Maybe we change CC up a bit

Okay hear me out how about we move scout armor from right next to hive to the tornado and before all the xeno mains decline this idea out of the idea of not getting a free cap handed to them on a silver platter and say no. HEAR ME OUT it is still just as hard as hive diving because the only 2 ways to get into Tornado is first through a charge to the container in the back second is if you press the magical button( which barely anyone presses just bringing this up to bring awareness to the fact there is a button in the ship) in the Typhoon. That way spicing the game up from how the xenos always run to Typhoon and now have to chose between the 2. This might be just me but I feel like this is a better location to put it in than just next to hive. Because it is more fun for both sides to do something different than the same thing all the time also the xenos have to actually do something more than just sit around and not at all move and they can still get their if they can actually move and not sit around waiting to score a free cap. This also stops people from shooting larva because the larva can’t camp the armor and be able to evolve right next to the spec ballsy as fuck without them being able to do a damn thing about it and in case the spec decides to shoot them to stop them from going defender and rocking their shit well damn fuck them. Because that is a big no no right there killing larva in hive is not allowed than why put the gear there and not the Tornado that way avoiding the whole problem of larva dying. It also makes scout spec more fun and still just as hard and risky to get the gear. Due to the fact that while yes right next to the surv spawn they still have to grab a charge and make it to the Tornado blow it or blow typhoon open and press button open grab the gear and get out and escape before any pesky xeno can block them and kill them.

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please split up your text a bit. Its very hard to read.


Please tl;dr or I’ll just comment “move to acid goop”

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Move scout armor somewhere else,
make Typhoon (one of the landed dropship) a hive choice and modify its surrounding area.

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Typhoon worse than the pred ship on NV to be hive due to: indestructible walls with 2x1 choke, very fun to waste lives and ammo to grind a 5 xeno hive there for an hour. Scout cloak is high risk high reward type of play for the sweatlords to race against each other.
So… yea how about no and no.