LynxSolstice - Moderator Application

Moderator Application - LynxSolstice

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord username?


What characters do you play on CM-SS13?

Solstice ‘Sol’ Montagne

Are you 16 or older?



MDT (GMT -6)

On average, how many hours are you available to moderate in an average week?



Do you have previous experience in game or community moderation?

I was a discord architech and head of discord staffing for my milsim unit (around 3 years ago, at this point), and previously CM staff for a year, until my removal.

Provide any links to any previous CM-SS13 whitelist, mentor or staff applications:

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on CM-SS13?

Yes, although it’s been over a year since my last 24hr+ ban, (or any ban from the game), which was from Feb of 2023.

Can you actively engage and communicate with the team through Discord?

Yes, I’ve done so in the past and I can do so again.

Final Details:

Why would you like to join the CM-SS13 staff team?

Over the last six months I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on my past with the CM staff team. I genuinely miss the experiences I had with it, the friendships I felt with other staff members, which were severed by my lack of proper conduct and reflection in the moments on the critiques I was given. I’m reapplying for a second chance to return to a place that I really felt I enjoyed being in. I want to do better this time around, I’ve had a lot to think about and I’ve thought about the issues that got me removed from Staff in the first place. I want to assist the team again, and make the server a more enjoyable, safe place for the players who come here every day, whether it be after work, or after school, they come here to de-stress and I want to help facilitate that. I’ve held other people’s histories against them, doled out too harsh punishment for that, and I suppose submitting this is a reflection on that, pure and simple, in that my own history is harshly punishing me, in the same unfair way I did to others. I’m putting this application here to, hopefully show in my own words, that I won’t squander the second chance I’ve been extended, and that I have learned from my mistakes to hold myself to the lines of protocol far stricter, especially regarding events, and to be more lenient to others in my administrative actions.

What makes you a great addition to Staff? (Experienced Tabletop DM, Aliens Lore Buff, Super Organized, etc.?)

I already have experience as CM staff, and despite my glaring issues which I addressed above, I was able to be around to assist the other moderators and admins as much as I could. As stated in my previous application, I had, in my 4 years of Milsim experience before leaving that sphere of people, I had learned to work well within a team, organize members for tasks, and deal with administrative duties (spreadsheets for rosters, scheduling events, assuring my squad and fireteam members attended events, and set up my units discord when we switched from our short-lived name change.) I’m hard-working, (made it to E-7 Gunnery Sergeant in my time with my unit,) and I take on the tough duties that are needed to be done.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a CM-SS13 staff member?

Self accountability. I myself held myself accountable for my actions, thinking them over, during the past six months since my removal. Stepping back forcefully from the team allowed me to reflect on my mistakes and mis-guided actions that added up to my removal from staff. I’m submitting this application to you, the managers, staff team, and community, to show on full display my mistakes and faults. I was a harsh, restless staff member, who, in his striving to do more for events and such, overstepped far too many times, in an attempt to stretch what tools I had to their limits to accomplish tasks that were restricted to Senior Mods. I do not wish to return to my previous staffing style, nor do I wish to return to immediately throw it all away over some arbitrary things like, not having the tools to do some tickets, or events. I should instead enlist the help of my fellow staff members to help accomplish what I cannot. I have come to recognize that it is not a failing of myself personally, if I need to ask for help from a higher staff member to resolve something that I cannot do.

Anything else you want to add?

If the person I was, six months ago, before all this reflection, were the one judging my application today, I would be denied. I hope that those reviewing my application will be more lenient than that, because I myself wish to move past, my failings, and to do far better for the community and those staff members around me, in this second chance.


what did you do to get removed from staff?


I combined two minor events (a survivor swap pre-approved event, and a survivor objective event) as a Moderator, which resulted in a major event, violating the event protocols, the combination of minors on it’s own also resulting in a protocol violation, which, with my history of punishing people too harshly, resulted in my removal from staff.

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Hey there, I’d like to say that you swapped Survivors with fully armed TWE Marines including a Team Leader Synthetic, and you lifted that Synthetic’s combat restrictions and even give them a gun. You did this even though at least three or more different staff members strongly disagreed in asay you even admitted that it was unlikely for the TWE to have combat synthetics, yet you ran the event.

I believe you already knew that your event was already out of protocols. However, the main problem for me is you ignored the rest of the staff members’ concerns and even argued with them. I really appreciate your effort to come back to staff, but please don’t. Be safe!


I can’t help but agree. Due to your “survivor events” i was bombarded on daily basis about the balance, the impact and whatnot. I was quite tired, and that synth situation was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
It’s going to be a -1 from me, in agreement of what Nessie said.


-1. Multiple staff told you something was a bad idea and yet you chose to ignore it. You also issued punishments that did not properly reflect the offense. Abuse of authority is something I despise. You are one of the few people I have seen removed from staff for improper conduct.

My advice is to withdraw this application and continue to work on improving your reputation in our community.


I thought about this over the night, and I have the following.

When I was just deciding on setting a perma name so people would recognise me, I F1/ahelped a genuine mentor-grade question.
This ticket turned into something about me violating a rule, and then my question wasn’t answered and the ticket was closed.

You were the one mod that I genuinely was like “fuck this guy.”
But in your application, you seemed to have learned your lesson of
“Play by the book, get played by the book.”

Ignoring everyone else, and the likely future where you are denied, I would say that if you can genuinely say you’ve learned that more often than not, close the book, I’d be a +1 if you can promise that you’ve learned such.
If this is what needed to happen to help you develop as a moderator, then that’s what needed to happen.
As far as I’m aware all moderators become trial mods before full mods, and they can always just remove privilege, I would say +1 from me under the condition I laid out. “Yes, I understand.” or “No, rules are rules.” No further explanation of you learned needed from me. Mostly because your in character person is pretty awesome, and I had no idea you were you.

But as with Warfan, events just aren’t it.
FOR LURKING MODS: Maybe write up some history on Mods that had bad times because of events to protect future mods.

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To address the -1s from above, during the combat synth fiasco I was told it was an iffy-idea, I was stupid, I felt that the balance concerns wouldn’t be terrible if I watched closely, and the cool factor would outweigh that but it didn’t. For the synth’s part they didn’t abuse their combat restrictions being lifted but I understand the basic issue of those restrictions being lifted was not acceptable. As for the issue of not taking in feedback (or assistance) of other staff, I recognize that such was a fault of mine, as outlined in the original application. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the small and big ways I fucked up, I never really went to anyone for help and I always tried to do things myself, even if those things were stupid. There’s a trial mod period for any staff on-boarding and I’d like to show that I have improved using that time, and I feel an outright denial would be detrimental to such. Thank you all for your clear feedback, I’m sorry that I was unable to show you my improvements that I’ve strived to make over these last six months since my removal from staff. It was hard to see the fundamental flaws in the moment, and taking a forcable step back helped me reconsider my many mistakes and regrets. Saying ‘abuse of power’ implies maliciousness that was not there, I was just overzealous because I wanted to change what I saw as CM’s fundamental LRP, but I can see, from stepping back that I was always fighting something that I had no chance against and only hurting players as a result. The karma of having my own history so harshly held against me when I was offered a door back into staff with a reapplication by the previous mod manager is fitting in a way, and it’s not lost on me that such is another point of reflection.


In general my issue with these -1s is purely this: We have a six month cut off point for note history, the reason why is that people are not static. They change, they’re dynamic. I’m not asking for people to forgive my previous mistakes or failures, this application is merely asking for a chance to show that I have changed, that I have reflected upon my flaws and am willing to move past them, to do far better with a second chance as staff, than my first failure. After all, why would I try for a second chance if I was not changed? Why would I squander my chance to show everyone wrong that I’m not just going to be doing the same things I did before, failing the same way? The answer to both of these is that I wouldn’t. I want to show my detractors wrong, that I have changed, that I will do better.


I will not be leaving a -1 or +1, I am admitting bias here. Having enjoyed cordial relations with Lynx for a prolonged time I would like to add that he appears to have learned about how events should and should not be run. I would also like to point out that he has changed to a great degree from when he was dismissed. He ought to be given some reprieve.


+1 THIS GUY is the best jannie ever; respect


Do you think you have changed since your conduct on Aurorastation about three months ago?



Due to concerns raised regarding your history and the nature of coming to terms with it your application has been denied by management at this time.


Added mod:denied and removed mod:waiting