So, I’ve been thinking about the M79 compared to the underbarrel grenade launcher. I can’t really come up with any reason to use the M79, so I’ve been thinking about how to buff it.
I propose allowing the 2x scope to be attached. This gives it a capacity that compares to the flare launcher, gives it an advantage when compared to UBGL, and I don’t think it will break game balance?
now unless i am dumb i am pretty sure the underbarrel GL doesn’t have IFF. unlike the M79 that does have a IFF firing mode. one reason i use the M79 as a main a stay some times is to bully warriors with GL slugs. Not really sure it needs a buff really.
big ups m79
anyways i was thinking about this recently, and i have a couple ideas i could probably throw into the fray here:
(note all these are EXCLUSIVE to the m79)
breaching round, designed to knockdown walls, no stun to xenos but high wall damage and high blast radius
impact concussion grenade, decent stun and low damage, blows up immediately upon hitting the ground or a xeno, stun duration should falloff over range
this is prob a bad idea but 40mm full of buck/flechette, make the spread huge and PBs impossible so it’s not giga disgusting
anyways give criticism and tell me I’m wrong if i am
M79 advantage over the UBGL is mainly that it can fit a lot more grenades. The UBGL can only fit the M40s. While the M79 and M92 can fit basicly all grenades. (it doesnt seem to have any restrictions and seems to allow any grenade subtype to be loaded)
Its more meant for large grenades. Thats its niche.
Pushes up glasses Tecnicly it has hightoss and not IFF, wich i been told is diffrent. For some reason.
And the M79 has hightoss & IFF as well.
m79 can just be an easy offhand tertiary weapon to make your explo pouch better without sacrificing ag on mk2.
It has its niche. It’s still a grenade launcher, it’s still good if you focus on only nading.
All nades are good nades after all…
and asides from that it also has baton slugs which are great slugs tbh.
Plus, your “clip” is as big as the amount of nades you carry, unlike the MK2 which has to be reloaded after only 3 shots. So it could be a better GL for PFCs - if not going for mk1. Regardless, it’s still fun to use.
cant wait to get offscreen baton slugged as warrior
only problem being is you raise the possibility of people sniping xenos with OT nades from off screen with no warning
the day i get offscreen sniped by a grenade im blowing my head off
Hornet shell.
Honestly i migth make a Pr to buff it a bit now that i think about it. Its pretty useless in current state.
the m79 doesn’t need a buff, for me it’s already one of the best weapon marines can possess. You can be faster and more organized with the m79 than with grenadier spec’s very own GL. What makes or break the m79 is the nades you are supplied. In short, don’t use the grenades the m79 kit as they are absolute shit (slug too). You only want to carry heavy hitters if you make a loadout with the m79. Any loadout carrying a m79 must revolve around it as otherwise any UGL is better.
If you want to buff the m79, just give the kit actual good nades.
How dare you call the slugs shit. They can mute queen screech.
I think. Its very weird what abilitys the slug does and does not mute.
Not very concident.
If you wanted to buff it you’d have to raise its capacity, but then it loses its identity and baton slugs would become incredibly OP.
It should just be removed, bloat item that introduces balance issues due to the t3 slow.
In what world are you living in where the slugs cause balance problems?
Its one of the most skill demanding tools marines have.
it doesnt matter how skill demanding something is. Its a really silly balance misconception thats somehow widespread. Besides, hitting a baton slug isn’t any harder than using other guns.
balance problems
Anything that slows already slow t3s with no warning is an issue, it makes caste without dashes unplayable. Suddenly taking alot more damage on top of being slowed and unable to get away from something you couldn’t see beforehand is unacceptable when you’re expected to frontline. Even caste with dashes that are expected to use it to engage just die to slows: see jumping into teslas or sniper flak being the strongest ammo type. Theres a very long history of these things getting nerfed and removed.
Xeno main spottet
lol clearly you never use the batons much. its lot harder than you think to hit as it is has slower projectile speed making it harder to line up the shot as many of times the xeno will have moved by the time it will have hit.
than there is the fact that well they are reusable unless you are on your A game on picking them up they will get acid’ed on and melted.
Eh, i was thinking about t3s where the bullet speed difference doesn’t really matter. No point using batons on t1-t2, but yeah it would be miserable trying to hit a runner.
That’s a good point.
eh its still quite useful to use batons on t1 and t2 its just not always worth the trouble. The thing batons are mostly useful for is saving lads from being nab by warriors.
noob trap, why would you ever want to mute the queen screech when you can abuse her queen screech to blow up and kill all the xenos who rush forward with M15s? Some of the most easy kills you can have as any GL.
Do it correctly and you can easily kill 3-4 xenos per screech, if queen isn’t stupid she won’t screech anymore if she knows you are there