Great roleplayer, pillar of the community, and would make an exceptional member of the yautja WL. +1
As much as it may not seem like it to some, Strobia is more than capable of immersing himself in interactions and roleplay! This was a pleasant surprise to a lot of us- myself included, especially in the past month.
Couple that with the fact that he is a very skilled & friendly player, and the aspirations he explained here and elsewhere- I do think he will do well to live up to the standards of the whitelist!
Bruh pred is gonna get nerfed by this goober when I was about to apply for it
+1 for the funny green alien cat
He knows how to roleplay when needed, just needs to keep his tics under control.
Jesus that was a beautiful story, I know your character Thomas and cherish interacting with them. Don’t know if my testimony will have any affect, but the resounding support speaks for itself.
Amazing story made me emotional, actual good player to have a yautja whitelist and personally i will trust him to follow the honor code since he has been hunting predators for so long that he knows already the rules. +1 for the messi i mean THE
Thomas B. Here we have an interesting case. I see a lot of support for you from the community, something that speaks volumes in and of itself. However, I am also hearing of your frag mentality, and the roleplay I am hearing about is not something I have observed. I have interacted with you before and it did not instill the most confidence in me. As predator is a high roleplay role, you need to hold yourself to a standard greater than the average PFC.
If and when you obtain the whitelist, you need to be not only playing for yourself, but playing for the betterment of everyone you interact with. You should focus on other’s enjoyment, not just your own. I believe you could do well in this role, but I need to know, what have you changed about your character that tells me I should trust you in this role? What would you bring to this whitelist and to the people you interact with?
Hello, I understand your hesitance when it comes to showing your support on my application and as I’ve said it is warranted, I have built a questionable reputation in the community both OOCLY and ICLY, I will admit that I’ve been a troublesome player at times and haven’t always followed the roleplay standards set by the server but I can assure you that I’ve been working on the way I present myself in game. On the topic of ‘‘fragger mentality’’ I cannot deny that at times I’ve played this game with the intention of mainly just killing things and not really interacting in the roleplay atmosphere but I can assure you that the “fragger mentality” has not impacted my decision to apply for this whitelist, my end goal with this whitelist is to hopefully spark the love and passion for this game like the whitelist once did for me, I had many great interactions with this whitelist during my earlier times on CM and if it wasn’t for those interactions I know for sure that I wouldn’t have many of the great friends and memories I have now and I’m extremely thankful for that. When it comes to how I’ve changed as a person, I feel like I’ve improved a bit since I stepped away from the community for a little bit, I changed my outlook on the game overall, I’ve been trying very hard to keep a more positive headspace despite unfortunate and disappointing events, I can promise you that events like these will not impact my ability to behave within the whitelist and community standards. " What would you bring to this whitelist and to the people you interact with? " is a very difficult question to answer due to how dynamic this game can be but I’ll try my best to create memorable and pleasant experiences for people playing the server rather than just point *roar2 and attacking someone. As someone who has been on the otherside of this whitelist it is critical that you weed out potential “bad apples” and I’d like to thank you for being so thorough about it …
Plays lol
I thought I posted this sometime ago but seems I didn’t.
I played several time with you and fought several times with you You’re a really good player and I haven’t seen any problem coming from you, you know the HC really well so I i’m vouching for you.
Adding my signature to the weeding book
Jokes aside, not only was the story an amazing piece of literature to read, but you have committed yourself to the community unlike many others, earning the trust and befriending many players. You also have the needed skill to frag predators and to frag as a predator, which would be awesome to see with maybe some RP scenarios if the time and area allows it as I have seen you not being a NPC : D
Too robust to stay as marine, must transition to predator
(Actually though kind of cool person when you interact with them and cool story)
Really nice guy, probably knows honor code better than 50% of the WL
I will be leaving for the entire long weekend so I will be unable to reply to questions / posts
The Council has voted and determined that your application is to be accepted. Expect permissions changes soon, and welcome to the Whitelist.