makhnovtsi - Timed Ban Appeal
What’s your BYOND key?
Character Name?
Tim ‘Triple’ Baka, Pyor Gryvon, Bakabaka Uugookaasuunoo
Type of Ban?
Timed Ban
What is your Bancode?
Admin who banned you?
Total Ban Duration
1 week
Remaining Duration
5.3 days
What other servers do you play on?
TGMC, IS12, Escalation
Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
is your copy of Windows legitimate?
Reason for Ban:
“Player has extremely bad note history, and is repeatedly causing issues already. Player became extremely combative and hostile over an administrator telling him his name was against the rules. Player clearly has no desire to improve, and instead just wants to take out their anger on staff. Player told to get it together. Bans should escalate from here.”
Links to previous appeals:
Your appeal:
I was in the wrong re: my reaction to Stalkerino’s forced name change being a little abusive - I think I insinuated “oh, you just enforce rules for players you don’t know” - which is insane, schizoid thing to imply & I’ll admit I was kind of tilted at the time, if the spiteful player report I immediately put up wasn’t evidence of that. Had an annoying day at work and just wanted to drop warheads on foreheads as CAS, I only really ever have time for 1 round a day so I sure fucked that one up.
Re: my note history, I think I’ve been pretty amicable; never been explicitly toxic to anyone that I can tell, never willfully round-removed anyone, made a few mistakes here & there but I more than willingly recognized them and they haven’t been repeated. Never been b&, I’ve been argumentative with admins on a few issues but up until this point, it had -never- been re: my own failings iirc. I accept those as they come. This one was a stupid fucking thing for me to get argumentative about, as I was pretty willfully ignorant of the “no memey names” part of the rules.
In this case I just think the banning admin might be reading malice in me where I promise there isn’t any. It’s understandable of him, as my reaction to Stalkerino’s namechange was extremely jackassed of me, but I hope he can see past that. I don’t like the insinuation that I have no desire to improve, as I don’t think I’ve proven myself incapable of that until that specific, unfortunate instance. Maybe in some unknown context to me my note history is extremely bad, but if you can offer me a better understanding there I’m more than willing to listen.
Although admins can leverage bans for any reason, if my behavior was such abhorrent dogshit, I would’ve hoped I’d have just genuinely felt that prior to this. It’s only a week, and if I deserved it, I deserved it, but I’ve got off this Federal Holiday & I’d really like to get some CAS frags in.
Thanks for your time.