Mentor Application - Angelstarri
Byond CKEY:
Discord ID:
Character Name(s):
Joe Beasley (and many others) as Marine
JB as Xenomorph
Why do you want to become a Mentor?:
I want to use my experience as a veteran of this community to assist new players through the too-often tedious and difficult process of becoming used to the game’s mechanics and gameplay.
What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:
I’ve been playing SS13 in different codebases for a long while and I am knowledgeable about most if not all of the features and knowledge in the Marine side. I have deep knowledge of the game’s mechanics and interface.
I was a former Commanding Officer and I am very knowledgeable in Command, Engineering, Medical, Policing, Piloting, Intel, OT and Requisitions. I have deep knowledge of marine combat, FOB construction, JTAC and fire support coordination. I am also a very aggressive marine player and often take risks to get the advantage of xenos in a fight. I am also very interested in roleplaying in the Aliens and the CM universe.
More importantly, I love mentoring other players. I’ve been doing this in sort of an unofficial capacity, joining as Bravo SL or FTL and taking the reins of the newer Marine players in with me directly, teaching them what they need to know and how to get in the fight while also enjoying a little bit of roleplay. I’ve found it very engaging and rewarding to teach newer players and get to lead them to battle. Teaching these newer players about the IC lore and having fun with them by showing them around and being nice to them is also very fun.
My weaknesses involve Research and some of the deeper understanding of the mechanics in the Xeno side, however I know how most castes work and how to combat them as a Marine.
How often are to able to play CM?:
I play every now and then as much as my full-time job allows me to, at least two or three times a week plus usually browsing the server forums and discord.
A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:
My human playtimes:
My xeno playtimes:
Keep in mind that a lot of playtime resets have happened ever since I started playing (2018ish) so, in theory, I should have way more than these show.,
Anything else you’d like to add?:
I’ve been known to have a rocky history with the server administration in the past. I used to be way too petty and edgy for “comedic” purposes in the past, but that sort of behavior is behind me now. I have a long admin record, but that’s because I’ve been playing for a very long time in this server and have been an active member of this community even if sometimes a bit of a controversial one during hectic times.
Most of my notes are heavy-handed warnings or low duration bans with a considerable number of months between them. Things have changed a lot since I started playing and community expectations have completely turned around for the better and I am all for it. All the interest I have with this application is helping newer players with my experience as an older player and prove that I can contribute positively to the community that I’ve been in contact with for over 5 years.