A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
As this is a case of IE, I would have to review the player’s note history, approach both themself and the victim in PMs, and determine whether this would be just a situation where a note would be added, or a ban and a note, depending on the severity of their history.
A player ahelps that a predator has violated the honor code when killing him, what should you do?
I would reply to the PM, explaining how the player can create a player report on the forums, as staff do not handle Whitelist issues, those are handled by the council members for their particular WL.
You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost at roundstart.
I would speak with a mentor in the Mentor chat (msay), notifying them that they might need to appear as an SEA to guide the new player.
A player is being very rude to you in adminhelps, calling you names and arguing everything you say. He is requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
I would note the user for rule 0.2, as toxicity and hostility are not acceptable responses to administrative actions (admin PMs, notes, etc.) and forward the player to a higher administrator.
A player ahelps that a marine is named ‘John Doe’, how do you deal with this?
I would PM the player named ‘John Doe’, letting them know they are in violation of the expectations within rule 9. I would then inform them that they should change their name before the next round begins and ask them what they would like their name to be changed to in the meantime. (If they refuse, I will choose for them.)
You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green and there has been no threat to the ship in the round at this point.
There are a few ways this issue could be viewed. The MT could be in violation of rule 2, as it could be said that a non-combat role stocking up on armor and weapons in this way is LRP, or possibly rule 6 if the hijack is coming (but not announced as a hijack yet), the issue is circumstantial and would have to be viewed in context of the current events of the round before a decision to note/ban could be made.
A Marine ahelps that they were killed by a survivor. It is early round, the Marines have just landed, and the survivor claims that they were outright hostile to all Marines from the get-go and openly stated their intentions. How do you deal with this?
I would PM both parties to figure out some basic facts: Did the survivor wear their Hostile Survivor uniform at all times? Did the survivor remain hostile at all times with no break in the fighting that could be seen as ‘acting friendly’? If both these questions are true, then the killing of the marine was correctly performed, otherwise, the survivor would be noted for their breach of the hostile survivor guidelines (cannot fake being non-hostile, must remain hostile consistently otherwise you need to properly escalate any killings.) and IE.
You receive an ahelp from a player stating that an MP has locked them up in permanent confinement for running into Requisitions and taking an attachment that was laying around.
I would need to investigate the MP player to see if there were any rulebreaks (Rule 11, Malicious Compliance) and review the MP player’s history as they may have a history of false sentences and/or excessive punishments, which would change a potential note, to a potential ban, depending on the context. As such I would PM both players, in order to see both sides of the story to determine if the arrest was valid, if the perma sentence was wrongly imposed, or if both the arrest and sentence was valid as many times players will downplay their actions, (the Marine could have potentially done more than just ‘ran into req and took one attachment’).
The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won’t leave the ship, and the aliens won’t attack. What would you do, to “encourage” the sides to engage each other?
I’ve heard staff will sometimes flip a coin and decide based on the coinflip to buff a side, to incentivize offensive actions, (nuke, AA boiler) and force the sides to move forwards against each other. As such, I believe I would do the same, if I was within my rights to. Alternatively, I could just let the round play out, (Xenos can potentially hijack and gain the larva surge without intervention.)
You are playing as a medic, and another medic overdoses all your patients and prevent marines from being revived. It seems like it may be on purpose. How do you deal with this situation?
I would PM the player, looking at their medical playtime and note history to determine in this case if they’re just new to the role and need guidance (in which case I’d refer them to a mentor-help) or if they are intentionally griefing, in which case they would be noted or banned depending on the severity of their note history relating to the current issues.
The round ends, a Marine starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member ahelps about being killed after the round ended.
I would mark this as an IC issue, as EORG does not apply to reasonable end of round actions, (for example, firing at hostile factions ((upp, clf, xenos))).
You receive an ahelp from a Marine saying that he was killed by another Marine. When you ask the murderer why, he said it was because the other Marine had punched him.
I would need to determine through context and speaking to both sides if the killer had a valid RP reason to do so, and if the killing was properly escalated. If one or both turned out to be false, I would note and/or ban the player for their breach of the rules (IE, LRP) with consideration to their prior note history.
You find out that there is an improper mutiny occuring. The mutineers are rallying together and preparing to storm the CIC. How would you attempt to resolve this situation?
I would make an announcement using MOOC in order to notify the mutineers that they should ahelp to perform the mutiny, if they continue with it and move forwards with the unapproved mutiny should I decide to deny it based on the reasons provided by the mutineers, I would note and/or ban the offending players depending on their previous history.
There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
The Marine would be noted or banned for grief, as they cannot be PM’d for context, I would need to make the decision purely on my own judgement, and have the affected Marines admin-healed.
You see a player playing a Xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines straight from the Xeno hive the second they burst and die.
I would PM the player as this is either a minor note, depending on if they’ve done this before or not, or a ban/note for griefing, as larva should remain within the hive at all times unless they have a valid reason to leave the hive (it’s being breached and they have to run, a cap got free and is killing larvas, etc.)
You see a Xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat, as well as insulting the Queen.
I would speak to the player, noting them for LRP as xenos should be wary of using too much internet speak/web speak as they are supposed to be animals with no world wide internet infrastructure or meme culture.
A Xeno player calls the shuttle a “dropship”. A different Xeno player ahelps that it’s low role play to call it a “dropship”.
I would mark this ahelp as an IC issue as the rules do not state xenos are required to use the ‘approved xeno slang’.
A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet. You receive an ahelp from a marine regarding this.
I would PM the Command staff player, letting them know that they’ve committed a minor case of metagaming and noting them for this relatively minor offence, letting them know that they do not know there are XX-121 on the planet before first contact. If needed I will make an MOOC informing all the Marines of this fact.
You find a Marine killing another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself. There are two other marines in the pod along with him.
After speaking to the two other members in the pod through PMs, and determining if the Marine in question had other options to evac the Almayer (more pods, etc.), and had a valid RP reason to kill the other Marine, I would regard this as a valid case of killing due to having a proper RP reason to do so (rule 10, exception 1: “There is one evac pod left and four people are trying to board it. The Hive is closing in on you, in desperation you kill the marine in front of you to take their place.”)
A player insults you after you warn them for a minor issue and begins ranting in LOOC or dchat about staff and mentions you specifically, referring to you as an ‘idiot’ and a ‘retard’.
I would note the player for Rule 0.2, as the player in question is being toxic/hostile in regards to the resolution I reached in the course of reviewing their case for the minor issue.
A player ahelps saying he was hugged by a Xeno when he was ssd, and wants the larva be removed from him via admin powers. How do you handle the ahelp?
I would mark the ahelp as an IC issue. SSDs do not have special protections.
You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforce a rule.
I would let the staff manager above myself and the other staff member know of the issue, but would not pursue it myself otherwise.
Two staff are arguing in msay if an ahelp is breaking a rule. Because the staff who took the ahelp thinks the player broke a rule, they ban the player based on their interpretation of the rules, with others thinking the person was fine. What would you do?
I would inform the two staff members to take it up with their staff managers as they are clogging up the msay chat with their arguments. If they refused I would notify the managers myself.
Here are the answered questions! Hopefully I didn’t mess up too bad.