One difference I’ve noticed between LV and other maps, for survivors, is that the loot is massively more localised and smaller amounts. On Kutjevo, the easiest map to survive on, metal, guns, ammo and armor is scattered around the entire western portion of the map. Can we add some CLF & W-Y corpses around the map, with some ARs, even just MARs, so that we can actually reasonably fend off 00:07 drones? Shotguns just don’t work, especially alone. This could even be included in the Nexus battle nightmare insert. As far as I’m aware, the only half-decent ARs on LV spawn in Sec dome (m41) with 2 spare mags, an m41 in Cargo with 1 spare mag, and potentially an NSG in the PMC-Hydro nightmare insert. Please correct me if I’m wrong!
Furthermore, the tunnels aren’t so close to the survivors as far as I’m aware (LV has a tunnel right next to sec dome, which contains basically half of the good loot on the map) on other maps. Maybe we could re-adjust the tunnel placements to be fewer and farther between, such as in the jungles on the east and west. this would give the survivors at least an extra minute to grab urgent stuff.
Bear in mind, even with this, LV survivor will still be harder than other maps since it’s just so small and easy to navigate for everyone. It’ll be much faster paced than other maps, potentially allowing for a return of roaming survivors even on a small map like LV.
Please correct me where I’m wrong (I most definitely am), and add your own ideas in the comments. I’m not a survivor main, but I play sometimes, and can reasonably say that nobody really likes LV survivor.
you can litreally get 2 flamers in cargo (rng), a third spawns in corpdome
since the colony is small all loot can be grabbed before xenos even get a chance to evolve
surviving on lv isnt that hard
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LV already has a well established hold at corpo where you can make molotovs, and if you REALLY want to survive to 00:20 (at the cost of frags) you can have the engi rwall off while the doors are shocked so that xenos cannot attack until T3s.
Which only has a 10% chance of spawning, so it’s hardly reliable. Outside of a few very specific weapon spawns - one of which is a flamer, thankfully - most of the weapons are dependant on nightmare inserts; which is pretty different from most other maps.
I feel like being required to use either molotovs or R-Walls to have a decent chance of survival goes to show just how limited the survivors are on options when compared to other maps, no? Granted, my experiences with survivor are on lowpop, so it’s pretty likely that our group is missing important roles, and that might be skewing my perception of things.
I’ve repeatedly found that flamers don’t actually matter when you’re getting swarmed. If anything, trying to use one is more likely to get you killed due to having to put it away and pull out a shotgun after. Furthermore, even if the drone has to retreat, they’ll still be able to 2 tap tackle and drag you into the fire, basically guaranteeing your death even if not cap. I’m assuming by ‘evolve’ you mean evolve into anything but drones, but that really doesn’t matter when you’re getting rushed before you can even get your bearings, much less actually loot before all the hold spots are weeded and walled.
@unknown920 This is also a well-established meta rush spot. There’s hardly even enough time to build a girder before the drones get to you, much less actually build them. The booze machine is also extremely difficult to get to if you’re being meta rushed.
flaming a drone and then pbing it twice makes it super dead
if a xeno player is better at clicking and lands tackles on you without you pbing him you deserve to lose simple as
you’re going to PB 4 drones twice? thats 8 consecutive PBs, without getting tapped twice
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If you are getting swarmed without cades, you are usualy dead meat anyway. Same with any human in that situation. They might all be T1s, but they can still just fuck you up, and you should not be able to have a decent fight against them. It’s like complaining you can’t fight back as a warrior against 8 marines because they will wall PB you and full auto SMG you. Sure, a flamer helps you stay somewhat alive, but not done perfectly, you will perish.
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if youre swarmed by 4 drones youre going to become their bitch just because of tailstabs alone
next time dont get swarmed
or even use fire :)))