Lower Fiorina Science Annex pop lock

Could we reintroduce Fiorina to lowpoop?
I remember it used to be available during lower pops 2 or 3 years ago, it was so much fun, had a ton of good memories. It didn’t feel particularly 1-sided, marines and xenos alike made things work despite the map size.
It’s a nice map, shame these days we don’t get to play it more than once a day.


I agree. I love Fiorina.

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Fiorina is a massive map with no real checkpoints. I feel a lowpop variant would just devolve into a eternal FOB siege.


I mean, let’s be real here Steel, it’d still be better than New Varadero… :laughing:


But the thing is it did used to be in lowpop circulation a while ago. Not even a smaller version I don’t think, just the whole map. It never felt that big in reality, and again it seemed pretty balanced for both sides. Marines often got good pushes going, or they would be able to effectively defend the FOB (although sieges didn’t happen nearly as often as one might expect, certainly less than new var as basil said lol).
Even when they did though, it’s one of the few maps I actually enjoy fob sieges on though tbh


do you mean… prison station…
the hallway of doom
the eternal crushers.

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