makhnovtsi - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - hermotimos

makhnovtsi - Staff Report: Enforcement Action Taken - hermotimos

What’s your BYOND key:


Round ID:

Edit as of 20241126 - realized I can probably get the actual roundID, I’ll update this post tomorrow

Your character name:

I’ve had a few

Their BYOND key:


What are you reporting?:

Enforcement Action Taken

Description of the incident:

It has been way past 48 hours, however, as I’ve been very very very busy w/ work - I’m current in a deployed location - Grimreaperx15 gave me (last week) the go-ahead to make this Staff Report.

I have nothing against Hermotimos, I just disagree with his permabanning of me. Hermotimos even encouraged me to make this staff report, as I wouldn’t be able to appeal. I expect he’s probably a pretty fine guy, so this isn’t anything personal.


Above is my permanent ban reason.

The round in question, I’m playing CL for the first time as I’m sick and not feeling up to GP or FTL. I do some shenanigans with Fax, Mia Phillips responds in kind (thanks fax responder), but I get bored. I hear in JTAC comm that the brand-new GP was struggling. As I play a lot of GP, I feel for the guy. So I start offering him advice, giving him tips, etcetera. It gets to a point that he’s being viciously harassed by a Delta CT because he can’t manage to get rappeling to work; Alamo’s cycled 3 times but the Delta really wants to rappel. I end up teaching the GP how to rappel, and help him get a flare. Success! We rappel an Alpha private.

Deltabro is still screaming “FUCKING IDIOT MONKEY BRAINDAMAGE” (more or less an actual quote) at the brand-new GP. I prevent him from rappeling, because duh. He shoots me dead. I don’t ahelp this because I’m too busy laughing my ass off, and it’s whatever. GP gets me revived.

Well, at this point, GP and I are tight, and GP’s explicitly asking for more assistance w/ learning the role. SEA earlier established that they wouldn’t be able to help the GP, and the JTACs on the ground have all given up/are dead so now that there’s someone actually there to teach him, he doesn’t have shit to learn on.

So fuck it! Perhaps forgetting that I’m a Corporate Liason, I rappel down there with a flarebox; I begin communicating over radio telephone w/ CAS, teaching him the gimbal and shit. I’m confident in my boy; I stray a little close to where marines are fighting, throw off a few flares for CAS to practice on, and return to FOB. Then tragically I get Admin PM’d.

Hermotimos is very understanding of my OOC reasoning for helping the GP out, but still feels it’s an egregious case of LRP. I can agree on this point, but I felt my OOC reasoning justified it; dude was getting wildly shit on and was struggling to understand GP, with no one helping him; even the SEA said they wouldn’t help him. He was even ASKING for help – so I felt it was worth the LRP. I understand that argument doesn’t fly necessarily, but my intent was just.

The ban was not levied for the above incident in particular though. It was levied for my history. I understand in my short time playing SS13, I have acquired a lot of notes. I just disagree w/ the conceit of me refusing to improve (see ban reason). I do not feel I’ve ever been explicitly toxic except one instance w/ Stalkerino during a bwoink sesh.

Let’s look at my notes. I am not appealing the notes; I’m just showing my history.


I do not remember the context, apologies. But I did not repeat such behavior out of frustration.

I know this is hard to believe but it is sincere.


Yes, the name was memey and I shouldn’t have used it. I understood that even at the time. My frustration & lack of understanding was re: the fact I couldn’t return to my original name (Tim ‘Triple’ Baka) that I had been playing with for weeks at that point. I was way too argumentative over something so stupid though.

My arguing w/ Stalkerino during the above ticket re: my name lead to Grimreaper stepping in and weekbanning me on principle. I felt this was unnecessary, but it is what it is, baby. Conflict resolution worked.

This was genuinely just something I felt was poignant/funny to say. A bunch of Foxtrots were trying to evac in pods during hijack while there was a no-evac order in place; I felt “YOU ALREADY DIED ONCE” sounded very poetic as a roast (along with being true) – “WHAT DOES IT MATTER IF YOU DIE AGAIN”. It was a little too meta for Nessie’s tastes though, which I get.

That’s my notes. I feel the biggest thing is that I’ve not gone through the Ban Escalation procedure prior to being permab&, and I don’t think I’ve ever been really a hardcore shitter or griefed. I understand small things accumulate but I feel bigger shitters have gotten dayb& or noted for much, much worse, and idk, man. Perma feels entirely unnecessary. I feel I have made efforts to improve. Fuck man I even played CL that round I got permab& to try to roleplay - I failed hard but, yeah

If this report doesn’t go through, no fuss. I’ll just wait the 6 months to appeal.






Hello makhnovtsi,

After verifying with Grim that this staff report was being permitted, I’ve reviewed the logs and your note history. This particular instance isn’t terrible and it’s clear you’re trying to help someone learn the game. That said, it was not the kind of gameplay and roleplay expected from the corporate liaison, even if you were justifying it by saying your character ‘use to be a pilot.’ That said, your note history is rough given the length of time you’ve been on the server; you also have several confidential notes you can’t see: notes about potentially subtle griefing marines via airdrop, and ‘watchnotes’ from TGMC (yes, we all communicate).

However, I think a permanent ban was excessive for this incident, given Grim’s ticket was instructed to be escalated from a week ban (usually resulting in a month-ban). I am going to be approving this staff report and lifting your ban as timed served. However, please try and be more considerate of the servers’ rules in the future, since this ban will behave as the prelude to a permanent ban, rather than as the permanent ban itself. No actions will be taken against the reported staff member. Welcome back to Colonial Marines, and I hope this is the start of a beautiful new beginning!