LoveShacker - Staff Report: Skycrafter, Rule 3, 4

LoveShacker - Player Report: BGen Mia Phillips, Rule 3, 4

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Haile something can’t remember. I was a CLF goon.

Accused character name:

What rule(s) were broken?:

BGen Mia Phillips

Description of the incident:

Rule 3, 4


I was a CLF prisoner at the ERT station. I was just RPing very well with a CMB and another person who spoke the language after being captured and extracted. We basically just argued about capitalism back and forth and it was quite fun. He kept trying to convince me - since he himself is also a local - to work within the system and other things.

Obviously in the firefight beforehand I had gotten shot and - with hijack occurring - the CMB just extracted me without treating my bleeding. When I was ressed, I didn’t have any blood in me. After having all my tools removes, and put in prisoner uniform, the CMB brought me out of the ERT cell to take me to the kitchen. I said that I wouldn’t be nice as he requested, but I wouldn’t struggle cause - paraphrasing myself here - “I am not so insane that I would fight an entire room of you half-blind.”

As I was being dragged by the main room of people I called it - again I am paraphrasing here - “A whole Kit and Kaboodle of Fascists here” as there were like a bunch of different 0-5+ all standing around with their lackeys. I was blind, and cuffed. I was not a threat in any way, nor resisting out of the cuffs.

He stopped talking to the other Officers to enter the Mess, walked into the mess, Battlefield Executed me as the Marshall was about to feed me some hot soup. As far as I can tell this was a completely unjustifiable BE on a prisoner and a tad bit of EORG. The BGeneral just interupted some fun RP for as far I can tell no reason cause round end and I was CLF. I understand war crimes are a funny meme and all that, but my fun kinda got spoiled. Anyone playing as a BGen shouldn’t be doing this.


I will note this occurred exactly 54 seconds before the round ended but do agree the report on myself was mostly valid (Though I will note that historically “Terrorist prisoners” have a very short lifespan when taken to real life blacksites) but otherwise agree that I was in the wrong here.


I looked through this report and the context surrounding it.
This report is actually on a staff member and touches on staff stuff being done during the round. Instead of telling you that its a staff thing and forcing you to make a staff report I figured I’d just let this stay up, since it doesnt really change anything and is just more pointless work.
I’ll change the title and move the report over to the staff reports for recordkeeping though!

Regarding the rulebreaks:

  • Rule 3: I dont think any rule 3 violation took place here. The rule is mostly about actually vile stuff and OOC stuff and I dont think anything here qualifies as a rule 3 break since I dont think any part of the situation involved any of that.
  • Rule 4: For rule 4… I dont think there was any intent to grief here, and since the round ended so shortly after the BE I also dont think any real grief was experienced on your end. It was a BE made in good faith (even though it was a horrific BE) so I dont think there was any griefing going on.
    THAT BEING SAID I do agree that this is borderline EORG. Technically speaking there werent any FF logs generated but it does kind of meet the spirit of EORG.

Regarding the BE, it was totally unjustifiable and broke the BE guidelines in a major way.
Event protocols were also broken in several ways in this entire situation.

So taking all that into account I’m going to be accepting this report.
After looking into the entire thing I think that the issues mostly stem from a total lack of understanding of both our event protocols and the Battlefield Execution guidelines.
As for action taken:
I dont think a 3 hour EORG ban will achieve much here. Skycrafter is still a staff member and staff members shouldnt be breaking the rules at all. I will be warning them for the incident and recording that they broke the rules here so its not something that goes forgotten.
I am also quite convinced that all of this was done very much in good faith so I’m going to place my trust in something like this not happening in the future and opt to NOT suspend Skycrafter for this incident.

However I have decided to suspend Skycrafter from running events until they have received training in the running of events and until I’m confident that they can run events without breaking any of them.
I’m also going to be discussing non whitelisted players/staff members playing as roles with WL privileges more broadly with the rest of management to see if that is something that we need to limit more.