Operation clowncrasher baby, the old ones know
Tom Dinkle was the man.
Anyone remember when Moonshanks tested out the umh powerloader specialist?
Todd ‘Ikea’ was the powerloader spec for that round and he got nuked by friendly fire and literally nothing else.
I do
Tal Revis
Satomi ‘Uno’ Nishiyama for being cool and chill
Eugienia ‘Nordica’ Northey for being the best in the business for SLing and JTACing
Isabelle Colletti for medicing
Lumin Cipher, Gunner Finlay, April ‘Sky’ Conagher, Lev/Lia Vanleer, Nile Sihihol, and Marcus Crowe for always being solid marines
Kennedy Campbell and Seona ‘Rainmaker’ Young for Smartgunning
God bless “Spaghetti” Colletti
All great.
Off the top of my head (these guys are from 2020 and probably are gone FOREVER rip best friends)
Joey ‘Nimrod’ Capone - Man with 'stache
Elizabeth Morris - Charlie female
Cyrus Elwood - Very cool pal
Connor Anderson - One of my best friends
Wallace Harwood - Best pal too
Masamune ‘Nippon’ Samada - Robust flamer user and overall good guy
Manuel Conrad - same as above
Astra Sparks - Medic player and good friend
Dominic Powers - MMA Dojo shenanigans with this guy
Aden Cooper - Chill guy
Avalanche Murray - The OG of the OGs
Kryth Kross - Funny name + Cool guy
Gunner Finlay - Funny ass haircut and cool guy
Sofia Racic - My best friend + now owns a car
Ula ‘Ook’ Cosmos - Easy going and nice person I liked the shenanigans
Amelia ‘Valkyrie’ Locke - SG player
Tom Dinkle - Legendary CO along with
Bill Carson - Many replicate him, but no one can come even CLOSE to his popularity
Very solid list.
Bob Cross
Gretta ‘Getter’ Swahili awesome Charlie SL
Just the right level of insanity + OB FF bait
Gretta unfortunatly thinks Marshal Ney is the best Marshal of France. Also has a kick ass miniature collection.
Ive said this on another thread, but Tank Moore.
Mira “Nine lives” Vane.
Sad to not see them play anymore.
Same goes to Miss Luckwing
Almost forgot about Tal Revis & Tibby Dobbs.