Make Giant lizards only imprint on the first one who tames them.

I believe that the giant lizard shouldn’t be able to be tamed and then RE-TAMED by some OTHER faction. There should also be a way to command the lizard to stay, follow, and lay down.

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I kind of agree, but then you’ll just have xenos bring fruit to all of the lizards before marines even land.

Maybe as long as the person who tamed the lizard is within sight, then it can’t be re-tamed?

Why are they tameable by xenos? Seems like oversight.

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It’s intentional, with the original PR explicitly pointing out that they’re tameable by both factions and that resin fruits are a valid food item.


They should be huggable and produce a larger runner hybrid thingy.

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No, when I made the PR with Vilebeggar, we specifically discussed on making the lizards wild animals. It’s for this reason you cannot order them around or why the lizards simply just don’t follow you anywhere you go. They like their jungles and yes while they may tolerate you if you give them some food, they suddenly aren’t gonna be following you into a dropship to abandon their habitat.

I need to stress again, even if it may be described as “taming” in the PR or elsewhere, you are in fact just teaching them to tolerate you


Or it could be that the owner the lizard is imprinted on has to be dead for the lizard to be RE-TAMED.
Usually its the squishy drones that roundstart tame the lizards so i think that they shouldn’t be able to keep the tame through evo stages.


The lizards should frac and delimb your hand if you’re holding food for HRP soul

I think the way lizards currently work is fine. Half the time people just commit genocide on them, half the time 70% of delta gets mauled to death, and 5% of the time someone actually bothers taming them. I think seeing the lizards actively follow people around would be too much interference, and it’d kinda just look odd.

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Watching people get mauled by lizards will never not be funny

I also remember how at first people would see them for the first time and go try and pet them forgetting that they are wild animals leading to them being immediately attacked

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I tried bringing a lizard to the fob once as a pet and guard dog, and of course being tamed by marines meant it was hostile to survivors, so it attacked survivors entering fob and got killed (and then survivors died to alamo’s turrets).

I’ve never seen one last more than like 10 minutes around marines when its tamed.

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