don’t sweat it. Shit happens.
You’re not just saying “this sucks.” You’re giving actual feedback. Talk in the way you feel most comfortable.
I am making adjustments with regard to what you have mentioned.
As for the most recent reply, I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying, and maybe it’s because I haven’t explained myself well enough.
Its the prep room you get most shit from thats not role specific. Also allowing you to change your mind in your build, because you can swap large ammounts of it, and to get new stuff after you lost it. Tons of reasons it exists.
I’m talking about the lockers on the west side of the gun room. There’s like a bunch of helmets, boots, regular armor. So specifically for the medic, being able to just get the pistol holster belt, or smg belt will just make it easier to get ready.
I’m not sure I see a point to forcing medics to go to the prep room to get their gun belt.
The vendors are still there.
I guess I can put the ammo belts back though.
hyposprays use vials
Sounds good. I’ll re-add it.
Underbarrel flamer is refilled using flamer tanks. They do need attachies in general in their vendor though. (i know they dont have it either, but thats not the point. Just someone else tryd to remove a lot of those pouches before because they didnt know that as well)
In addition to the underbarrel flamer, they’d also need tanks added. The vibe I get from CIC, is that you’re not supposed to have diverse fighting choices-instead some really powerful ones, and then have options for leadership, and support. I added portable shovels, and modified some of the contents in the past for support/basic fighting configuration.
The weapon lockers being setup the way they are with but 2 spare mags, or 2 spare shotgun shell boxes depending on which locker you go to.
Maybe I should be avoiding the streamlining, but I am aiming to make it easier to get what you need.
A personal gripe of mine is scrolling up and down trying to just find what I’m looking for, and fumbling around with what stuff is in what locker.
So many of your reasons are based on how you asume people will play.
People have tons of diffrent playstyles you likly dont even know about.
I agree. That’s why I’m glad you’re giving me this feedback.
Lots of SOs deploy and dont need stuff thats specificly for Hijack.
I altered the section to be called “Unknown Lifeform.” This doesn’t stop people that are deploying from getting what they need, but to rapidly find what they need for shipside bursts, and hijack.
Not enough time to get setup perfectly, but to get a quick magharn, crowbar, and MD. MD for trasspassing xenos. I imagine in hijack, you may not be able to equip properly.
I made this choice because often times, CIC has to RP things, and there’s but a couple of seconds to get equipped. Figured this would just reduce friction so Staff Officers aren’t just standing around uselessly because they didn’t find the 2 useful items in a hijack in a sea of shovels, construction pouches, and 3 types of binoculars.
Lots of medics dont even carry the surgery kit. Because you can tecnicly do it by just knife.
Lots of battle medics around that rather have a mag belt on their hips.
Lots of people that specialize into grenades, yes, even SOs.
I don’t carry the surgery kit. So I made it possible to not have it vended. I assume you’ve had a chance to read through some of the code.
this has the items I think many medics leave on the ground. You won’t be locked out of it by taking the main essential kit. This just moves some items to be taken if wanted.
I’ll re-add the ammo belts for mags and shotguns.
Do medics spec into grenades?
You’re right about SO though. I must’ve gotten it mixed up when I was changing what was available. I’ll re-add that. For medics specifically, and with how many items are available, I think removing the grenade belt is okay. They are still available in squad prep and REQ.
Dont sort vendors by your judgment on how to best play a role. Let people mess up, let people have freedom in how to play the role. Let people have fun and express themself with their builds.
I do want to help categorize things. That’s the main purpose of what I’m doing.
I am putting the “right” choices towards the top and colouring them.
But I’m leaving the “bad” choices there.
For most people, I think having the “wrong” choices hide the “right” choices is annoying.
For example with the com tech, there’s two construction belts, and the “mandatory” one is at the bottom. Then there’s a third “right” belt that’s a toolbelt with a pistol holster, and it’s buried deep within the vendor where you spend points.
I do run some wacky com tech loadouts, but I think I am only able to do that because I was able to find the “essential” items and figure out how to re-configure them.
From my perspective, being able to understand the “basic correct loadout” helps someone come up with how to make a unique loadout.
I’m curious how you view the player psychology to get to unique loadouts. This may help me understand how to support “non-standard” loadouts.
I hope my phrasings is not condescending. I wish to express my thought process and see how yours is operating.
Your feedback is useful. Otherwise with Github PRs it’s usually just thumbsup/thumbsdown and this despite being a “minor” set of changes, it affects nearly everyone on the server so I want to try and get it as right as possible.
I updated the PR with some tweaks. The changes are only visible in the code, not in the description.