Low chance to have automated HvH

Everyone knows that distress is XvH. Everyone jokes about it (when a PVT asks about aliens everyone does the ‘ERMMMMM WHAT?? XENOMORPHS??’ in a very exaggerated way).

So what if normal distress had like a 2% chance for HvH. Queen spawns as a leader, UPP/CLF players start weak. Gain equipment points over time for bigger and badder loadouts. Keep tiers the same or similar, but T3s are heavy gunners/specs/etc.

I know it’s a lot of WYCI but I think it would make Distress Signal truly random, and keep marines on their toes when landing, and make for more dynamic and less meta stuff.


xeno mains are not robust in human roles it would be a marine major every time


I mean If I rolled round start xeno and realised it was shitty HvH. I would immediately ghost. So yeah I can see CLF/UPP getting rolled over.

And plus marines that would want to kill other marine players would cry that they can’t hop out of their marine slot and into the funny slot to frag marines.

Also 25 UPP vs 120 Marines… Gee I wonder who’s winning that one lads.
Plus CAS and Mortar
Plus Scopes
Plus Night Vision
Plus HvH is garbage.
(Also yes I remember someone had some HvH starter pack thing in the works that removes Scopes and NV, but HvH is still garbage. It’s fine for RP Event Fluff, but not as an actual gamemode)

And yeah it’s a WYCI thing. But good luck trying to be ontop of balancing all this. For the very slim chance it happens.

There’s a reason their is usually RP Fluff before people start shooting. It builds the anticipation otherwise most people would moan they died 3 minutes in.


I admit I’ve had this idea as well, but I don’t really think it works for a number of reasons.

  • HvH without faction clash rules (no scopes, lighting modifications, etc.) makes the already-not-good HvH experience even worse.
  • As much as I love the occasional round, HvH has a lot of issues, some fixable, some fundamental, that would need to be amended before this could be something that occurs without staff intervention
  • There’s two ways for the OPFOR to be spawned, which ends up excluding the xeno side in both cases:
    • A pref to be OPFOR if the round rolls HvH (better)
    • Bait & switch the xenoes into being the OPFOR without telling them (worse)

I think a lot of issues can be changed by completely rethinking the current mechanics. Crazy ideas but:

Why is the perma timer 5 minutes? Why can’t it be 30? Or none at all?
FC already covers moving or stripping bodies, making it impossible. So make further gunshots or burning not do more damage.
Keep mortars and CAS. Make mobility work for you.
Weapons are tuned for HvX - I am a firm believer that if HvH modes raised TTK by a very large margin (like 75% less damage) it would be a lot more fun. Lower damage on all accounts for everyone.
Give an OPFOR choice when spawning for xeno and then prompt latejoiners too. Add reinforcement at given times for OPFOR. This would allow for number balance but obviously risk ruining the surprise element. Same for needing to change hive status options at lobby.

It would need a lot of work but I think having it be rare and tuned towards (with being better to be used “off the shelf” for events) would be great. Let scopes and NV be used, but make the FC dim light apply planetside once landed. Lots of considerations but I think a distress signal should truly be an unknown threat, ICly and OOCly.

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You gonna annoy xeno players by a lot. I don’t wanna play UPP if I wanna play ravager. I think it would of worked better if it was a voteable gamemode rather than a surprise.


People genuinely asking, and continuing to ask, for the gamemode that manages to be consistently worse and less enjoyable than Whiskey Fucking Outpost.


Not to be too sarcastic but people enjoy different things? There’s a reason why my HvH events consistently pulled around 250 (closer to the end.) Try and deny it, but a lot of people do enjoy HvH (even in the half-assed form we have at current.)


I honestly enjoyed HvH, but everyone knows that we have yet to really nail the formula that HvX does. Like we still need to do those fixes here and there to make it a lot better, and hopefully more automated.


I think HvH requires admin intervention and supervision to actually be “fun”. I doubt an automated HvH event will be all that great.


Very true man.

The issue simply continues to remain the fact that HvH requires constant staff supervision to run it properly, and that the game has never really been balanced for HvH.

If some mad person can sit down and hammer out a proper gamemode version that works then that’d be what is needed. As it stands HvH is never going to be a automated gamemode.