Lukas292001 - Commanding Officer Application

Commanding Officer Application - Lukas292001

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Player Name You Use Most?

Lukas Seltz

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

Lukas292001 - Commanding Officer Application - #14 [withdrawn]
Mentor Application - lukas292001 - #13 [Accepted]

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?


Command Knowledge:

How familiar are you with command positions?

I am very familiar with Command positions. I play a lot of command roles I have over 25 hours in every head of a department and 90 hours as CE.

Hours in XO:


Hours in SL:


Character Information:

Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?

Lukas Seltz decided to become a CO of a ship because it was something he grew up on. He was also taught at a young age that you country come first and that no mater the cost you must protect it.

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Lukas attained CO after being deployed to LV654 and staying behind to ensure all civilians made it off the colony before the Xenomorphs could take and capture them. After multiple hours of holding the fob, Lukas decided it was time to leave the planet. Once he returned to the ship the CO walked to him and said “Why did you hold FOB that long to rescue some civilians on a forgotten colony?” Lukas responded with “Because it was the right thing to do.” After that the major recommended him for a promotion for going above and beyond what is required of him. Lukas ended up losing his leg due to his actions on LV654.

Provide a short story of your CO.

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?

I believe pardons should only be used if it is someone who is vital to the operation and depending on what my investigation turns up.
One example of when I would use a pardon is when a spec such as Demo gets arrested for something like DTGP. I believe it would have been for the best if he was groundside fighting instead of being shipside in the brig as he could be the reason, we win an operation.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.

Another example of when I would use a pardon is when the requestions department gets arrested for contraband. Depending on my investigation I would pardon at least the QM or a CT because if no one is running req then the troop’s groundside does not get resupplies of ammo or metal which can determine if we win the OP or lose the OP. Now it does not mean I disagree with the charges, it is my belief if we want to run a proper operation, we need someone manning req. This is one situation where I believe a pardon would be useful. Now I would likely station an MP in req to make sure they do not do black market again.
One Situation where I would not use a pardon is if the person who committed the crime is likely to do it again. Such as an MT that broke into the CL’s office and expressed that they felt no remorse or outright said they would do it again. The reason for this is that if someone commits a crime you just released them from it is no longer on the person who committed the crime it is on you. The only time I would think about pardoning a shipside role was if it was a doctor and it was the only doctor we had OR if it was required to continue the operation.

When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?

I believe personally BEs should be used as a last resort such as when you are groundside with no MPs or if there is a grave and imminent threat from a marine on myself or others around him.
One example of when I would use a BE is if a demo spec ground side blows up the inter marine front because if I let him live I could not in good faith believe he will not do it again BUT if it was an accident, I would give him one last chance if he did it again, I would BE for jeopardizing the operation as he had blown up the marine front twice.

Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.

Another time I will use a BE if I see a marine arm and throw a live Nade into briefing because he is putting everyone in that room including me and all the SLs in harm’s way. I could not let him be free wandering around the ship knowing that he just blew up all of the briefing.
One time I will not use a BE is if someone ends up punching me, I will only use a BE if it starts to escalate to him knifing me or shooting me but if it has not, I will have the MPs deal with him and arrest him.
Another time I would not use a BE is when someone throws a training Nade into briefing. Now I do not believe his actions should go unpunished as I would likely tell the MPs to arrest him with DA or a hooliganism charge, as I believe that is more suitable than him being permanently removed from the round.

Hey there! Could you post your marine playtimes?

How familiar are you with the other roles not related to CIC, job playtimes are a good thing too add because if you have cargo/engie/medical/intel/research experience it all counts for me but from what you’ve mentioned it seems like just some CIC and SL mostly and while I still think that’s fine, it’s very important you know what jobs need and how to have them filled.

@curramack I believe theses will be the awnser to both of your questions.

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Exactly what I was talking about, that shows that you know A lot more than some of the information you provided in your initial in all honesty man, you play a lot of the roles needed and that makes a great CO/player.

Hello Lukas, Good to see another application, but I have a few gripes with this application;

How did your character attain the position of CO?

Lukas attained CO after being deployed to LV654 and staying behind to ensure all civilians made it off the colony before the Xenomorphs could take and capture them. After multiple hours of holding the fob, Lukas decided it was time to leave the planet. Once he returned to the ship the CO walked to him and said “Why did you hold FOB that long to rescue some civilians on a forgotten colony?” Lukas responded with “Because it was the right thing to do.” After that the major recommended him for a promotion for going above and beyond what is required of him. Lukas ended up losing his leg due to his actions on LV654.

1; This seems a bit… Odd? 1, it seems a little ‘cookie cutter’. Like the “Was private now I am major” Sorts. Were you an officer who rose through the ranks? Or where you a hardass like Lenina and bought/etc your way up to the top? And adding on that lukas lost his leg due to his actions only makes this… weirder? It seems out of place, suggest refining this should you make another application.

2; Your answer for becoming a CO isn’t much better. Grew up on what, a ship? His father had him aboard a military ship during military operations? or did his father read books to him, and he was super fixated on it?

I digress; onto actual answers that matter.

When you believe its appropriate to pardon someone is sufficient but I very much would like it to be expanded on a little more. Perhaps add little section where you DONT think its appropriate to pardon someone.

And where you would or would not use a pardon is sufficient as well, but nothing outstanding within these answers. But we would not hit you in the head with a negative mark because of that.

BE answers:

Another time I will use a BE if I see a marine arm and throw a live Nade into briefing because he is putting everyone in that room including me and all the SLs in harm’s way. I could not let him be free wandering around the ship knowing that he just blew up all of the briefing.

Good enough.

One time I will not use a BE is if someone ends up punching me, I will only use a BE if it starts to escalate to him knifing me or shooting me but if it has not, I will have the MPs deal with him and arrest him.

Good enough, though accidental clicks with a rifle or knife do happen regularly. Suggest having lots of tolerance for bullshit as the marines will CERTAINLY test you and attempt to make you slip up. Be it on purpose or not.

Another time I would not use a BE is when someone throws a training Nade into briefing. Now I do not believe his actions should go unpunished as I would likely tell the MPs to arrest him with DA or a hooliganism charge, as I believe that is more suitable than him being permanently removed from the round.

In my honest opinion, this is the worst offender. Throwing a training grenade is not a crime for a few reasons; 1, it can not harm or explode; it simple ticks like a grenade does then it resets. and 2, The only charge that is BARELY applicable is hooliganism and even THAT is a stretch of the imagination, unless the person themselves was be very disruptive. 3, Why would you even arrest them?! A grenade that does not even explode is barely disruptive, if at all. Arresting someone for that shows alot of your CO’s intolerance of the most basic things. You are a representative of the CO council (OOCly) and a representative of the USMC (Ingame) as a whole. Show restraint and a level head before ordering something as foolish as this. and I recommend remediating this, perhaps with a new reason to not BE someone.

For the moment I leave this reply in a neutral (not -1 or +1) stance; I have seen you alot as XO, even under my command a fair few times, and believe you have good faith and character, but this application has dragged down my opinion a fair bit. You have my attention, lets see if you can capitalize on it. Hopefully some people will ask some ML/BE/Pardon questions and your answers, good or bad, will influence my decision to answer in favor or not of your application.

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I very much see you point in this I looked at is they purposely trying to disrupt briefing and I do understand why you think that. As I am looking back I do have to agree with you I do not see a reason why I would have them arrested as it is most likely a random private that is messing around.

I wrote this as the marine is purposely trying to knife me or shoot me. I do understand accidents happen and things like that. Again I wrote this as if they where purposely trying to kinked me and that but I will take all of this into account.

For the private part, he was deployed as the XO to the planet instead of the CO. I was an officer that rose to the rank of captain then durning that operation is when I earned the rank of CO.

I did put some examples of when I would not pardon someone in the app itself but I will add a little more. I would not pardon someone if they look like they are going to go right back and commit the crime I just pardoned them for such as if a pardon let’s say a SL for DASO and then he goes right back and does it again. That would now be on me and not on the SL.

I’m pretty sure I played smartgunner with you before and you rushed the prep rooms to take the both of the free SG drums and then refused to give it back. So that’s the kinda player this guys is. I never forgot.

I am confused on how this is relevant but anyways I have not played SG In at least a month or two and at the time this most likely happened was when I first started sg and I have not been doing that.

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Fair, it was awhile back. Good luck on your application.

One thing:

The Commanding Officer may be held responsible for further criminal actions committed by those they pardon, and should High Command reverse the decision; they must ensure the condemned return to serve their time without incident.

You would simply be unable to pardon the marine again as you too may be held responsible for their criminal actions, granted HC would need to be faxed (or Ahelped) but regardless the outcome will likely be the same.

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Hey Seltz! I’ve got a few questions and concerns about your application that I’d appreciate if you answered and expanded upon. As always, I’m not on the CO Council so don’t feel pressured to respond.

Could you go into more detail here? What this suggests to me is that if a limited slot role (like a specialist) gets themself in trouble you’ll pardon them solely because of the fact that the role is limited. I don’t think I need to explain how dangerous that is for you as the commander but just in case I do, you’ll be going straight to the brig with them if they re-offend.

The reasoning is sound here for the most part, but you have to keep in mind the behavior of said CTs or QM. If you pardon an individual who is utterly unremorseful and likely to re-offend, not only would you be robbing the operation of req but of their commander as well.

Your wording here is a bit confusing to me. Are you saying that you’d only ever use a BE when you’re groundside, or are you just giving it as an example? If it’s the former I can guarantee you that there will be situations that arise onboard the Almayer that can give rise to a BE. Restricting yourself to only performing BEs on the ground will endlessly hurt you as a Commander.

How do you determine whether or not this is an accident? Was the Demo aiming at the Queen when a marine got in the way of their rocket? Did they fat finger and accidentally fire their rocket into a crowd of medics? Odds are that the Demo will have been shot to pieces by the time you even think to pull out your Mateba, so what room does that leave you to investigate?

I know you addressed this once already when @thespy24574 brought it up, but I feel compelled to point out that this answer does not reflect well on your application. People toss training grenades in briefing to the point that people don’t even bat an eye, I know I don’t. Of course, it’s a different story entirely if they’re tossing smoke grenades but you specified training grenades. If your initial response to something this harmless is to have them DA’d indefinitely, how am I meant to trust that you’ll make level headed decisions elsewhere?

I’ll round this out with some additional questions for you to consider:

  1. You’ve latejoined into a round and are on your way to CIC. While passing through medbay one of your MPs stops you and asks for your help with a developing situation. They explain to you that 3 members of W/Y corporate security were recovered from the colony below (they are survivors - not from the Royce) and are refusing to comply with the MPs attempts to search them and confiscate their weapons. The argument between your MPs and the W/Y survivors is getting heated to the point that it appears it may turn violent if you don’t intercede. What do you do?

  2. You enter the briefing hall ready to detail out your plan to the waiting marines, at which point you see Delta’s SL getting rough with a few members Alpha & Charlie squads, normal marine misbehavior. You let it slide and assume that once you begin to speak they’ll get their shit together, but unfortunately that isn’t the case. The vast majority of the marines are more interested in the brawl than they are in listening to anything you have to say. What do you do?

  3. You’ve deployed to the ground and are in the process of organizing a major push that could make or break the operation. It’s at this point that your XO and CMP both inform you over comms that the USCSS Royce has sent a detachment of PMCs to the Almayer for “something related to research.” Neither the PMCs nor your research staff are willing to budge on the issue of the disputed chemicals, resulting in the situation rapidly deteriorating. What do you do?

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First thing I do is try and defuse the situation and hear out all sides of the argument. After that I would explain to the security that they are boarding a military vessel and that we are required to search civilians for any firearms and weapons they may have on them. After that if they preceded to not agree to the search, I would explain to them that we can’t just bend the rules and regulations because of one incident, and I would go on to ask them why they do not believe they should be searched. If they still do not listen, I would most likely be forced to send them back to the ground with IFF and only IFF.

The first thing I do is yell at them to break it up. Which almost never works. Then I would ether use the flashing button in briefing room to get their attention and for them to listen up and break it up. If that does not work than I would get MPs to get their handheld flashers and the cuffs to try to break up the fight and get them into their seats. If they continue, I would get the MPs to arrest them for charges of insub, Disorderly conduct, and if the Alpha/Charlie marines what to have him arrest for assault.

For this one I would most likely for simplicity’s sake tell the researchers to hand over the chem to the PMCs as it is stated from the USCSS Royce that they will shoot us if we do not comply. If the researchers still do not listen, I would have the MPs go in and take the chem and paper and hand it to the PMCs. As I am just trying to make sure we do not get shot at and so there is no unnecessary loss of life. If that does not work, I would have the MPs go in and arrest the researchers for Insub. As they refused my orders to hand over the chem multiple times at this point. Now there will never be a way for me to see what is happening up there as I would be deployed groundside and if I would leave the ground then I could risk losing every marine under my command.

I would never mean this to be an indefinite charge of a DA and I would at most put them in there for 5 minutes but as I look back at these, I do agree with what all of you are trying to say and that and as I look back at it the only nades that work on green is the training nades and smoke nades. I she my mistake in this answer.

I believe if it is a spec that they should not be pardoned on just because they are a spec I believe it depends on the charge they were charged with and how they act.

I was more of using it as an example I know there will be situations where I will needed it shipside and I will use it if I have to.

That is a very good point there is no way for me for me to know if it was by accident or on purpose as I am not the person playing demo at that time but they way I would Determan if it was an accident is simple I would let the first one slide and if they continue to do it then I would end up having to BE him as he has killed multiple marine Multiple times.

I have two questions.

First. Is your character a self insert?

Second. Last month you were the ASO and the FOB was getting sieged. aCO ordered you to send supplies down. You refused because “FOB was about to be overrun” and kept refusing to follow the order with your argument being that the ASO is above the aCO on supply matters. FOB was holding but then it fell due to lack of said supplies. That got many players pissed at you. I don’t want to bring old shit up but I wanted you to comment on this incident. Do you think that was a good call? And if so, why? (I observed it as third party)

I used to be CO whitelisted until purged due to inactivity but I’m not a councilor so feel free not to answer the questions if you prefer.

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No, This character is not me in real life I based it off of me, but I have no relation to their last name at all.

That is interesting I don’t remember this happening but as you said it was a month ago. It is always a judgement call I do not like send stuff down to fob when I hear we are about to fall because I would be wasting valuable budget and supplies But I can’t comment on something I do not remember.

I’m sorry but there’s too many things about this application that won’t fly as material befitting a CO. Let’s start with what people have said about you, councilors and COs alike:

  • Your story doesn’t properly describe a valid career path for your CO. We’re not asking everyone to be military experts, but people don’t get promoted for holding off a base. That gets you a medal, not a higher rank. You’d need to showcase how your CO demonstrates leadership capabilities in both your story and your preceding questions describing them.

  • As other people have said earlier, a training grenade is not a valid thing to BE over and this is one of the critical answers in your application you’ve gotten incorrect. A training grenade does nothing but make a noise. Nobody’s life is in danger, nobody is threatening the operation, it is the most harmless prank a Marine can pull. Read up on the Code of Conduct page for COs and read the example reasons carefully. Take note of what scenarios are okay and what aren’t - you’ll notice they all done because someone’s life is in danger. Yours, a marine’s, the entire company, something that absolutely requires you to put an end to someone’s life. This isn’t one of them.

  • The CO Council has stated that in the rounds they saw you play, they hadn’t noticed much communication from you at all, and that you’ve made one or two announcements that barely conveyed any useful information. You need to work on your communication skills, be more talkative, and focus on the individual people who run the operation below you. The more you treat everyone like one big blob, the worse you’re going to do.

  • And finally, we’ve not seen very much improvement over your last application. The Council believes your answers were similar to the last attempt and you haven’t made much improvement in the feedback that you were given on the last application either.

So overall, unfortunately, we’re gonna have to deny this one. You have to look into the reasons your application is getting the feedback it is, work on it, and seek to improve. Don’t be blind to them, please.

You may reapply in 30 days on December 27, 2023.