Make voting LV-624 a bannable offense


‘‘yes, i want to bomb the same beach 56 times a day.’’ words said by NOBODY.
Its obviously a METAGANG sabotaging and griefing CM by voting LV, i have EVIDENCE.
Notice how ALWAYS lv is an option it gets 23 votes??? they are 23 of this metagang voting lv to cause randoms to vote LV.


yes, i want to bomb the same beach 56 times a day


mods i found one of them, ban them immediately


bad take red card!!
2 specialist tokens deducted from your account


Make voting for any map other then snow maps a bannable offensse.


maybe letting a map disappear in map vote for 2 rounds instead 1 after its selected will be better???


remove all the other maps and only leave chances claim its such a good map guys im right


LV backline is alright (for xenos (but also I’ll still never vote LV unless the other option is NV))

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If LV was introduced today, people would dislike it

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That’s true of 80% of the game though

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Honestly though. Remove 80% of the game and it might reach a playable state.

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I think it’s time we introduce the map voting whitelist. Only those who have applied for and been approved may vote on the upcoming round’s map. If no one who can vote is online the map is decided by RNG.


Democracy, Managed.


not all of us playing this game all day long but tbh i prefer lv to any other map

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A lie people cope with, mostly xenomains.

LV is least xeno-sided map of all, is simple to learn and follow without staring at wiki map.

Why new maps suck? Not because they are new, but because they are super big and complicated.
Mappers and benomains think big maps are the way to go because CM might reach 200 players, but the truth is that LV is big enough to hold even 300 players I would argue. Look at the WHORESAT history.

LV is considered a “small” map, but reach deep into your memory the last time you saw 100% of the map used during the highest of pop on a regular round? If xenos hive west caves, nobody but IO’s and some backliners ever bother to go sand temple. Jungle temple? Maybe a burrower will make a tunnel there. Cave lake? Maybe mad survs will suicide holding that spot.

Old WHORESAT is a prime shining example of what map not to make. Basically every single wrong decision condensed into one map. Barerly anybody likes it, even sweaty prime lurkers and warriors get lost there so now server tests reworked much smaller but still a WHORESAT, didn’t had a chance to play it on, yet.

I don’t want to read, or hear that cope anymore. LV isn’t the most chosen map, because it was first map of many players, or old, or some stupid shit like that.
LV is just objectively the best out of all. Then subjectively I think there is a tie between Kutjevo and Big Red. Look, Kutjevo, fairly new map so high. Do anybody thinks: “oh god, no Kutjevo”? No, its damn fine map.
And why is that? Because it has LV DNA.

Why old ICE was hated? Heavily xeno-sided. Why WHORESAT was hated? Heavily xeno-sided. Why the other maps are hated? Heavily xeno-sided.
Yeah, I’m biased in favour of marines, yeah, majority players play mostly marines.
LV gives something others don’t. Some call it “storming the beach 59’th time in a day”, but what other map that is not gigantic offers such open space? None.


“Best map”, picks LV instead of BR :thinking:

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Honestly make lv-624 when voted upon get out of map rotation for two rounds instead of one. That way we can have 2 different maps instead of lv/solaris every time.


How can people consider LV to be the worst map when New Varadero exists?


This should be the case for every map, having to wait 2 rounds for a map to return to the vote pool would help bring more non-624/solaris maps into the meta.

This is one of the ‘i would do this if I knew how to do it’ things.

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CORSAT is the best map.

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