Lopz1 - Player Report: WAR, Rule 2: Roleplay (Queen roleplay standards), Rule 4: No griefing

Lopz1 - Player Report: WAR, Rule 2: Roleplay (Queen roleplay standards), Rule 4: No griefing

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:


Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:


What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 2: Roleplay (Queen roleplay standards), Rule 4: No griefing

Description of the incident:

The queen, who was on ovi at the time, had made an announcement informing xenos they would be banished if they were to attack the fob. I, being a healer drone, understood this and began weeding the security department building (sec was a completely separate building with considerable distance between it and the fob), as it was right next to the temporary hive the queen was ovi’d at. While doing this, I informed the queen on hivemind chat that I was weeding sec, to which I received no reply.

Fast forward a bit, I’m walking around the southeastern part of sec, spamming c, when a group of 3 or so marines wander into the building (which was unexpected as marines had fully retreated to fob), and manage to shoot me a couple times and set me on fire while I run away from them to the northwestern part of the sec building. After the incident had ended and I was safely resting near a lurker who had patted me down, the queen began spectating me, and I was banished five or so seconds after without any word from the queen. Instead of freaking out, I stood in place and told the queen several times what had happened and that I hadn’t disobeyed her in any way, in an attempt to hopefully solve what I assumed to be a misunderstanding. These efforts were met with the queen completely ghosting me and ignoring me until a xeno came along and slashed me to death. I spent the rest of the round as a ghost, unable to rejoin it as a result of the banishment.

An ahelp was made about this, but the round ended before it could conclude and the responding admin left the game, so I’m hoping to solve the issue here. This is a queen many people including me have complained about in the past for being extremely toxic towards her own xenos and handing out banishment like candy, and I believe it has come to a point where this person doesn’t acknowledge that banishments are a serious tool which seriously affects the round of the person behind the screen and should only be used when it is necessary for the best interest of the players. Instead, they carelessly hand them out as if it were a mere gameplay mechanic, often without making any attempt at seeing if their reason for it is valid or not.


This image of where the events went down, showing how far away from the fob it was:

And also logs.

Edit 1: Added important info
Edit 2: Replaced image link with working one


Was the patting lurker. And yeah. The drone did not do much and tried to plead to the queen who ghosted them. I think 5-7 minutes later they asked what happened to you, which tells how much they cared.


I was the moderator handling your ahelp. Apologies that the round ended, my game crashed just as I was going to delay the roundend and then it was over before I could reconnect. I can’t give much input, all I know is the marine who attacked you reportedly did it at tcomms with a flamethrower. Other than that it was ‘he said’ ‘she said’ with the 2 ahelps regarding this, to which I will leave the final verdict entirely up to people much more qualified to put down a verdict on this than I.


Hey, I was in the round as a hellhound. I think that the reason the queen wasn’t paying attention to you was because I was hunting prey after I requested no interference from my handler. I was deweeding to make it a better fighting ground for myself since I was slowed down and I was hitting multiple xenos, including a leader I killed, and throughout the engagement I saw the queen following me on her eye and supporting the hive with heals, weeding, probably calling out my location, etc.

As such I believe that the queen was merely busy protecting other xenos and the hive and not acting maliciously towards you, hope it’s clear


Yeah it’s all good. Even if the roundend was delayed, the whole thing probably would’ve taken too long to sort out anyways.


Hey there, @lopz_174! Thank you for your report.

I checked the logs and I saw that the Queen ordered her hive “anyone caught fighting head hunters or assaulting the FOB will be banished”, approximately 3 minutes after this, a Marine engages Drone LO-P around Telecomms Valley which is just above the FOB . I believe that was against the Queen’s order, therefore the banishment was justified. When it comes to why Queen didn’t answer your concerns, she lost one of her leaders to a hellhound, so it’s understandable that Queen was focused on healing her hive and couldn’t answer you in time because of that. I don’t believe the Queen’s intent was to grief her hive, or the Drone. Report denied.


Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict