes are only visible in the code, not in the description.

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Sounds good.
And i do fully agree what it is somwhat flooded with stuff and the scrolling can get annoying.
But thats kinda the bain of having options for players. Especially the HM vendor is stuffed with shit.
It maybe can be solved with a third vendor type for HM. But i dont know what be best for that. Just a lose idea to split the 2 lists into 3. Because that would definitly reduce the scrolling.

Its more a “ehhh, thats enough for SO’s. Im sure they can get more stuff somewhere” vibe i get myself.
Like their medvendor is so pisspoor.
And they get surgical tools, when they cant do surgery. Not even IB. That surgery kit migth be removed already though.

I did, i just kinda forgot about looking up what the set was you added.

Overall your doing good work though. Just, try to sort stuff after a system thats not “most usefull” or any version of that.
And dont forget, you can just highligth options. Use that.
Also rea-add M39 belt to SO. You can carry it on armor slot (to ammo version of it too), and M39 is our highest dmg CQC weapon. Lots of reasons to use it.

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And i do fully agree what it is somwhat flooded with stuff and the scrolling can get annoying.
But thats kinda the bain of having options for players. Especially the HM vendor is stuffed with shit.
It maybe can be solved with a third vendor type for HM.

I thought about a third vendor but… I think medic is so crowded as it is, there’s no real good solution I can come up with.
Maybe when it comes to PR, I can get maintainer feedback to see if they like/dislike its new ordering. as for now, I’m not too sure what to think of it.

Its more a “ehhh, thats enough for SO’s. Im sure they can get more stuff somewhere” vibe i get myself.
Like their medvendor is so pisspoor.
And they get surgical tools, when they cant do surgery. Not even IB. That surgery kit migth be removed already though.

I think this code says SO can do IB.
They don’t have a med vendor as far as I’m aware.
The surgery kit is included in the basic medic essential kit. My moving the surgery kit to another section would make it not available. But I could add the surgery kit, stethoscope, penlight as a third always available option so SO can always treat IB. But might not be in character, or I could make the staff officer get his own medical essential kit.

Just, try to sort stuff after a system thats not “most usefull”

I’ll keep this in mind as I move forward.

Also rea-add M39 belt to SO

why? they don’t have access to m39 unless they loot one or go to req which has the m39 belts.
Seems weird to have it there if you don’t have m39. Then you just mess up your belt choice by taking it if you missclick.

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Huh, i remember distinctly a discussion about maints notwanting SOs to be able to do that.
Must have missed when they caved in.

Wait they dont? Oh shit your rigth, they only get the guns from the lockers.
Wich actually makes me wonder, why do they get guns from the lockers?
Having an armory in CIC is one thing. But having SOs take guns of said armor because they got no vendor that gives em any is a bit backwards.

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Huh, i remember distinctly a discussion about maints notwanting SOs to be able to do that.
Must have missed when they caved in.

A lot of discussion happens. It’s possible this would be made but if the code says it’s not that way, then it’s not that way.
I think it’d be a bad choice as SO really do kinda fill in support roles, especially during lowpop or near-faction wipes. SO are a “super unit” hampered by roleplay requirements. Especially since they are encouraged to spec into medic or corpsman in the armory locker.

Wait they dont? Oh shit your rigth, they only get the guns from the lockers.
Wich actually makes me wonder, why do they get guns from the lockers?

I think it’s because SO are not authorized to be armed, and must get XO/CO permission. they’re locked behind a door and a locker SO cannot unlock. They also get limited ammo.

I only have a little under 700 human hours, but I think 60~ of those are in CIC roles, so I have some familiarity with its layout and workings.

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that’s one of the great things about SO, is that when the marines aren’t doing something right (or enough), the SO can come down and fill the role of corpsman / comtech and show the others by example what they should be doing - the definition of leadership!


Ready for review.

I think I was able to try and get things aligned with feedback here.


Thank you kindly for making this. Hopefully it gets merged.


@DukeofCagliostro I summon thee.

annoy the maintainers in Development on the maincord about my important PRs:
