MarpleJones - Job/Role Ban Appeal

MarpleJones - Job/Role Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Teddy Flowers

Type of Ban?

Job/Role Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration


Remaining Duration


What other servers do you play on?


Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?


Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Rule 3/4/6 - Player as OT stole the UPP ship back to ERT Station and planted Maxcap C4s on it killing the entire ERT before proceeding to destroy the ERT station. Player prepared a huge amount of maxcap C4 before IC hostilities took place that would even prompt the preprations such destructive power. Player has previously firebombed DS after roundend. They did it again, only time for UPP, killed the entire ERT the moment it spawned.

Links to previous appeals:


Your appeal:

Ordnance Technician is, to this day, my most played role. Feeling a bout of nostalgia after the new additions it got, I’ve decided to finally appeal my in-game ban. What follows is not made to make the appeal more… appealing, but rather a testament of my genuine thoughts.

I should not have bombed the UPP ship and the ERT station. My motive for doing so was selfish and ignored the impact on the round, and the experience of other players as a whole. I am saddened that this realization came much later after the fact. I was in the wrong, and I apologize to all those involved. I would like to say that my negative actions in the past are outliers, and I generally strive to be a non-issue player. I would like that a lot. So… please give me the chance to prove my sincerity.

Appeal Accepted

I’m glad you’ve come to these realizations, but please do keep in mind that was some pretty serious metagaming. In the future, please don’t go blowing up any dropships, ERT or otherwise.

Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting