LV-759 Hybrisa Prospera Nightmare

Just a basic idea. but what if a bunch of miners spawn in as a nightmare event. where the lunge mines are at to be exact. i think it be a interesting roleplay survivor mode at least.

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Unironically, if I had to design one it’d probably be a group of Weyland Yutani scientists stuck in the facility black mesa style.


I’m hoping to start doing some nightmare inserts for hybrisa once it gets fullmerged, trapped in the labs, a crash at the WY LZ, pizza boys shift gone wrong, etc.


Yeah don’t worry a bunch of people have ideas, including myself for inserts. Just waiting for it to be properly merged. Which might take a while since we still need to wait until Blundir is finished with his massive sprite-reorganization PR. Either way I’ll try to keep it on the TM so people can still play in the mean-time.


I mainly think a 3WE based nightmare would be best.

I mean, CLF has LV, UPP has trijent (for some reason, that should be sorokyne they spawn on.) USCM has Chance’s, CMB has fiornia, W-Y has Solaris.

It’s time the 3WE (who’s sector we are in) gets a nightmare insert, mainly some Imperial Armed Space Forces members.

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Counter choice: two nightmare modes 3WE 100, but I prefer a more focused nightmare centered around the WY labs.


the UPP are on trijent because of suspected xenomorph research iirc, but it’s also just likely the UPP would want to sabotage or control Trident since it’s lorewise one of the major sources of fusion fuel in the area(galaxy?)

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The real reason UPP is on trijent is because people love them to death, to the point they want to insert them on 3WE maps like trijent, trijent is a 3WE city, if you want UPP do it on sorokyne, the UPP map.

Like compare how much stuff UPP gets with other factions, they’re the ones that get the most stuff, even PMCs (the second largest ert faction) have less stuff then the UPP.


hybrisa is a ruined urban map so it HAS to be an Escape From New York nightmare insert where the prime minister of TWE and a bunch of guys try to escape after Jaabn Force One crashes somewhere