Mentor Application - Baurgan
Byond CKEY:
Discord ID:
Character Name(s):
Maksim Isaev, KA-XXX-Z
Why do you want to become a Mentor?:
First of all, I would like to share my experience with other players and teach new ones. I have a great time teaching other players and truly enjoy it!
Secondly, I would like to play SEA, I understand that its a HRP role, I can also teach other players or roleplay with those who want some RP (for example, conduct trainings for MPs or make a little obstacle course).
What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:
My strong areas are medical, engineering, research, Marine Law, SOP, command stuff and cargo.
Medical: I know all the operations by heart, also ghetto-tools; how to revive a marine; how to cook chems and what they do; how to tell what organs are damaged just by a health scan; shipside and groundside triage.
Engineering: I know how to fix an APC and move/deconstruct it; I can tell the difference between good and bad cadelines; how to fix comms; I think that’s all you need to know to be a good ComTech.
Research: I know how all the machinery in Research lab works, how to properly and effectively use them; what should you do with the papers/vial boxes IOs bring you from groundside; xenomorph operations, plasmas properties; chemical properties; biomass analyzer.
Marine Law and SOP: I played a lot as CMP and I clearly understand all the charges and punshments. As of SOP, I know department SOPs, modifiable and non-modifiable ones almost by rote.
Command stuff: I know how to load an OB cannon; how to set the AA; tech tree; familiar with what Overwatch, Almayer and groundside command consoles do.
My weak areas are CAS and OT stuff. I know almost everything about dropship hardpoints, fabricator and how they work, but I dont know much about firemissions. As of OT, I never played him and dont know much about nades and stuff, but I still look into trying him out one day and learning at least the basics!
And almost forgot, I know almost everything about all the xenos and their strains/abilities, about how to build a good hive and so on.
How often are to able to play CM?:
Almost every day a couple of rounds, and more on weekends
A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:
Imgur: The magic of the Internet,
Anything else you’d like to add?:
I was permabanned in discord, but I got my ban lifted and can say that I am on my path of changing and becoming a true part of the community that can help other people enjoy the game. I’ve changed.
P.S. I noticed that there is a couple of new players around every round, and no one helps them. I want to take them under my wing, teach them everything they need to have an enjoyable game and share my skills with everyone, not just beginners. There is no SEA most of the rounds, so I think that I can help the community, especially beginners.