Make IMS (Incision Management System) and other experimental surgery tools unmeltable by xenomorphs & add guaranteed spawn to all maps

Getting IMS for FOB doc is a cool side objective for either doctor himself, intel team or just regular marines to do. Skipping 3 steps would make surgery at FOB faster, less tedious for deployed doctor and shorten the waiting line for surgery (nobody likes waiting for surgery, thats why most marines run around with 4 or more splints and rather move at walking speed than waste time walking to fob and waiting in line). But as it stands it just takes one xeno player metagaming, who knows if the current map spawns experimental surgery tools and where, going to such place and melting all of them.

My first change is to make experimental surgery tools like IMS unmeltable by xeno acid (might be a problem with experimentals spawning inside surgery tray or inside wall lockers like on New Varadero). The tools still can be destroyed by big explosion like OB, mortar HE and sadar rockets.

Second is adding missing spawn locations on maps that dont have it.

Third and last is changing spawning location from only one place to multiple possible locations. Perhaps make so that one crate in colony medical has experimental tools but this will be different crate every new round. Or the tool simply is missing from operating theater (like on Trijent Dam) and instead is stored in another room - which room changes every match. Or for example on LV-624 with its small medbay, make the experimentals spawn inside one of the domes since it would be too easy if tools spawned only in medbay dome.
This would combat metagaming and make looking for such tools more fun and unpredictable.

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it really should be metagaming to melt it, how does a xeno know what the tool does?

It’s a metagamey for a xeno to acid a tool, especially before drop when this is most likely to take place but at the end of the day destroying an IMS does nothing to effect the round in literally any way whatsoever.

should just be unmeltable the same way intel is

Intel is part of an important game objective that has a real influence on the round, an IMS does not. These are not comparable.


You should have played surv and put it in your prison wallet (anywhere in your inventory) then PBed yourself before getting capped. The marines would get it.

i disagree in some extent. yes intel is a big part of the match and it a difference between victory and defeat for marines however the existance of fob doctor is a gamechanger for marines too. if there is no fob doc most marines wont medevac for fractions surgery unless they are already dying from heart damage. if there is a (competent) fob doc, you wont have so many marines running at walking speed with 5 splints on them. and in my opinion being faster than xenos is meta in this game since you have the advantage in engaging, chasing and retreating. so if doc has better tools to do faster surgery on fraced marines is does tip the scales. not as much as intel, but still is strong

Making it so you are essentially guaranteed to get an upgraded fob doc (because some people will just rush it from the marine side), and have it so xenoes have no counterplay to it, just feels like bad game design.

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Very simple the xenomorphs remember things from there hosts

i didnt say they were i just said that intel is unmeltable and that the same property should be applied to the IMS :slightly_smiling_face:

Intel is gamebreaking and needs to be indestructable. IMS is very minor and should not get the same treatment.


I generally dislike unmeltable objects, it is weird we can melt plasteel barricades, but the foldable barricades are suddenly acid-resistant. Why wouldn’t the marines make armour of whatever this barricade is made of?

I’d much rather the IMS became an occasional(!) research objective or a tech tree thing. As intel/research is being done, marines unlock the technology of the laser scalpel/IMS. Then they can buy it or get it via ASRS.

Having it every round would be rather powerful, though. A synthetic field surgeon with an IMS is no joke - having an IMS-wielding synthetic every round would gimp xenos a lot. (Speaking of experience, both as a xenomorph and as an IMS-abusing synthetic.)

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No, you’re right. I said that.

IMS should be meltable.

It has zero importance to the round, whatsoever.
It is no more special than a pencil on the colony, why should it be exempt? It’s a frankly ridiculous notion.


This is same thread as the crying “they melt my m2c”. IMS, or whatever things on the ground are free games, so why should it be protected from 1 side except for “i want my powergame tools”?

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I don’t know what foldable cades are made out of but I know Marine bodies are unmeltable because we have plot armour, can I get a :true: ???


But they are gibbable.

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What do you want to tell us with this video?

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You‘re not a knower.

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Manchurian candidate just got turned on.